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Back in the late nineties, at what was probably the height of the Pokemon
craze in North America, my two young nephews cajoled me into drawing and
writing a Pokemon comic. The result is what you see here.

Initially it was to be a quick thing, done in a matter of hours; just a little bit
of doodling, with no real refinement, tossed off in an afternoon of idleness.
Consequently, you'll find that the first few pages of the story are rather
crude, most of the illustrations having been done directly with pen, with no
real aim at composition, layout, or detail. After these opening forays,
however, the story began to take on a life of its own. I soon realized I
wasn't going to satisfy my nephews with a simple five or six page tale, and an
afternoon's toil soon turned into a few days. The more time I spent on it the
more I got into the whole creative process and the more complicated it
became. I started to put more effort into the artwork, with an eye to
increased detail and a greater focus on layout and composition. Pencil
underlays were done before final inking on the later pages, more in keeping
with the actual process of creating a comic.

The end result is rather a mish-mash, and there have been occasions when I
have considered doing the first part of the story over again. Certainly it
doesn't live up to my own standards by any stretch of the imagination; but in
the end it satisfied my audience, who were of a less critical eye than I and
only too happy to have a Pokemon tale all their own.

Pokemon is, of course, a trademarked and copyrighted entity, thus this work
can never be seen as anything other than fan fiction. It has been gathering
dust for several years in my closet, along with dozens of other pieces of
artwork. I present it now only in the hope that fans of the series will enjoy
this little offering and pass it on to others who may be similarly entertained.

If you would like to know more about me and see some of my other artwork,
visit .

Happy reading!

Lindsay Brambles, 2008

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