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OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 1

Quiz # 1 Anil Dean

1. Length, weight, time, and temperature are examples of
a. attributes
b. c-charts
c. p-charts
d. variable measures

2. Which control chart(s) are used to monitor product characteristics that are variables?
a. p-charts
b. c-charts

x - and R-charts
d. all of the above

3. A process is generally considered to be in control when
a. there are no sample points outside the control limits
b. most points are near the center line, without many being close to the control
c. sample points are randomly distributed equally above and below the center
d. all of the above are true

4. A control chart that uses the proportion of defective items in a sample as the sample
statistic for monitoring a process is known as
a. p-chart
b. c-chart
c. R-chart

x -chart

5. Design specifications reflecting customer requirements for a product are known as
a. control limits
b. capability indices
c. natural variability
d. tolerances

6. The natural variation of a process relative to the variation allowed by the design
specifications is known as
a. process capability
b. design tolerances
c. control limits
d. Six Sigma quality
7. The ratio of the range of the design specifications to the range of the process variation
is known as
a. Six Sigma quality
b. the process capability index
c. the process capability ratio
d. a p-chart
OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 2
Quiz # 1 Anil Dean
8. When the process capability ratio is less than 1.0
a. the process is capable of producing within the design specification all the time
b. the process is not capable of producing within the design specification all the
c. the tolerance range and the process range are identical
d. none of the above

9. For the process to be capable of meeting design specification the process capability
index must be
a. less than one (1.0)
b. equal to or greater than one (1.0)
c. smaller than Six Sigma
d. larger than Six Sigma

10. A company produces a product which is designed to weigh 10 oz., with a tolerance of
+ 0.5 oz. The process produces products with an average weight of 9.95 oz. and a
standard deviation of 0.10 oz. The process capability ratio for this process is
a. 1.67
b. 0
c. 0.8333
d. -1.67

11. A company produces a product which is designed to weigh 10 oz., with a tolerance of
+ 0.5 oz. The process produces products with an average weight of 9.95 oz. and a
standard deviation of 0.10 oz. According to the process capability ratio is the process
capable of meeting design specifications?
a. No, the process capability ratio is less than 1.0
b. Yes, the process capability ratio is less than 1.0
c. No, the process capability ratio is greater than 1.0
d. Yes, the process capability ratio is greater than 1.0

12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective product design process?
a. matches product characteristics with customer requirements
b. maximizes the revisions necessary to make a design workable
c. ensures that customer requirements are met in the least costly and simplest
d. reduces the time required to design a new product or service

13. All of the following are characteristics of an effective design process except
a. increasing the design time for new products and services
b. meeting customer requirements in the least costly manner
c. matching product or service characteristics with customer requirements
d. minimizing the number of revisions needed to make the design workable

OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 3
Quiz # 1 Anil Dean
14. The design process begins with
a. a feasibility study
b. a form design
c. understanding the customer and identifying customer needs
d. pilot runs and final tests

15. Carefully dismantling and inspecting a competitors product to look for design
features that can be incorporated into your own product is known as
a. concurrent design
b. design for manufacturability
c. benchmarking
d. reverse engineering

16. Creating a preliminary design that can be quickly tested and then either discarded or
further refined is referred to as
a. benchmarking
b. rapid prototyping
c. concurrent design
d. perceptual mapping

17. The probability that a product will perform its intended function for a specified length
of time under normal conditions is called
a. benchmarking
b. perceptual mapping
c. maintainability
d. reliability

18. Which of the following is a quantitative measure of maintainability?
a. design for manufacture (DFM)
b. mean time to repair (MTTR)
c. mean time between failures (MTBF)
d. quality function deployment (QFD)

19. Which of the following is a quantitative measure of reliability?
a. Reliability bar
b. maintainability
c. mean time between failures (MTBF)
d. mean time to repair (MTTR)

20. All of the following can improve a products reliability except
a. simplifying product design
b. improving individual component reliability
c. changing the product warranty
d. adding redundant components.

OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 4
Quiz # 1 Anil Dean
21. Simultaneously designing new products and the processes to produce them is known
a. concurrent design
b. functional design
c. modular design
d. standardization

22. Combining standardized building blocks in different ways to create unique finished
products is known as
a. rapid prototyping
b. robust design
c. modular design
d. concurrent design

23. Quality function deployment(QFD) is
a. a software systems that uses computer graphics to assist in designing products
b. a systematic approach to analyzing the causes and effects of product failures
c. a visual method for analyzing the interrelationships among failures
d. a structured process that translates the voice of the customer into technical design

24. A company produces a product consisting of two components arranged as follows:

Both components must function for the product to function. To achieve an overall
reliability of at least 0.95 without changing the reliability of the 1
component, the
reliability of the 2
component would need to be
a. at least 0.925
b. at least 0.95
c. at least 0.97
d. at least 0.98

25. A company produces a product consisting of two components arranged as follows:

If both components must function for the product to function, then the two
components would need individual reliabilities of _______ to achieve an overall
reliability of 0.90.
a. R
= 0.90 and R
= 0.90
b. R
= 0.95 and R
= 0.95
c. R
= 0.80 and R
= 0.80
d. R
= 0.85 and R
= 0.85
0.97 0.90

OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 5
Quiz # 1 Anil Dean

26. The overall reliability of the following system is

a. greater than 1.00
b. 0.95
c. 0.90
d. 0.898

27. If a product fails 10 times in 500 hours of operation, then its mean time between
failures (MTBF) is
a. 0.02 hour
b. 0.10 hour
c. 20 hours
d. 50 hours
28. If a piece of equipment has a mean time between failures (MTBF) of 500 hours with
a mean time to repair (MTTR) of 10 hours, then its uptime or average availability
would be
a. 0.020 or 2.00%
b. 0.980 or 98.00%
c. 0.500 or 50.00%
d. 1.000 or 100.00%

29. Which of the following will not improve design for manufacture and assembly?
a. minimizing the number of parts and subassemblies.
b. using standard parts when possible
c. designing parts for limited, unique uses
d. designing parts for many, varied uses

30. Which of the following techniques would most likely be used to systematically
analyze product failures?
a. concurrent design
b. quality function deployment
c. failure mode and effects analysis
d. value analysis

0.95 0.95 0.95
OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 6
Quiz # 1 Anil Dean
31. The ability to meet present needs without compromising those of future generations is
a. concept in product design known as:
a. Reusability
b. Maintainability
c. Reliability
d. Sustainability

32. All of the following are principles of green product design except:
a) Use new materials
b) Use less materials
c) Involve the entire supply chain
d) Change the paradigm of design

33. When a product is designed to withstand variations in environmental and operating
conditions it is known as:
a) Robust design
b) Design for change
c) Design for modification
d) Design for tolerance

34. Functional design includes all the following except
a. Reliability
b. Usability
c. Form design
d. Maintainability

37. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a service?
a. Intangible
b. Variable output
c. Difficult to emulate
d. Perishable

38. An airline is an example of a
a. Service factory
b. Mass service
c. Service shop
d. Professional services

39. A grocery store is an example of a
a. Service factory
b. Mass service
c. Service shop
d. Professional services

OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 7
Quiz # 1 Anil Dean
40. A teacher is an example of a
a. Service factory
b. Mass service
c. Service shop
d. Professional services

41. Which of the following in not a basic element of a waiting line?
a. arrivals
b. servers
c. cost of waiting
d. waiting line structure

42. The ________________ is the source of customers for a waiting line system.
a. calling population
b. arrival rate
c. service line channel
d. service line phase

43. The number of arrivals per unit of time at a service facility can frequently be
described by a
a. normal distribution.
b. Poisson distribution.
c. binomial distribution.
d. beta distribution.

44. The ______________ refers to the order in which waiting customers are served.
a. calling population
b. queue discipline
c. number of channels
d. service rate

45. The number of channels in a queuing process
a. denotes the number of servers in sequence a customer must go through.
b. denotes the size of the calling population.
c. denotes the number of parallel servers for servicing arriving customers.
d. denotes the average queue length.

46. In general, as the number of servers in a waiting line system increases
a. service cost increases and waiting cost decreases.
b. service cost decreases and waiting cost increases.
c. both service cost and waiting cost increase.
d. both service cost and waiting cost decrease.

OMGT701_102 Winter 2012 P a g e | 8
Quiz # 1 Anil Dean
47. If the average time to serve a customer is 3 minutes, then the service rate, , is
a. 3 per hour
b. 12 per hour
c. 16 per hour
d. 20 per hour

48. In a waiting line system, the ___________ reflects the probability that the server is
busy and the customer must wait.
a. utilization factor
b. queue discipline
c. average number of customers in the system
d. probability the system is idle

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