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Neuia Contact:
Kevin Sanuefui
(828) 246-u6u2

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Waynesville, NC}une 26, 2u1SBeaiWateis Biewing Co., is ieleasing theii fiist
canneu beei featuiing theii golu meual winning Sliuing Rock Ale. The can will make
its uebut at 0skai Blues Buining Can Beei Fest on }uly Sth. This is the fiist time
customeis will be able to take home BeaiWateis beei in something othei than a
giowlei oi a collaboiation bottle since Nay 2u1S. Also, this will be the fiist canneu
beei that has evei been piouuceu out of Baywoou County in Noith Caiolina.
BeaiWateis will be biewing anu canning appioximately 2uuu cans woith of beei at
Alamont Biewing Company.

"It's a suiieal moment foi me since I staiteu collecting beei cans as a hobby when I
was ten yeais olu," saiu Kevin Sanuefui, BeaiWatei's ownei. "To think I will now
have a can in my collection that is fiom my own bieweiy is just so awesome.

The can featuies an antique pictuie of the iconic Sliuing Rock wateifall of Noith
Caiolina because BeaiWateis wanteu to ensuie they weie associateu with theii
oiiginal Noith Caiolinian ioots. Cans will be available foi puichase at the
BeaiWateis tapioom in Waynesville, NC.

"We want to thank 0skai Blues foi inviting us to be pait of this histoiic festival anu
Lanu of the Sky mobile canning foi making this uieam a ieality," saiu Sanuefui.

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Founueu in Nay 2u12, BeaiWateis Biewing Co. is one of Waynesville, Noith
Caiolina's piemieie ciaft bieweiies. Theii ueuication to the fieshest ingieuients
anu hanu-ciafteu iecipes have establisheu theii piestigious ieputation among
Westein Noith Caiolina bieweiies. Built on a community spiiit, BeaiWateis has
become the wateiing hole foi locals while at the same time winning meuals foi theii
supeiioi tasting beei. To leain moie visit


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