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STUDENTS NAME ........................................................................................................................

1. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the verb to be.
1. Edinburgh .
in Canada. It .
in Scotland.
2. Capoeira and karate . school subjects. They . sports.
3. Monday . a school day. It . the weekend.
4. Cooking . a sport, but it . a hobby.
5. London . in England. It . in France.
2. Write questions with the words below. Use the verb to be. Then answer the questions.
Make the answers true for you.
1. you / thirteen / ?
you thirteen?
2. capoeira / your favourite sport / ?

3. Saturday and Sunday / your favourite days / ?


4. your hair / black / ?


5. history and geography / your favourite school subjects / ?


3. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple.
Colin 1. (work) in a hotel. Many people 2. (visit) the hotel in the
summer, so Colin is very busy and he 3. (not see) his friends. Colin has got a good job,
but he 4. (not like) working very hard.

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple.
not go study not watch play


I football every Wednesday at 4.00. Its fun!

Sara to the library on Tuesdays. The library isnt open on that day.
We TV at 2.00. We are at school at that time.
Mike French and English at school.

5. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple. Then look at the chart and
answer the questions. Use short answers. [4 x 2 = 8 points]



play football
listen to music
study French
1. Greg / play / football
2. Ryan / play / football
3. Ryan and Greg / listen / to music
4. Ryan and Greg / study / French

6. Complete the letter with prepositions of time in, on or at.
Dear Class,
Our geography school trip to the Lake District is 1. Monday, 24th May. We plan
to leave school 2. eight oclock and return 3. half past seven
the evening. The weather 5. May is quite nice in the Lake
District. Bring a hat, good hiking shoes and food.
7. Complete the questions with How much or How many.


How many

tomatoes are there in the salad?

flour is there in the cake?
children are here?
coffee is in your cup?
carrots are in the bag?
water is in the glass?

8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got.

have got
1. Libraries
2. Cakes flour in them.
3. A computer teeth.
4. A caf a menu.
5. Banks beef.
6. A cinema popcorn.
9. Complete the questions with the correct form of have got. Then answer the questions.
Make the answers true for you.
a dog?
2. your father a car?
3. you much homework?
4. your school a kiosk?
5. you a computer?
10. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present
(sit) next to you at the moment?
2. He (play) football every Monday.
3. Lyn and Sally (study) English on Wednesdays?
4. I (not cut) my hair now.
5. She (want) a new hairstyle.
6. We (make) dinner right now.
11. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.
shorter than
1. Jen is
(short) Mike.
2. Toms hair is (curly) my hair.
3. Your dress is (fashionable) Kates.
4. My mums hairstyle is (bad) your mums.
5. His jeans are (dark) my jeans.
12. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.


the youngest
Lisa is
(young) in her family.
I am (tall) in my class.
This jacket is (expensive) item in the shop.
Sweet Time is (good) caf in our town.
This is (beautiful) painting in our house.

13. Match the words in A to their opposites in B.

1. ugly
.. a. old
2. new
.. b. expensive
3. light
.. c. short
l d. beautiful
4. cheap
5. long
.. e. casual
6. formal
.. f. dark
14. Complete the chart.
1. nice

nicer than

the nicest

2. big
3. comfortable
4. expensive
5. pretty
6. good
7. bad
15. Read the text. Then complete the fact files below.
Teen Rock
Tim, Mike and Sue are Irish teenagers. They are fourteen years old and they play in a rock band Teen
Rock. Tim plays the guitar, Mike plays the drums
and Sue sings. Tim and Mike go to St. Killians School and they both play
rugby. Sue goes to Muckross School and she is on the basketball team. The band always practises at
the weekend. They usually play at Sues house. Sues father plays the guitar and he sometimes
practises with them. Teen Rock always plays at their school parties and everyone loves their music. The
band wants to be famous like U2!

Fact File

Fact File

15. a) Circle the correct answers.

1. Mike plays the drums / guitar.
2. The band practises on Mondays / at the weekend.
3. Sues father likes to play music / sing.

4. The teenagers classmates enjoy dancing / Teen Rocks music.

15. b) Write about your friends hobbies. What do they do during the week and at the

16. Translate the following sentences into English.

a) Va al cine una vez a la semana con su hermano Lucas.
b) Hay manzanas en la mesa pero no hay queso.
c) No hacen los deberes todos los das pero juegan al baloncesto.
d) Mi hermana Sarah lleva unos pantalones negros, una camiseta muy bonita y unas botas azules.
e) No estudian geografa porque es muy difcil.
f) Mi madre no se levanta a las 8.00 por las maanas, se levanta a las 7.00
g) No tengo ningn hermano pero tengo dos hermanas.
g) En Londres, Hay muchos monumentos y museos importantes. Tambin hay muchos centros
comerciales modernos.

Circle the correct answer.

1. Jean is older than / the oldest girl in the family.
2. Ken is the best / better than student in the class.
3. My boots are more comfortable than / the most comfortable my sandals.
4. Johns hair is straighter than / the straightest mine.
5. She is prettier than / the prettiest girl here.
Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the verbs in brackets.
the most beautiful
1. This is
(beautiful) car in the world!
2. My sisters are (young) me.
3. Who is (good) singer in your family?

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