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Mrs. Sommers fnd 15 dollars and she start to think what to do with that
amount of money. She started thinking that she would buy clothes for her
children. She went to the shops looking for things to do that, but she found a
pair of silk stockings. She bought them and put them and started to wander
around a shoe shop to buy some expensive boots, then to the glove counter.
She bought expensive magaines and she felt hungry, so she went to a
restaurant. !inally, she arrived to a teather to watch a play. "fter this she
waits for a cable car to arrive, but she wishes that this experience never end.
#t is about a woman in the latest 1$%% & Mrs. Sommers' who found an amount
of money and she decides how to spend it. #n the frst place she thinks about
her children, but after being seduced by the money, she started to wander
around the shops looking for clothes and things that she wanted for herself,
forgetting completely the frst intention of the money usage.
Complication:(he complication develops when Mrs Sommers fnds the
Confict: the con)ict occur when she starts to think how to spend the money
Climax: (he climax occur when she buys the pair of silk stockings
Theme: *overty and nostalgia from good times.
Personal Thoughts about the story
# think it is very interesting how the actions developed in the story are
showing slighltly the real situation of Mrs. Sommers. !irst # thought she found
the money but she wasn+t so poor, but suddenly the situation change and you
can see the real story behind that woman. ,reat story.
Name: !rancisca Mar-n.

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