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Interiors and Architectural

Project Management
Interiors and Architectural project management is the process we use
to ensure delivery on time, cost and quality to our customers.
Some phases of project management followed are:
Schedules are drawn up to deliver specifc milestones associated
with specifc dates and teams
Projects and tasks allotted
Key tasks given special attention
Periodic reviews to see what areas need help
Periodic assessment of the health of a project
onitoring of metrics
!uality checks and approvals at key phases" etc."
#efect tracking is carried out to ensure accepta$le and improving
%uality rates. Any sign of defects increasing or trending towards higher
levels are dealt with during periodic reviews. &hese are carried out so
that your work gets done $y the $est people" in a timeframe that helps
you" and at a %uality that is outstanding.
At monsoon design" our processes never stop $eing changed. After or
during a project" there's plenty to learn and we incorporate these
learnings $ack into our engineering project management tools so that
our customers continue to see ongoing %uality and enduring value in
working with us.

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