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Medical Advisor Journals
Raw Food Diet In raditional !hinese
Medicine "erspective # !an It $e
Another %ne&plained !ause o'

Written By Kyle J. Norton
All rights reserved. Any reproduction in part or in whole of this e-book must have
written ermission of the writer.
!isclaimer" #he e-book is for information and education only$ please consult with
your doctor and related field specialists before applying.
%pecial thanks to &r. 'eo Keith 'amb for contributing his time and
financial support to make this ( Book as free distribution for public
download. lease make donation$ if you can help to support the making of
the ne)t e book *+ertility and ,nfertility-
Thanks for Making next E Book Possible
I. )hat is raw 'ood diet*
#he raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least ./0 of the
daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be
heating above 11/ degree of +ahrenheit or 23 45 $ including fresh fruit and
vegetables and raw meats. ,t believes that the more raw food in your diet$
the more healthy you are. While there are many benefits for people eating
raw$ such as increasing energy for our daily activity$ improving skin
appearance$ assisting digestive process$ stability weight loss with no risk
of weight re-gaining$ reducing the risk of heart and chronic diseases$
because the diet contains high in trace minerals$ essential vitamins$ fiber
and phytochemicals and less harmful substances$ such as trans fat$
saturated fat and salt$ but it interferes with the natural process of human
being over thousand years of eating cooked foods$ such as smaller 6aws
and teeth $ shrinking stomachs have shrunk$ and longer small intestines
and lengthening the digestive surface area.
%ome alternative medicine$ such as Ayurveda$ and traditional 5hinese
medicine suggested that a raw-only diet may not be appropriate for people
living in colder climates$ because in order to fight off the constant cold or
rolong periods of eating raw foods deplete the yang 7i in the body. %ince
most raw foods eaten in typical American raw food diet are cold$ they will
decrease the yang 7i even further$ leading to colding affects in our body$
resulting in certain kinds of diseases$ including blood stagnation and
kidney yang deficiency$ causing infertility in some severe cases.
II. )hat is Fertilit( and In'ertilit( and the e&plained causes o'
A. Fertilit(
+ertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species.
#hrough natural selection$ we produce many offspring when the
reproductive system works at it8s peak in a suitable environment with
plenty foods around. 9n the other hand$ the reductive system may
completely shut down or work at its minimum state and we produce less
offspring$ when the environment is hostile including less foods around$
war$ epidemic$ etc. but regardless any situation. most women are capable
to conceive sometimes before menopause.
$. In'ertilit(
,nfertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 1:
months of unprotected se)ual intercourse. ,t affects over / million couples
alone in the ;. %. and many times more in the world. Because of an
unawareness of treatments$ only 130 seek help from professional
specialists. ,n fact$ about </0 of infertility is caused by the male8s
inability to fertili=e. </0 is caused by the female8s inability to conceive$
130 attributes to both$ and 13 0 is considered a failure with an unknown
!. he une&plained causes o' in'ertilit(
#he ;ne)plained cause of infertility is defined as a condition of a healthy
couple who have found no reproductive structure or medical problems$ but
for whatever reason$ the female partner is unable to get pregnant$ and
modern technologies and doctors in conventional medicine fail to find the
causes of infertility.
According to conventional medicine$ a couple are diagnosed with
e)plained causes of infertility can have children by going through the
process of artificial insemination or other options such as adoption$ or
subrogation. %ome women may seek help from traditional medicine$
because of cost effectiveness or believing that traditional medicine can
offer a more natural birth.
III. $e'ore proceeding 'urther+ let us ta,e a loo, o'
)hat is a menstrual c(cle*
#he menstrual cycle begins when the level of estrogen starts to rise. At
certain point$ the brain stimulates hypothalamus to produce
>onadotrophin-releasing hormone *+%?- which in turn stimulates the
pituitary gland to produce the +ollicle stimulating hormone$ leading to
initiating the growth and recruitment of immature 9varian follicles in the
ovary. At its peak$ the pituitary gland switch to produce luteini=ing
hormone *'?-$ the +%? starts to decline which stimulates the mature of
follicle and the production of estradiol and thicken of the uterus lining as
well as promoting friendly cervical mucus$ triggering ovulation$ resulting
in e)truding egg from the ovary into the +allopian tube and initiating the
conversion of the residual follicle into a corpus luteum. #he corpus luteum
in turn produces progesterone in preparing the uterus lining for a possible
egg implantation. ,f pregnancy does not occur$ hormone levels plumped$
and the thickened uterus limning is shed through the vaginal canal.
#here are many thing involved to make the cycle regularly$ but
unfortunately any disruption may cause irregular menstruation and
sometimes interferes the natural process of fertility.
I-. .ow raw 'ood diet a''ects 'ertilit( in !M perspective
While conventional medicine have never viewed irregular menstruation
seriously$ traditional 5hinese medicine view irregular menstrual period as
a tiny micro change in the female ecosystem. ,f not treat$ it will interfere
with the normal process of fertility and other women health8s diseases such
as nervous tension menstrual pain and cramps etc. (specially if you are
diagnosed with the une)plained causes of infertility with irregular period$
then your menstrual cycle may be the causes.
-. .ow to treat raw 'ood diet causes o' in'ertilit( in traditional
!hinese perspective
A. %nderstand the 'ood classi'ication in !M perspective
By diagnosis the underlying causes and treating each woman as an uni7ue
entity and the body as a whole. !epending in what have been diagnosed$
you may be given advice not to eat some kinds of food which may
interfere the normal menstrual cycle and dampen your chance of fertility.
Increase /perm !ount 0aturall(
With &ale +ertility %uccess$ No !rugs$
%urgery 9r ?umiliating &edical rocedures
"regnanc( Miracle
@everse ,nfertility And >et regnant Naturally
;sing ?olistic Ancient 5hinese &edicine
1. !old
5old foods in traditional 5hinese medicine are considered as a type of
food which may stimulate the colding effects in your body and deplete the
yang 7i as resulting of our body needs to counter the cold with yang 7i in
the body. rolong period of taking these kinds of food without balancing
them with other warm$ cooked or hot foods may cause yang 7i and kidney
yang deficiency$ resulting in interfering with normal function of the
reproductive organ and leading to irregular period. +or women who try to
conceive should avoid to eat these types of raw foods or counter them with
at least same amount of hot foods.
a- Bamboo
b- Banana
c- >rape fruit
d- 5lams
e- %eaweed
f- Watermelon
g- Bitter melon
h- (tc.
2. !ool
%ame as cold food$ but they are not as strong. ,t also depletes the yang 7i
but moderately$ therefore eating these types of foods should counter with
some warm food to avoid yang 7i and kidney yang deficiency. Women
who have irregular period and try to get pregnancy are advised to eat only
moderate amounts and for nutrients only. 9therwise$ they may dampen the
chance of fertility.
a- Apple
b- 'ecture
c- 5ucumber
d- ear
e- %pinach
f- %trawberry
g- #omato
h- (tc.
3. 0eutral
Although neutral foods are types of food which have no effects in ying
and yang 7i in the body$ but it may have other side effect such as rice$ gain
and potato which may interfere with insulin production of the spleen as
well as liver function in carbohydrate metabolism.
a- Apricot
b- Beet
c- All kinds of red meat
d- 5elery
e- ?oney
f- @ice
g- Bread
h- (tc.
4. )arm
Warm foods are considered as food with warming effects in the body. ,t is
most important foods
which are used most often for pregnant women as they can help to warm
the uterus and maintain the healthy pregnancy and protect against
miscarriage. Warm foods increase your body temperature and yang 7i
a- Black tea
b- 5herry
c- 5hive
d- 'eek
e- each
f- @aspberry
g 5hicken
h/.- (tc.
5. .ot
+oods with hot nature are normally good for improving immune system in
fighting against forming of free radicals$ bacteria and virus and increasing
blood flow to the body$ including the reproductive organs$ but over eating
these types of food may cause yin 7i and kidney yin deficiency leading to
hormone imbalance and interfering with natural process of normal
menstrual cycle.
a- >arlic
b- >inger
c- epper
d- 9nion
e- >reen onion
f- 5innamon powder
g- (tc.
+inally$ we would like you to know that most foods with bitter$ sour and
salty are classified as yin and hot and sweet are classified as yang.
$. .ow raw 'ood diet causes in'ertilit(
&ost raw foods can be either yang or yin pathogens. A typical American
raw food diet is most yin and dampness pathogens.
1. !olding and cooling e''ects
%pleen is important to break down the food and transform them to energy
for our body8s daily activity. #oo much raw foods weaken and slow the
digestive system$ leading to nutrients deficiency$ including the following
a- +atigue$ tiredness and sluggishness
b- Nervous tension
c- Bloating and gas
d- ;nclear thinking
e- 5loudy urine
f- (tc.
#ypical raw foods diet puts more strain on the digestion. ,f spleen is
damaged caused by prolong intake of raw food$ it may weaken the
digestive system in absorbing of nutrients$ leading to less efficient
assimilation of nutrients. ,n fact$ traditional 5hinese medicine view the
process of transformation of foods and transportation of nutrients are a
warm process in nature$ and raw foods are more cold in nature$ After
entering the stomach$ our body need to raise temperature before the food
can be digested and absorbed.
2. Dampness a''ects
@aw foods interfere with the spleen in controlling the internal dampness
caused by impairment of water metabolism within the body or spleen
damage due to prolong in take of raw dampness hot foods$ leading to
impairing the spleen yang and the development of interior damp-cold$
resulting in 7i and blood stagnation$ leading to delay menstruation and
menstrual pain and cramps. @aw foods cause dampen effect including the
i- &ilk products
ii- 5elery$
iii- 'ettuce$ alfalfa$
iv- @aw honey
v- 5orn.
vi- %age$
vii- arsley
viii- 9nion
i)- (tc.
And the symptoms include
i- +atigue$
ii- @educed appetite
iii- Abdominal bloating and discomfort
iv- 9ther related spleen deficiency symptoms
3. 6idne( (ang de'icienc(
Kidney yin is defined as the foundation of the fluid of the body$ therefore
it helps to moisten$ nourish the organs and tissues and maintain the body
fluid balance with fire of kidney yang. @aw foods are yin in nature$
prolong intake of may decrease the yang 7i in the kidney$ leading to fluid
imbalance$ resulting in irregular menstruation and in serve case$ causing
a- 'ack of energy
!eficiency of kidney yang causes inability of kidney in stabili=ation of
energy$ leading to abnormal flow of energy$ disrupting the blood flow to
the body organs including ovaries in egg production resulting in distorting
the normal menstrual cycle in women$ leading to irregular period.
b- Blood +low
!eficiency of kidney yang also increases the risk of irregular blood flow
as the heart must work harder to provide more energy to our body$ leading
to abnormal function of capillaries and interrupting the normal function of
small veins in the nervous system$ causing di==iness$ hearing problems
and ringing in the ear. ,t also causes abnormal blood flow to the
reproductive organs$ distorting the menstrual cycle.
c- !igestive system
%pleen is one of important organ needed to break down the food and
transform them to energy to keep our body active. A person with kidney
yang deficiency caused by raw foods diet weakens the digestive system in
absorbing vital vitamins and minerals$ leading to severe digestive disorder
and nutrients deficiency.
d- %e)ual libido
eople with kidney yang deficiency feel decreasing in se)ual desire as
resulting of low level of testosterone and progesterone being produced
caused by abnormal function of corpus luteum. ,f the problem is not
treated$ it may disrupt natural process of normal menstrual cycle.
e- 'ower temperature
,t also decreases the body temperature that interferes with egg$ cervical
mucus production.
4. $lood de'icienc(
Blood deficiency is defined as not enough blood to distribute to our body
organs needs. #radition 5hinese medicine view blood deficiency is caused
by weakened liver organ as resulting of a weaken spleen due to prolong
period intake of raw foods$ thereby reducing the liver function in blood
formation$ causing not enough blood to distribute to the body such as
absence of *no blood for- menstruation or scanty menstruation.. ,t also
leads to abnormal function of reproductive system in regulating menstrual
cycle$ that disrupts the production of egg or produces poor 7uality egg and
makes uterine mucus hostile to sperm
#here are many symptoms of blood deficiency including
1. alpitations caused by your heart have to work harder$ because of not
enough blood in the body.
:. +orgetfulness and poor memory caused by not enough o)ygen
delivering to the nervous cells need
<. ,nsomnia" because of brain cells can not transmit information between
themselves$ leading to over production of certain hormones.
/. %hortness of breath" you lung has to harder to provide o)ygen to your
body needs.
A. !i==iness and fatigue is due to o)ygen and energy shortage.
.. 5onstipation due to lack of fluid in the body
B. ale comple)ion" lack of blood
Increase /perm !ount 0aturall(
With &ale +ertility %uccess$ No !rugs$
%urgery 9r ?umiliating &edical rocedures
"regnanc( Miracle
@everse ,nfertility And >et regnant Naturally
;sing ?olistic Ancient 5hinese &edicine
5. $lood stagnation
Blood stagnation is defined as 7i stagnation or 7i deficiency in the liver. ,n
traditional 5hinese medicine$ raw foods cause free=e and constrict
circulation$ leading to blood stagnation resulting in menstrual irregularities
and sometimes infertility$ because of blocking of the blood flow or blood
become static to the reproductive organs..
a- Blood stagnation is caused by liver 7i imbalance$ it reduces the liver
function in regulating the secretion of certain hormone in the
prostaglandins family thereby$ increasing the risk of abdominal cramps$
thus causing blood stagnation in the abdominal region.
b- 'iver also helps to regulate the secretion of insulin from the spleen$
abnormal function of spleen increases the risk of diabetes$ leading to blood
stagnation in the reproductive organs.
c- ,mbalance of liver 7i also causes inability of liver in fat and protein
metabolism$ leading to nervous tension and increasing the risk of
hormonal imbalance causing irregular menstrual cycle.
!. .ow raw 'ood diet causes in'ertilit( b( loo,ing bac, to
conventional medicine menstrual c(cle in !M "erspective
1. 7strogen
(strogen which is yin pathogen in #5&$ is re7uired to stimulate the brain
action in production of >onadotrophin-releasing hormone *+%?- by the
hypothalamus. @aw food diet increases the kidney yang function$ causing
hormone imbalance with low estrogen and high progesterone and
testosterone. !eficiency of yang * or high level of estrogen- obstructs each
step of in the estrogen phrase of the menstrual cycle$ causing irregular
production of hormones from pituitary gland in secreting +%? and '? and
ovaries function in production of follicles such as poor egg 7uality$ thinner
the uterine lining which can support an egg implantation and early
,n some women$ it causes menstrual irregularity$ but in severe case$ it
increases the risk of infertility. #he symptoms of kidney yang deficiency
a- White coat on tongue
b- ale$ frigid appearance
c- Achy pain in 6oints or muscles
d- 5old e)tremities
e- oor digestion
f- #endencies toward stagnation
g- !epression
h- (maciation
i- 9besity
6- (tc.
2. "rogesterone
rogesterone is considered as yang pathogen. @aw food diet is considered
cool or cold in #5& perspective$ it reduces the yang 7i to certain degree$
depending on types of raw foods consuming daily by each individual.
%ince the second phrase of the menstrual cycle is the increased production
of progesterone * yang in #5& -$ it affects the ability of egg e)truding and
deter the normal process of supporting the uterus lining in egg
implantation as well as increasing the risk of producing cervical mucus
which is hostile to sperm invasion. ,n severe case$ it makes conception
difficult for some women and infertility to others. As the level of
progesterone rise$ blood is re7uired to support the uterus and the uterus
lining in egg implantation and embryo nourishment. @aw foods cause
free=e and constrict circulation$ leading to blood stagnation and
deficiency$ resulting in lessening the chance for the normal process of
making a baby.
3. estosterone
#estosterone * yang in #5&- is produced in small 7uality during the
progesterone phase. !eficiency of yang 7i reduces the production of
testosterone$ leading to low se)ual desire$ poor muscle tone and fatigue.
4. Menstruation
,n traditional 5hinese medicine$ raw foods cause free=e and constrict
circulation thereby reducing the spleen function in food transportation and
weaken the liver function in blood formation$ leading to blood stagnation
in the productive organs including the uterus$ causing not enough blood to
support the process and for menstruation if pregnancy does not occur.
D. .ow raw 'ood diet causes irregular period b( loo,ing bac, to 5
phrases menstrual c(cle in !M "erspective
#he traditional 5hinese medicine divide the women menstrual cycle into /
1. he (in phrase according !M8 lasting about 3#4 da(s
,n this phrase #he yang * progesterone- decreases rapidly and the yin
*estrogen- starts to rise$ leading to the growth of body fluids$ supporting
the production of blood and producing sperm friendly mucus as well as
making the uterus lining thicken for egg implantation. #he deficiency of
yin or abundance of yang distorts the production of fluids which are
necessary for moister and nourish the blood$ causing shortening of yin
phrase$ leading to not enough time for egg to mature and uterine lining to
grow thick enough for egg implantation$ resulting in lessening the chance
of fertility and increasing the risk of irregular period.
2. he 9vulation phase+ lasting about 3 da(s
At the estrogen *yin- at its peak$ liver triggers the starts the ovulation
phrase$ as resulting of stimulating of the brain action in production of
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone *+%?- by the hypothalamus of which in
turn stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the follicle stimulating
hormone$ leading to initiating the growth and recruitment of immature
ovarian follicles in the ovary. ,n this phrase$ 7i and blood moves
downward to promote the implantation of the egg and nourish the uterus to
support the growth of embryos. !eficiency of yin and blood stagnation
caused by raw food diet shorten the ovulation phrase$ leading to not
enough time for egg implantation and uterus lining to support the growth
of the embryo$ causing infertility or miscarriage as well as irregular
3. he :ang phrase+ lasting about 5 da(s
!uring the fourth phase$ yin decreases to allow growth of yang *mutual
consumption of Cin and Cang-. >rowth of yang helps to warm the ;terus.
@aw food diet causes yang deficiency$ thus colding the ;terus that distorts
the normal process of egg implantation.
4. he luteal phrase$ lasting about 12 da(s
#he luteal phase also is referred to day after ovulation to the day before
period. ,n this phrase$ a mature egg was released at ovulation as resulting
of the production of progesterone from corpus luteum in preparing the
body for pregnancy. @aw food diet causes yin deficiency and liver 7i
stagnation$ leading to rising temperature and distorting the luteal phrase
process$ resulting in increasing the risk of infertility or irregular
5. Menstruation phrase+ lasting about 5 da(s
According the to traditional 5hinese medicine$ this phrase is dominated by
the movement of blood and 7i moving downward as resulting of dropping
of the level estrogen and progesterone* yin and yang-$ since raw foods
cause free=e and constrict circulation$ it causes blood and 7i stagnation$
leading to delay menstruation$ delay period and scanty period.
7. .ow traditional !hinese medicine helps to treat (ang de'icienc(
caused b( raw 'ood diet with diet in general approach
a- Appropriate diet
,f you are raw food diet follower$ make sure you increase the percentage
of cooked food in your diet.
b- &oderate e)ercise
While raw foods interfere with the spleen function in digesting and
absorbing nutrients$ moderate e)ercise increases the digestive system in
production of stomach acid and enhance blood circulation thus promoting
a healthy spleen.
c- @ela) and rest
%tress and rest are always a problem for people living in this fast pace
society$ we face stress constantly everyday$ such as sickness of your child$
workplace pressure$ etc. Cou make sure that you take a lot of rela)ation
and rest to avoid the abnormal production of certain hormone.
Increase /perm !ount 0aturall(
With &ale +ertility %uccess$ No !rugs$
%urgery 9r ?umiliating &edical rocedures
"regnanc( Miracle
@everse ,nfertility And >et regnant Naturally
;sing ?olistic Ancient 5hinese &edicine
III. he summar(
#he raw food diet has written an important page in the America *world-
health history as its contribution to make us healthier and reduce the death
rate of heart diseases and stroke will never be denied. %ince traditional
5hinese medicine have been round over 2333 years and proven to be one
most effective traditional medicine in treating the une)plained causes of
infertility$ its idea toward raw food diet must be right in some e)tent. #he
aim of this article is to provide reader the other point of view$ with no
intention to offend anyone$ including the raw food advocators. ,f you are
offended by this article$ , say sorry. ,f you are raw food diet supporter and
diagnosed with the une)plained causes of infertility$ , urge you to give it a
try. Although$ , don8t consider myself as a raw food supporter$ but /30 of
my daily food intake are considered raw.
/upplement pages
, believe there is no need for any one to take any herb if they are
diagnosed with une)plained causes of infertility caused by raw food diet.
#he below pages are for your reference$ if you would like to know some
herbs which have been used by #5& in treating infertility.
%ince each person is treated uni7uely and no one treatment for all$
depending what have been diagnosed$ you may be given some of the
following 5hinese herbs
In Female
a- !efinition
Bupleurum also known as Bei 5hai ?u$ is a very large genus of plants and
belongs to the family Apiaceae *;mbelliferae-. ,t has used in traditional
5hinese medicine for thousands of years in treating infections with fever
and liver problems.
b- ?ow bupleurum effects female fertility
i- 'iver 7i stagnation
#he herb is said to have a liver tonic effect that helps to release liver 7i
stagnation as resulting of accumulating to)ins over whelming the body$
leading to abnormal function of liver in regulating the spleen function in
insulin production resulting in hormone imbalance and irregular menstrual
cycle. Also sluggish liver reduce it8s function in essential fatty acids
metabolism$ leading to over production of certain hormone in the
prostaglandins family resulting in menstrual cramps and pain and over
active uterus that effects the chance of fertility.
ii- Kidney
,t not also helps to improve kidney function in urinary e)traction but also
restores it8s function in regulating the steroid growth hormone$ leading to
hormone balancing and decreasing the risk of irregular menstrual cycle.
ii- Kidney yin deficiency
,t is considered as a cool to cold herb$ thereby$ it helps to release over
abundant yang 7i that obstructs the normal process of egg production and
increases the risk of irregular menstrual cycle.
iv- ,mmune system
Bupleurum is also a immune function tonic with the Ecool to 5old side.
beside helping immune system in fighting against bacteria and virus
invasion$ it also increase the immune system to recogni=e sperm are part
of the body8s tissue and not to attack them. ,t works well if the infection is
caused by immune abnormal function in yin 7i deficiency
v- %pleen function
,t also has an effect in spleen function in production of insulin that helps to
reduce the risk of insulin fluctuation$ leading to production of certain
hormone * serotonin- and interrupting the hormone production
* progesterone-$ thereby$ increasing the chance of fertility.
vi- Blood flow
,t is said that bupleurum helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol and
triglyceride$ therefore it not helps to improve the function of the heart$ but
also increases blood flow to the reproductive organs$ resulting in lessening
the risk of infertility
c- %ide effects
,t may cause
i- Nausea
ii- @eflu)
iii- ,ncrease bowel movement
,f over dose.
;)hite "eon( root
a- !efinition
White peony is the bark of the root of aeonia suffruticosa and also also
known as EmoutanE or Emu danE in 5hina. ,t has been used in traditional
5hinese medicine in treating liver cirrhosis.
b- ?ow white peony effects female fertility
i- 'iver
White peony has been listed in traditional 5hinese medicine medical book
for over thousand of year in treating liver 7i and fire blood caused by yin
deficiency$ leading to the 7i and blood stagnation in the liver$ thereby
lessening it8s function in carbohydrate metabolism and increasing the risk
of hormone imbalance causes of infertility.
ii- ;terus tonic
,t is said that white peony also helps the liver in regulating the production
of certain hormones in the prostaglandins family resulting in lessening the
risk of abdominal pain and cramps caused by over active uterus.
iii- Kidney
White peony not only helps to increase the function of kidney in urinary
e)traction$ but also improve kidney function in regulating the production
of steroid hormones$ leading to production of testosterone that helps to
improve se)ual desire and reducing the risk of water retention.
iv- Blood stagnation
%ince it helps to release the blood stagnation in the liver$ it also improves
the blood flow to the abdominal region$ resulting in lessening the risk of
irregular menstrual cycle and increasing the chance of fertility.
v- Cin 7i and blood deficiency
%ince it is the herb in the cold side$ it helps to restore the harmony in the
body$ if the infertility is caused by liver blood stagnation and liver yang
c- %ide effects
No %ide effect as known
; 7ngelica roots< Dong =uai8
a- !efinition
Angelica is a biennial plant belongs to the family Apiaceae. ,t8s root
* angilica root- also known as dang 7ui or gong 7uai has been used in
traditional 5hinese medicine as a reproductive tonic medicine combined
with other herbs such as astragalus to treat e)haustion from blood loss.
b- ?ow angelica root *dang Fui- effects women fertility
i- @eproductive organs tonic
#raditional 5hinese medicine views angelica roots as 7ueen herb which
has been used to enhance the productive system and promote menstrual
health. ,t is said that angelica roots has the power to restore any deficiency
caused by hormone imbalance.
ii- Blood tonic
,t also is a reproductive blood tonic herb that not only help to increase
blood production to replace blood loss for women with heavy
menstruation$ but also increases the blood flow to abdominal region$
leading to enhancing the chance of fertility.
iii- !igestive system
Beside helping to cure diarrhea$ it also increases the digestive system in
absorbing essential vitamins and minerals$ thereby reducing the risks of
infertility caused by nutrients deficiency.
iv- Blood and 7i deficiency
Blood and 7i deficiency in the reproductive region may be caused by
blood and 7i stagnation in the liver$ kidney or some where else in the body$
leading to irregular menstrual cycle$ absence of period or painful period.
Angelica roots helps to increase blood and 7i flow$ resulting in
normali=ing the function of reproductive organs.
v- Kidney tonic
,t is said that angelica root also helps to improve kidney function not only
in regulating water and fluid through urinary e)traction$ but also
improving kidney normal function in regulating the natural menstrual
process of the reproductive organs$ resulting in increasing the chance of
vi- ,mmune system
,t is said that angelica root containing variety chemicals that help to
strengthen the immune system in fighting against infection and
inflammation$ thereby decreasing the risk of yeast infection during
menstruation as well as forming of irregular cell growth in the
reproductive organs.
c- %ide effects
i- it may cause skin inflammation and rashes$ if it is taken in high dose
ii- %ince angelica root causes uterus contraction$ a pregnant woman should
not take it$ unless with the approval of her herbalist.
; !innamon
a- !efinition
5innamon also known as 5innamomum verum-$ it is a small evergreen
tree belongs to the family 'auraceae and has been used in traditional
5hinese medicine in treating kidney yang deficiency.
b- ?ow cinnamon effects women fertility
i- Kidney yang
%ince it is a hot herbs$ it helps to improve the yang 7i in the kidney and
increase the chance of fertility$ if the infertility cause is diagnosis as yang
7i deficiency. By increasing the kidney yang$ it also help to enhance the
chance of fertility as resulting of improving of se)ual desire.
ii- !igestive system
,t is also helps to improve appetite and digestive system in vitamins and
minerals absorption that are essential to maintain the healthy menstrual
cycle and enhance the normal process of conception.
iii- Blood flow
5innamon also contain certain chemical agents which help to stimulate the
blood flow to the reproductive region$ leading to lessening the risks of
menstrual disorder and infertility caused blood deficiency of the
reproductive organ. ,t also helps the spleen in regulating the production of
insulin$ resulting lessening the risks of blood sugar in the blood stream$
causing diabetic like symptoms of infertility.
iv- ,mmune system
As an antio)idant$ it helps to improve the function of immune system in
guarding our body against the invasion of bacteria and virus that decreases
the risks of over active immune disorder$ causing production of certain
proteins binding to sperm and asking other immune cells to attach it.
v- !ysmenorrhea
,t has some chemical properties which help to calm the reproductive
organs during menstruation$ resulting in lessening the menstrual pain
caused by 7i and blood stagnation in the region and increasing the chance
of fertility.
c- %ide effects
%ince it is considered as one the hot food in traditional 5hinese medicine$
over dose may cause
yin 7i deficiency * or to)ic effect because of presenting of coumarin in
western medicine term-
; "oria
a- !efinition
oria also known as fu ling in traditional 5hinese medicine and it has been
used in traditional medicine in harmoni=ing the fale reproductive system.
b- ?ow poria effect women fertility
i- &idle Jiao harmoni=ing
&idle 6iao is defined as the organs in midsection of the body including the
spleen$ stomach$ gall bladder and liver organs. %ince it helps to improve
the inter relationship of those organs in the midsection$ it improves
1- Kidney function in regulating the water retention in the body tissues
and normali=ing the function of kidney in assisting the natural process of
:- %pleen function in secreting the amount of insulin in energy processing$
resulting in lessening some menstrual cycle symptoms$ thereby increasing
the chance of fertility.
<- %tomach in food digestion$ leading to intestine in absorbing vitamins
and minerals that is necessary for women who want to get pregnant.
2- >all bladder in storing bile in the liver and digestive system in nutrients
/- 'iver function in regulating the processing of estrogen and essential
acid production$ thereby$ lessening the risk of hormone imbalance and
menstrual cramps and pain caused by over production of some remembers
in the prostaglandins family.
ii- Blood tonic and hormone imbalance
oria also contains some chemicals which help to improve blood flow
resulting in lessening the risk of over working heart in providing o)ygen
to the body$ resulting in increasing the inter information transmitting that
reduces the risk of over production in certain hormone which interfere
with process of fertility.
iii- @espiratory tonic
,t is also a lung tonic herb which helps the lung function in asorbing
o)ygen$ resulting in increasing the blood stream in providing nutrients to
the cell in our body and reducing the symptoms of di==iness$ lack of
energy$ etc.
c- %ide effects
#here are no known side effect. %ince it is a diuretic herb$women take
antidiuretic medications should consult with their doctor before taking
; /chi>andra
a- !efinition
%chisandra chinensis is also known as wu wei =i in traditional 5hinese
medicine$ native to Northern 5hina and @ussian. ,t has been used in
traditional 5hinese medicine in treating all kinds of liver diseases
b- ?ow schi=andra chinensis effects fertility
i- ?epatoprotective
%ince liver plays a vital role in transforming and clearing chemicals.
Weakened liver reduces the liver function in secreting bile in regulating
the normal function of spleen in production of insulin$ leading to
ii- 'ignans
'ignans are considered a phytoestrogen which helps to occupy the
estrogen receptor sites in the body$ resulting in lessening the risk of over
production of bad estrogen during menstrual cycle that causes hormone
imbalance and disrupt the natural process of conception.
iii- Adaptogen
%ince schi=andra chinensis is an adaptogen$ it helps o to increase the
body8s resistance to stress$ trauma$ an)iety and fatigue and promotes over
health resulting in normali=ing the reproductive system function in the
process of natural fertility.
iv- ,mmune system
,t is also contains antio)idant property that helps our immune system in
fighting against any reproductive infection and inflammation as well as
protecting immune abnormal function in attacking our own body tissues.
v- Aphrodisiac property
,t also helps helps to increase kidney function in conserving the kidney
fluid until the appropriate time of release$ thus consuming schi=andrae will
increase the sperm 7uality and sperm count as well as se)ual desire in men
and women alike.
c- %ide effects
No side effect is known$ if it is not overdosed
; ?(cium
a- !efinition
'ycium is also known as wolfberry or go6i berry$ native to southeastern
(urope and Asia. ,t is considered as the number 1 super foods by some
5hinese herbalists in treating immune dysfunction over thousands of year.
b- ?ow lycium effects fertility
i- ?eart #onic
'ycium contains certain chemicals which help to reduce high blood
pressure and promote blood flow in the body$ resulting in increasing
o)ygen and nutrients to the body cell$ thus lessening the symptoms of
nervous tension$ including di==iness$ an)iety$ stress$ etc.
ii- (rectile dysfunction
As resulting of increasing blood transportation in the arteries and blood
vessels$ lycium helps to treat erectile dysfunction and promote production
of 7uality of sperm$ thereby improving the chance of fertility.
iii- 'iver
,t helps to cleanse the body to)ins accumulated in the liver$ thereby
normali=ing the liver function in essential fatty acid and carbohydrate
metabolism$ leading to hormone balancing and over all health.
iv- !iabetes
'ycium also has been used in traditional 5hinese medicine in treating type
,, diabetes by increasing the liver function in regulating spleen in
production of insulin$ resulting in lessening the risk of menstrual
symptoms caused fluctuation of levels of insulin$ thus increasing the
chance of fertility.
v- Kidney
,t not only improves function of kidney in maintaining the right levels of
fluid in the body$ but also helps to harmoni=e the kidney yin and yang$
resulting in increasing the chance of 7uality sperm and sperm count in
men and reducing symptoms of menstrual disorder in women.
c- %ide effects
No side effect has been record.
; !ord(ceps
a- !efinition
5ordyceps sinensis is also known as dong cong cao in traditional 5hinese
medicine. ,t is one of the species of endoparasitoids$ native to North
(astern 5hina and has been used in traditional 5hinese medicine in
treating most cases of cirrhosis of the liver.
b- ?ow cordyceps sinensis effects infertility
i- 'iver disease
#raditional 5hinese medicine believe that the herb contains some
chemicals which help to restore the liver function in fighting against the
inflammation of liver caused hepatitis B virus$ resulting in increasing the
liver function in to)ins elimination and improve over all health.
ii- Assisting reproductive organ process
,t is said that cordyceps sinensis not only helps to increase kidney function
in protecting against water retention$ but also improve it8s normal function
in regulating normal function in growth hormone production$ leading to
increasing the 7uality of sperm in men and egg e)truding in women.
iii- Nervous tension
,t also helps to improve the respiratory system$ resulting in increasing the
transportation of o)ygen and nutrient to the nervous cells$ thereby
decreasing the risks of lack of energy$ fatigue$ stress and depression.
iv- %e)ual desire
,t is said that it also helps to increase the production of testosterone by
inhibiting the production of the en=yme /-alpha reductase$ thereby$
reducing the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones !?#$ thus
increasing se)ual desire for men and women alike.
v- 5holesterol
cordyceps sinensisalso helps to improve blood flow by inhibiting the
levels of bad cholesterol in the blood stream$ resulting in increasing the
blood flow to the body including the reproductive organ and decreasing
the risk of heart diseases and stoke.
c- %ide effects
,t is to)ic if over dose
a- !efinition
>ynostemma pentaphyllum also known as 6iao gu lan in traditional
5hinese medicine$ is an herbaceous vine of the family 5ucurbitaceae and
native to to the southern reaches of 5hina$ southern Korea and Japan. ,t
has been used in treating heart diseases caused by high levels of the
cholesterol and triglyceride.
b- ?ow gynostemma pentaphyllum effects fertility
i- Blood flow
>ynostemma pentaphyllum is said contains certain chemicals which help
to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood stream$
resulting in increasing the blood flow without the need of the heart to
work harder$ thus reducing the risk of blood stagnation in the the
abdominal region$ thereby increasing the chance to conceive.
ii- Adaptogen
,t is considered as an adaptogenic tonic herb$ thereby$ increasing the body
in adapting to the change of environment in effecting emotional and
physical 8s stress$ resulting in decreasing the over production of certain
hormones that disrupts the normal function of the reproductive process.
iii- Antio)idant
,t also helps to improve the immune system in guarding the cell
duplication process$ resulting in decreasing the risk of over reaction of
immune system in producing protein biding to the sperm then kill it.
iv- !igestive system
,t also helps to stimulate appetite$ thus increasing the absorption of vital
vitamins and minerals which are essential in nourishing the reproductive
organs and enhancing the chance of fertility.
v- (nergy
,t is said that gynostemma pentaphyllum also contains all property of
ginseng$ thereby$ helping to improve the liver and spleen in carbohydrate
metabolism$ leading to increasing energy for our body daily activity and
balancing the 7i and blood in the abdomen.
c- %ide effects
#here are no known side effect$ if it is not over dose.
In Male
; pol(gonum multi'lorum
a- !efinition
polygonum multiflorum is also known as he shou wu in traditional
5hinese medicine. ,t has been used to re6uvenate the body by promoting
over all health.
b- ?ow polygonum multiflorum effects fertility
i- %e)ual desire enhancer
By inhibiting the by-product prolactin of testosterone$ it helps to stop the
production of en=yme /-alpha reductase$ resulting in normali=ing the
levels of testosterone in the body that helps to protect se)ual libido in men.
ii- @eproductive organs enhancer
,t is said that polygonum muttiflorum also lower the levels of bad
cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood stream$ resulting in balancing the
blood and 7i stagnation in the abdominal region$ leading to increase blood
flow to the reproductive organ$ thereby decreasing the risks of se)ual
dysfunction and enhancing the chance of fertility.
iii- Kidney
,t is also considered as one of best kidney tonic herb$ thus stimulating the
normal function of kidney in regulating the production of growth
hormones that help to improve the normal process of menstrual cycle and
enhance the test in production of 7uality sperm.
vi- Cin yang balancing
,t also helps to protect the yin yang imbalance caused by over eating of
certain hot and spicy foods. olygonum muttiflorum is vital for people
who love to dine out often.
v- 'a)ative
,t is also helps to move the large intestine$ resulting in lessening the
symptoms of menstrual disorder for some women.
c- %ide effects
,t can bind to other minerals making them unavailable to the body$ leading
to mineral deficiency it also contains o)alic acid.
; Deer Antler
a- !efinition
!eer antler has been used in traditional 5hinese medicine for over
thousands of years in treating anemia and se)ual impotence in men.
b- ?ow deer antler affects male fertility
i- @eproductive enhancer
,t is said that deer antler contains certain chemicals which help to
stimulate the production of certain growth hormones as a result of its
androgenic and gonadotrophic effects$ leading to an increased production
of testosterone that not only promotes se)ual desire$ but also enhances the
sperm 7uality.
ii- Anemia
,t is said that deer antler increases the production of red blood cells and
improves the iron levels by nourishing the marrow$ thereby increasing the
absorption of o)ygen that is vital for the nervous system in transmitting
information between cells and glands. #herefore it leads to reduced
symptoms of fatigue$ depression and emotional and physical stress.
iii- Kidney
!eficiency of kidney yin and yang not only causes a weakened immune
system$ and the risk of infection and inflammation to our body$ including
the reproductive organ$ but also decreases the production of growth
hormones$ leading to a disruption of the natural process of our body that
increases the risk of early aging and se)ual dysfunction.
iv- ?ormone balancing
!eer antler also helps to stimulate the liver function in regulating the
spleen in production of insulin$ thereby decreasing the risks of insulin
v- 'iver tonic herb
!eer antler is considered to be a liver tonic herb. ,t helps to remove the
to)ins accumulating in the liver and enhances the liver function in
carbohydrate metabolism which reduces the risks of nervous tension$
including fatigue and stress.
c- %ide effects
9verdose may cause insomnia and restlessness.
; Astragalus
a- !efinition
Astragalus is a small shrubs$ belongs to the legume family +abaceae and
native to the Northern ?emisphere.,t has been used in traditional 5hinese
medicine to invigorate vital energy.
b- ?ow astragalus effect fertility
i- ,mmune system
%tudyshows that astragalus helps to improve its immunostimulant effects$
resulting in lessening the risk of infection and inflammation caused by
invasion of bacteria and virus and leading to immune system to attack the
body tissues$ including sperm
ii- Adaptogenic effects
,t is also confirmed to be an adaptogenic herb that helps to increase our
body in adapting to the change of the environment including to)ic
chemicals$ resulting in lessening the risk of nervous tension$ leading
emotional and physical stress and an)iety.
iii- !iuretic effects
,t also helps to maintain the right levels of fluid in body by secreting e)tra
fluid through urinary secretion$ thus reducing symptoms of water retention
as well as improving kidney yin and yang that enhances the chance of
iv- Fi balancing
,t is said that Astragalus helps to re balancing the 7i in the body$ thereby
decreasing the risks of 7i stagnation in the reproductive organs$ causing
low sperm count in men.
v- 5ell regulating
,t not only helps to regulate the normal cells growth in the body$ but also
enhances the particle ingestion capacity of white blood cells$ leading to
improving response in treating cancer patients according study from
1BG3s$ researchers in ?ouston$ #e)as.
c- %ide effects
#here is no known side effect$ if not over dose.
; /tinging nettles
a- !efinition
%tinging nettles are also known as urtica dioica. ,t is a perennial flowering
plant native to (urope$ Asia$ northern Africa$ and North America. ,t has
been used in traditional 5hinese medicine for treating lack of se)ual
b- ?ow stinging nettle affects fertility
i- #estosterone
%ince it contains high levels of <$2-divanillyltetrahydrofuran$ it helps to
promote the production of free testosterone$ resulting in an increased
7uality of sperm count and se)ual desire.
ii- Kidney
,t is said that stinging nettles also helps to balance the yin and yang in the
kidney which helps to improve kidney function in regulating the
production of growth hormones. #his results in increasing se)ual desire
and improving the reproductive organs for production of sperm in men.
iii- Blood flow
,t is said that stinging nettle not only helps to increase the production of
red blood cells by stimulating the function of bone marrow$ but it also
enhances the blood in absorbing o)ygen which reduces nervous symptoms
including fatigue$ loss of concentration$ and lack of energy.
iv- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
%tudy shows that stinging nettle also helps to smoothen the urination in
men due to aging$ resulting in increased prostate fluid leading to normal
v- #o)in 5leansing
,t is said that it also contains substances that help to cleanse the body of
to)ins through kidney and liver function. #his results in balancing the 7i
and blood in the body$ leading to normal functioning of the reproductive
organ$ including a normal menstrual cycle in women and increased sperm
count in men.
c- %ide effects
#here are no ma6or side effects$ but overdose may cause mild stomach
upset$ fluid retention$ and hives or rashes. lease consult with your
; !istanches
a- !efinition
5istanche is also known as rou cong rong. ,t is a holoparasitic desert plant
belonging to the family 9robanchaceae. ,t has been used in tradition
5hinese medicine for replenishing blood and Kidney-Jing.
b- ?ow cistanche affects fertility
i- %e)ual desire
,t is said that cistanche helps to improve kidney function in regulating the
production of steroid growth hormones by replenishing the kidney 6ing as
well as retaining enough fluids in the reproductive organs$ resulting in an
increased production of testosterone and the chance of fertility.
ii- Nervous system
,t also contains chemicals that help to stimulate bone marrow in
production of red blood cells and it improves blood circulation by
decreasing the high blood pressure$ resulting in lessening nervous
symptoms$ such as a lack of energy$ fatigue$ stress$ and tiredness.
iii- Blow flow to the reproductive organs
Besides reducing the levels of high blood pressure$ it also stimulates the
blood flow to the reproductive organs that not only helps to increase sperm
7uality and count in men and restores the normal menstrual cycle in
women$ but also treat erectile dysfunction.
iv- Kidney
5istanche also contains substances that help to restore kidney function by
balancing the yin and yang 7i$ resulting in helping the kidney in releasing
the 7i and blood stagnation in the abdominal region and increasing the
chance of fertility and egg implantation into the uterine lining.
v- 5onstipation
5istanche also helps to improves the function of the bowels$ resulting in
healthy bowel movements$ leading to increased 7i in the digestive system
and increasing the digestive system in cleansing to)ins$ and vitamins and
mineral absorption.
c- %ide effects
,t is no known of side effect. ,t may be to)ic if overdosed.
; Rehmannia glutinosa
a- !efinition
@ehmannia glutinosa is also known as di huang in traditional 5hinese
medicine$ belongings to the family hrymaceae and native to 5hina. ,t is
one of /3 most common used herbs in strengthening the kidney organ.
b- ?ow rehmannia glutinosa effects fertility
i- Kidney Jing
#raditional 5hinese medicine believes that rehmannia glutinosa is a
kidney tonic medicine when it is used combination with other yang tonic
herbs. ,t helps revitali=e the steroid growth hormone in the body by
strengthening the kidney 6ing$ resulting in harmoni=ing the levels of
hormones secretion from the glands$ leading to increasing the production
of 7uality sperm and sperm count.
ii- Cin !eficiency
Beside stimulating the kidney 6ing$ it also helps to balance the se)ual
desire as well as erectile dysfunction caused by kidney yin deficiency as
resulting in over stimulating kidney yang of other herbs such as deer
antler$ thereby increasing the chance of fertility.
iii- Anemia
,t is said rehmannia glutinosa also increases the production of blood and
stimulates the production of iron$ thus increasing the blood transportation
nutrients and o)ygen to the body cell needs$ resulting in increasing the
blood flow to the reproductive organs$ leading to fertility.
iv- ,rregular cell growth
,t also contains high amount of vitamin A and 5$ that help to improve
immune function in fighting against infection and inflammation caused by
foreign bacteria and virus$ thereby reducing the chance for irregular cell
growth other than where they suppose to be growth such as endometrial
adhesion and implants.
v- %pleen
@ehmannia glutinosa also contains certain chemicals which help to
improve spleen function in regulating the production of insulin caused by
type : diabetes with hyperlipidemia$ resulting in lessening the risks of
sugar fluctuation in the blood stream of which causing irregular
menstruation in women and lower sperm count in men.
c- %ide effects
i- ,t is to)ic if over dose
ii- ,t is not suitable for pregnant women
iii- ,t may cause bloating and diarrhoea
; Male /il, Moth
a- !efinition
&ale silk moth e)tracted is e)tracted directly from male moth within
minutes of escaping from the cocoon$ then dried and preserved in the
alcohol. ,t is one most common used 5hinese herb and considered as a
medicine in strengthening the male reproductive organs and treating male
b- ?ow male silk moth effects fertility
i- >rowth hormone testosterone
,t is said that the e)tracted helps to stimulate the production of testosterone
from the glands in the body$ resulting in decreasing the risk of erectile
dysfunction and improving the production of sperm 7uality and count.
ii- Kidney tonic herb
&ale silk moth also contains certain chemicals which not only helps to
boost kidney function in regulating the fluid$ but also increases its function
in hormone harmoni=ing$ resulting in increasing se)ual desire and
iii- Nervous system
,t also helps to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs and provide
nutrient to the cells in nervous system$ resulting in lessening the risk of
nervous tension such as fatigue$ stress and an)iety$ caused by o)ygen
deficiency$ thus decreasing the risk of low sperm count.
iv- Blood tonic
%ince it increases blood flow to the reproductive organ including blood to
the penis$ it helps to decrease the risk of erectile dysfunction in men and
increase the se)ual performance$ including normal e6aculation.
c- %ide effects
i- 9ver dose may cause nervous tension including insomnia$ sleeplessness
and over active
ii- ,t is advised that do not used any se)ual tonic herb$ if you are sick
iii- No &a6or side effect$ if it is not overdosed
III. he summar(
osted by Kyle J. Norton at B"3/ A&
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