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For Immediate Release

Contact: Patricia Cole

Catholic Charities USA President Calls Ryan Anti-Poverty Proposal Good Faith Effort
Rev. Larry Snyder Encourages Robust Discussion on Improving Social Services Programs

Alexandria, Virginia (July 24, 2014) Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) President Rev. Larry Snyder
responded to Expanding Opportunity in America, released by House Budget Committee
Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) this morning, saying it is an opportunity to engage in a robust
discussion around supporting innovative ideas while maintaining the organizations commitment to
a strong response to assist those in need.

We appreciate Congressman Ryans attempt to improve the way our nation tackles the complex
issue of poverty and look forward to reviewing the proposal in greater detail, said Father Snyder.
While we know we will not agree on everything, we see this paper as a good faith effort to begin a
serious and bipartisan discussion on reforming the way our nation responds to the needs of those
struggling to make ends meet.

In 2010, CCUSA released the National Opportunity and Community Renewal Act, which put forth
a series of anti-poverty policy principles that encouraged lawmakers to engage with ideas that
promote results-driven, market-based, and systems-changing reform. With any proposal that is put
forth in Washington, CCUSA calls for a focus on the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity,
working to support the common good while strengthening the dignity of the human person.

The white paper, unveiled at the American Enterprise Institute this morning, includes provisions
that would attempt to increase funding stream flexibility and expand the Earned Income Tax Credit
(EITC). Additionally, the paper proposes reducing regulations, reforming education assistance,
grounding policy in evidence-based research, and increasing fairness in the criminal justice system.

The proposal includes a number of ideas that CCUSA has traditionally supported, including local
pilot projects to examine innovative approaches, expanded job training programs and EITC access,
rigorous research and evaluation, and policy reforms that would improve prison re-entry supports
and efforts to strengthen families. However, areas of disagreement include provisions that could lead
to state-level block grants as well as provisions that could eliminate program-specific funding that
provides crucial assistance to those in need.

We plan to take advantage of the opportunity to provide feedback in the coming weeks, said
Father Snyder. We call on both parties and all people of good will to engage with the principles in
this document and participate in a constructive discussion about incorporating innovative and
results-driven elements into our nations response to the unacceptable reality of so many in need.

About Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is leading a national movement to end poverty in America. In communities across the
country, Catholic Charities member agencies are helping individuals and families in poverty achieve their full potential.
Together we are dedicated to creating a life of opportunity and self-sufficiency for each of the 46 million of our brothers
and sisters who live in poverty. CCUSA was founded in 1910 on the campus of Catholic University of America in
Washington, D.C. as the National Conference of Catholic Charities. For more than 100 years, CCUSA has guided and
supported the vast network of Catholic Charities agencies nationwide in a common mission to serve, advocate, and
convene. For additional information, please visit

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