Yr5 Sem 2 Music

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Music - Year 5 Pacific Harmonies | Stage 3 | Creative Arts

Unit overview
This unit incorporates listening, singing, moving and creating to develop concepts of rhythm (Pacific harmonies), beat, form and style. It is based on MUSIC
ROOM Book 6 Upper Primary. Module 3 Pacific Harmonies
Performing - MUS3.1
Sings, plays & moves to a range of music, individually and in groups,
demonstrating a knowledge of musical knowledge
Organising Sound - MUS3.2
Improvises, experiments, selects, combines and orders sound using
musical concepts
Notates and discusses own work and the work of others
Listening - MUS3.4
Identifies the use of musical concepts and symbols in a range of
musical styles
2 weeks Year 5 Groups
Semester 2
This program will be used with the Year 5 Groups on a rotational basis. Each groups
will stay with a teacher for 2 weeks before moving to a different activity (Semester 2:
Assessment overview
Observe children as they work in groups and perform.
Clap rhythms, children echo
Call and response echo
Children perform written rhythm patterns. Peer assessment
Observe performances. Teacher & Peer observations
Duration - Rhythm,
Pitch - Melody

Watch Samoan Hand Games on DVD
Play 3 rhythms on hands & knees as called. Look at PDF of rhythm patterns
Look at youtube video re HANGI
Listen to Lets make a hangi moving freely to the music
Listen again, identifying call & response sections
In pairs, move to call & response ie A moves then B echoes movement. Swap
Music Room Book 6 Upper Primary
Pacific Harmonies Module 3 Lesson
DVD Samoan Hand Game
CD 2 Track 1,2

Add movements for instrumental breaks (DVD Hangi Moves)
Girls: shimmering hand actions; alternating L & R hands (Haere Mai..)
Boys: Lean over, step FW on R foot, while placing L hand firstly to R
bicep (heh) then to bent forearm (hah)
Together: raise outstretched arms above head
Move to the whole song, pairs performing the call & response parts and all
performing the instrumental breaks
Discuss: haka maori chant & dance; hula Hawaiian chant & dance; Lei
Hawaiian flower necklace; luau Hawaiian feast
Duration - Rhythm,
Pitch - Melody,
Revise Samoan hand Game
Revise Lets make a hangi
Listen to CD Haere Mai Harmony to learn harmony
Play the harmony on glockenspiel/xylophone
Discuss making 2 note harmony using thirds: Choose any 3 notes in a row and
use the 1
and 3
note, leaving out the 2
note DVD Harmony: the third
In groups use tuned percussion; take turns finding thirds (choose white notes
Same Rhythm - In pairs, Student A plays short rhythm pattern; Student B plays
same pattern, using different third. Swap. Example on CD Call & Response
Different Rhythm - In pairs, Student A plays short rhythm pattern; Student B
plays different pattern, using different third. Swap. Example on CD Call &
Share with group
Music Room Book 6 Upper Primary
Pacific Harmonies Module 3 Lesson
DVD Samoan hand Game
CD 2 Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Duration - Rhythm,
Pitch - Melody,

Students lie on floor, eyes closed, listening to CD Ukulele Bay. How does this
song make you feel? (Lazy, relaxed, calm) What kind of moves can you imagine
doing to it? Move to the song.
Watch DVD Ukulele & lap Steel Guitar
Sing Ukulele Bay CD. Look at music. Discuss form - each verse ends with same
line, called tag or refrain; no choruses; middle section called bridge.
Music Room Book 6 Upper Primary
DVD Ukulele & lap Steel Guitar
Left hand, right hand patterns
CD Track 6, 8, 10, 9

Listen to the harmony of the bridge in each line the words are sung to a
single note. This is a held harmony. Learn the harmony. Divide into 2 groups
half sing harmony, half sing melody. Swap
In groups, using xylophone L hand beater plays a C while R hand beater
simultaneously plays a different note. Both hands play the same rhythm.
Explore different harmonic sounds created by playing a C with the R hand
beater and a different note with the L hand beater. How many combinations
can you make? DVD Left hand, right hand patterns
One hand creates a short repeated melodic pattern (ostinato). The other hand
plays C against this. Both hands play the same rhythm. Explore & refine then
play to CD Harmonic Patterns - backing
Tone Colour,
Duration - Rhythm,
Pitch - Melody,

Listen to 4 island sounds (waves, water, seabirds, wind chimes) and think about
how we could represent these sounds with voices and instruments. Discuss &
trial ideas 7 suggestions
In small groups, imagine you are the sound effects team for a movie set on a
tropical island. How will you create the sounds you need? Groups create
atmospheric sounds to go over the opening music for the imaginary movie
Pacific Islands. The piece lasts 30 seconds. A conductor can be used to bring
players in and out. Will you have a rhythmic element? Rehearse & perform
accompanying CD Pacific Islands backing
Revise Ukulele Bay including harmony.
Create a performance piece using Ukulele Bay . We will need
Harmony singers
Musicians to create atmosphere
Arrange together who does what when. Singers & harmony singers create
actions to illustrate lyrics; musicians - choose a conductor and create
atmosphere; movers - create movement/dance routine. Rehearse. Perform &
Music Room Book 6 Upper Primary
CD Track 11, 13, 12, 6, 7

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