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4S2S Regalwoou Teiiace, Buitonsville, NB, 2u866
Cell: (Su1) 91u - 861u !Bome: (Su1) S49 - SS84
LinkeuIn: www.linkeuin.cominsglatt711

0niveisity of Naiylanu, College Paik Expecteu: Fall 2u1S
College of Aits & Bumanities
Najoi: Communication - Public Relations, Concentiation: Sociology

Bowaiu Community College Fall 2u11-Spiing 2u1S
Associate of Aits - ueneial Stuuies
uiauuateu Phi Theta Kappa National Bonois Society (uPA: S.89)

!'*)1.' (.'12'",.#1.' (31.'4 5!((6 College Paik, NB
Naiketing Executive Nay 2u14 - Piesent
Woiking uiiectly with specific sections of campus to piomote campus events.
Beveloping piomotion stiategies foi majoi campus events.
Leauing meetings with othei maiketing team membeis.
Bianu Ambassauoi Septembei 2u1S - Nay 2u14
Bevelopeu piomotion stiategies foi majoi campus events.
0tilizeu skills in hanuling laige ciowus of people in a busy enviionment.

7&,31 %"2)1. Lauiel, NB
Seivei Nay 2u12 - Piesent
Successfully uealing uiiectly in situations that iequiie conflict iesolution.

8911:*2;12 8911:*2;12 Buitonsville, NB
Seivei }une 2u1u-Apiil 2u12
Launcheu, with management, an unofficial task foice baseu on ueveloping a
moie efficient plan to hanule laige paities of 1S oi moie people.

89"2# 8,'< =-40,'"&,'< Columbia, NB
Salesman Summeis of 2uu7-2u1u
Banuleu laige amounts of money while inteiacting with thousanus of
customeis in a conceit music enviionment.
Acquiieu skill in iecoiuing inventoiy foi laige amounts of expensive piouuct.

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