To Wear Uniform or Dhoti in Namaz

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Is it Makrooh or Makrooh-e-Tahreemi to wear in Namaaz

What is the ruling of learned Hanafi Ulama (May Allah have mery on you all and may He give !lessings in your knowledge" for you are the ones who
#ass the !lessings of knowledge to the #eo#le$% Is it Makrooh or Makrooh-e-Tahreemi to wear in Namaaz" the uniform that is worn !y the #olie and is
it #ermissi!le to wear a &hoti for Namaaz" whih is the dress of the 'ufaar(
The Answer) To read Namaaz in the said uniform is Makrooh" es#eially if it interferes in the #resri!ed manner of making *a+dah% It is as follows in
the ,atwa of Imam -aazi 'han) .If a tailor is re/uested to sew a ty#e of lothing whih is the dress of the ,usaa/ (o#en transgressors$ and he knows
that he will !e #aid handsomely for this" then it is mustaha! (desira!le in *hariat$ for him not to take suh a +o!" sine to do suh a +o! is to assist in
It is also Makrooh to read Namaaz whilst wearing a &hoti% 1ven if it were not the dress of the hindus et% +ust to fold the lothes !akwards and tuk it"
is an ation that will make the Namaaz Makrooh% .The 2ro#het (*all Allaho alaihi wasallam$ sto##ed us from oiling our hair and folding our lothes%0
If one does not #ull the loth under ones self tuking it at the !ak" then +ust !y leaving it in front" it is a tah!and (lungi 3 waist loth$ and there is no
o!+etion to this" !ut atually it is sunnat% 4567 8 9:; <7=

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