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Exchange rate Ringgit/US$ 3.

Plant size MW 500
Plant life Year 30
Capital cost $/kW 1500
Total investment Million US$ 750
Local currency share % 20
Foreign currency share % 80
Local component of investment Million US$ 150 480 million Ringgit
Foreign component of investment Million US$ 600
Phasing of the investment Foreign (%) Local (%)
2013 10 30
2014 30 30
2015 40 20
2016 20 20
Phasing of the investment Foreign (Million US
2013 60 144
2014 180 144
2015 240 96
2016 120 96
Total 600 480
Operating and Maintenance Costs
Unit size MW 500
Utilisation % 85
Power generation GWh 3723
Plant's own consumption Fraction 0.94
Sales GWh 3499
O&M cost $/MWh 10
Annual O & M cost Million US$ 37.23
Annual O & M cost Million Ringit 119.136
Fue costs data and calculations
Coal price US$/tonne 110
GCV of coal GJ/Tonne 25.12
GCV of coal MJ/kg 25.12
Unit size MW 500
Utilisation % 85
Power generation GWh 3723 1 Kcal
Thermal efficiency fraction 0.37 1 kWh
Heat rate MJ/kWh 9.73
Coal consumption kg/kWh 0.3874
Total coal consumption Million tonnes/year 1.442
Fuel cost Million US$/year 158.7
0.004187 MJ
3.600648 MJ
Exchange rate Ringgit/US$ 3.2
Calculations of costs
O& M costs $/MWh 10
Unit size MW 500
Utilisation % 85
Power generation GWh 3723
Annual O&M costs Million US$ 37.23
Annual O&M costs Million Ringit 119.136
Loan amount 5000 $
Interest rate 9%
Matutity period 5
Year Beginning
Total payment Interest paid Principal paid Ending balance
1 5000 1450 450 1000 4000
2 4000 1360 360 1000 3000
3 3000 1270 270 1000 2000
4 2000 1180 180 1000 1000
5 1000 1090 90 1000 0
Totals 6350 1350 5000
Year Beginning
Total payment Interest paid Principal paid Ending balance
1 5000 1285.46 450 835.46 4164.54
2 4164.54 1285.46 374.81 910.65 3253.89
3 3253.88 1285.46 292.85 992.61 2261.27
4 2261.27 1285.46 203.51 1081.95 1179.32
5 1179.32 1285.46 106.14 1179.32 0
Totals 6427.3 1427.31 5000.0
5000 = C X {(1-(1/1.09)^5)/.09}
PV = C X {(1-(1/(1+r)^t)/r}
Amortization schedule P
Amortization schedule P + I

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