Every Momento I Bow God

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"In every step of my life I bow God"

APR 18 2010
"In every step of my life I bow God, in every breath I watch God", Paramahamsa H
ariharananda. These are the words of the spiritual master. By his grace I have b
een blessed to practice Kriya Yoga and everything I have experienced I have lear
ned from him.
In every action, thought, word and deed, you should watch the invisible indwelli
ng self, the formless power of God. The blessings of God and Gurus are constantl
y maintaining us through the breath. There is never a moment when the marvelous
power of God is not activating you. Without this there is no life in the human f
orm. So you should calmly fix your attention in the fontanel, slowly watching th
e inhalation and exhalation with deepest love, divine love. Within a moments time
you can perceive the formless, all-prevading power of God. Watch very deeply, p
erceive the divine light, listen to the divine sound and watch the formless vibr
ation. In every moment of your life, if you calmly watch, you will gradually bec
ome more and more aware of the divine power maintaining you. This power will giv
e more peace, bliss, joy, calmness, good health, happiness and love. The more yo
u stay anchored in the divine , the more beautiful your life will be.
With this awareness we practice Kri and Ya, performing action and watching the f
ormless, in every step of our life. This is the path tread by the realized, the
path of liberation. God in human being, human being in God. This is Hariharananda,
merged in the formless with love and joyfully perceiving the light of Samadhi.
You all should change your life. The more you try, the more you will perceive, j
ust now, in every breath. No one knows when one will leave ones body, so meditate
deeply and be realized.
"Now is the time to earn God." " Opportunity should not be neglected." Paramaham
sa Hariharananda

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