Cs2060 - High S Peed Netwo Rks Assi GN Ment 1 2 Mark S Qu Es Tions - Uni T I and II

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Assi gnment 1
2 Marks Questions Uni t I and II

1. Give few examples for Hi gh Speed networks.
2. Draw the ATM cel l structure.
3. Li st t he functions of LAPF protocol .
4. Stat e the use of CLP bit in the header of an ATM cell.
5. Give t he frame format of Frame rel ay.
6. Different iat e ATM bearer servi ce from ot her bearer servi ces.
7. Stat e the advant ages of Frame rel ay.
8. Is CSMA/CD used i n gi gabit LANS? Justify.
9. Stat e the requirements of hi gh speed LANS.
10. Draw a neat diagram of ATM cell formats.
11. Different iat e bet ween frame relayi ng and X. 25 packet switching
servi ce.
12. Stat e the data link control functions provi ded by LAPF prot ocol.
13. Draw the ATM cel l header for UNI and NMI.
14. What i s the mai n advant age of ATM net works?
15. Li st and explai n the t ypes of frame rel ay messages.
16. Give some exampl es of ATM appl icati ons.
17. Define asynchronous transfer mode.
18. Li st t he functions provided by AAL 3/4 l ayer.
19. 1
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