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By. Apriyani

According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
for 100 years, the rise in global average temperature of 0.7 C caused by greenhouse gas
emissions. Temperature of Indonesia big cities reach 1-4C. 18.2% of the emissions of
this greenhouse are contributed by construction and manufacturing activity.
People's lives, especially in urban areas need to reduce cooling energy use (air-
conditioner / AC) for occupancy comfort. The main source of heat in buildings is the
emission of infrared rays and solar heat propagation into buildings. The latest technology
in coating formulations can help reflectance infrared ray emission (IR reflective pigment)
and inhibit (heat insulating medium) propagation of heat from the sun into the building.
The latest coating technology has been able to create products with formulations that can
provide a total solar reflectance (TSR) 48-70% for non-white color and the propagation of
heat with the heat conductivity coefficient of 0.1 W/m.K. Products in this classification
have provided evidence supporting their effectiveness in reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and green building concepts.
According to the Green Council of Indonesia, "the concept of green building is a building
which in the planning, construction, operation and maintenance concern to the aspect of
protecting, conserving, reducing the use of natural resources, maintaining a good quality
building and indoor air quality, and residents health, which are all based on the principles
of sustainable development. "This coating supports the concepts of green building in the
Greenship application, which are ASD point 6 on the micro climate, EEC point 4
regarding the impact of climate change, and MRC point 6 on the regional material .
KEY WORDS: Infra Red Emission, Total Solar Reflectance, Greenship, ASD, EEC, MRC

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