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Web Methods Trading

Agenda & Objectives
 Why Trading Networks?
 Architecture of Trading Networks.
 Planning your Network.
 Large doc handling.
Why B2Bi
Roles in B2Bi
 Suppliers: Sell through traditional sales channels or their customers
web-based procurement systems and e-market places.
 Buyers: Examples of buy-side systems – Ariba, SAP, PeopleSoft,
Commerce One, Oracle and others.
 Market Makers: Third-party organizations that run e- marketplaces
using Internet technologies to connect multiple buyers with multiple
suppliers so that participants can reach new trading partners, conduct
e-commerce, and take advantage of Web services such as payment,
logistics, and collaboration.
 Web-Service providers: Third-party organizations that provide buyers,
e-marketplaces, and suppliers with Web-based services—including
payment, authentication, logistics, credit, business registries, and many
others —necessary for completing B2B e-commerce/integration.
Typical Business Scenario
Business benefits of B2Bi and
Measurable impact on Businesses
 Increased revenue, efficiency.
 Lower costs of doing Business.
 Increased agility.
 The ability to enhance and compliment existing business processes
and technology investments (ERP, Supply chain, CRM).
Supplier challenges
 Accepting multiple orders.
 Order management.
 Catalogue considerations.
 Existing systems and integration.
Web Methods Trading Networks
TN Architecture And Components
Trading Partner Management

You add partners by adding their Profiles, which is achieved by doing the
-Defining profile information you want to collect about partners.
-Standard profile fields
-Extended profile fields
-- Create your own profile.
-Use Profile assistant
-Start adding profiles for your partners
-Use either profile assistant or Profile screen (by ‘Duplicat’ing your Profile.
Profile fields
 Corporate
 Corporation name
 Partner type
 External ID type, Value
 Contact
 Contact type, role, Last name, First name, E-mail.
 Delivery Method
 Protocol, Host, Port, Location, E-mail, Use as Preferred Protocol.
 Max Delivery retries, Wait between retries, Retry factor, Polling method,
Polling frequency, Use Public queue, Use Private queue (Partner specific
 Security
 Sign, Decrypt
 Certification, CA chain, Private Key.
 Encrypt, Verify
 Group Name, Custom Fields.
Business Document Exchange
Business document exchange involves establishing how you want
Trading Networks to handle the documents it receives from your
trading partners.

You define how TN processes the documents in your system by:

Defining Document Types.
 Instruct TN how to recognize a specific type of document.
Document Attributes.
 Definitions that identify specific piece of information that you
want TN to extract from documents.
 System attributes - Sender ID, Receiver ID, Document ID, User
Status, Signed Body, Signature.
 Custom attributes – PO_number, Total_Order_Amount (String,
Number, Datetime).
Processing Rules
 Definitions that specify the actions that you want TN to perform
for the document.
Business Document Exchange
Business Document Exchange
Document Attributes
The document attributes are not associated with a specific type of
document. They are simply names of attributes that you are interested
in from all types of documents.

Trading Networks maintains two types of attributes — system

attributes and custom attributes.

System attributes are webMethods-defined attributes that you do not

need to define.
 Sender ID, Receiver ID, Document ID, User Status, Group ID, Conversation
ID, Signed Body, Signature.
Custom attributes are any other attributes that you are interested in
extracting from documents.
 PO_number, Total_Order_Amount.

Document attributes can be of the type Number, String, Datetime.

Business Document Exchange
Document Types:
1. Identification Information
1. XQL Queries
2. Value of the Root tag within the XML document.
3. The system identifier or public identifier from the document
type (DOCTYPE) declaration within the XML document.
2. Extraction Information
Sender ID, Receiver ID, Document ID, User Status, Signed Body,
1. Namespace mappings
Namespaces are used in an XML document to distinguish between
elements that come from different sources.
4. Options
1. Web Methods Record
2. Web Methods IS Schema
3. Pre-processing actions
Business Document Exchange
Business Document Exchange
Processing Rules
Processing rules specify how you want Trading Networks to process documents.
When you define a processing rule, you specify the criteria that Trading Networks
uses to determine whether it should use a processing rule for a specific document.
Criteria that can be specified:
 Sender ID
 Receiver ID
 Document Type
 User Status
 Whether the document contains errors
 Custom attribute values that TN extracted from Documents.
Trading Networks
1. Matches information from the document against the criteria you specify in the
processing rule, to determine the processing rule to use.
2. Performs Pre-processing actions.
3. Performs Processing rule actions.
Business Document Exchange
Planning your Network
The general order of tasks while planning your Network are:

1. Identify the types of transactions that Trading Networks will need

to handle (Determine variations in transaction types, Create Web
methods IS Schemas, Create Web methods Records).
2. Determine the pieces of information within documents that are of
interest to you and define this information to Trading Networks.
3. Define the types of documents you want Trading Networks to
4. Determine the information that you want to maintain about your
partners; use this information to define the profiles you want to
keep about your partners.
5. Create the profile for your own corporation.
6. Define the actions that you want Trading Networks to take against
the documents it receives.
7. Add partners to your network.
Large Document Handling
Trading Networks (TN) receives the document and keeps the document
content in memory during processing. However, if you receive large
documents, TN can encounter problems when working with these documents
because they constrain the systems memory.

TN receives a document,
 It determines whether the document is large or not (configuration property).
 If Large, does not attempt to read the document content into memory. Rather, it
writes the document content to hard disk drive space and stores only a pointer to
the document content in memory.
When TN Processes the document and needs to access the document,
 It checks to determine whether the document content is in memory or in hard
disk drive space.
 If the document content is in hard disk drive space, it accesses the document
content from the hard disk drive space. Trading Networks either uses a Java
InputStream to read the document content, or it retrieves a certain number of
bytes of the document content.
Limitations, Minimum hardware requirements, Configuring, Services that
recognize Large documents.

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