Pp-8-Mrp Confirmation by Operation - 008

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Operaton wse conrmaton of producton order wth WIP Cacuaton

BOM & Routng shoud ext and reqrement avaabe n system.

Hence Producton order exsts and reeased
Operaton wse conrmaton T.Code CO11
1. Enter Producton order no
2. Press enter
(Rado button on rst conrmabe op10 wget seected by defaut)
3. Cck the button to get the detas
2.cck the goods movement con
Vaues n actvty can be changed f
neccessty comes
1. Check the data ke storage ocaton movement type,(261) Oty ,UOM,Pant
2. Fnay save
Check conrmaton document T.Code CO14
.Cck the Tab Admnstraton
3.cck the tab matera
Matera document s created wth
Check the matera document for order conrmaton T.Code MB03
.Enter matera document no
Enter the year as 2009
Fnay press enter
By pressng the tab accountng documents you can get detas
Of accountng and controng document numbers
Check the status of producton order T.Code CO03
1. enter order No
2. Press enter
The order status s PCNF means
partay conrmed and WIP detas
can be cacuated
Cacuate WIP T.Code KKAX
1.enter order no as 7000571
3.Enter sca year as-
2.enter WIP perod as 7(apr-
4.enter RA verson as 0
5.seect test run
6.Seect Log nformato messages
7.Press F8 execute
1. Check for any error
2. Cck back button
3. Cck Yes on the pop up screen askng eave st
4. Now un check the check box for test run and press F8
Dspay WIP Detas T.Code KKAY
1. Enter Order No as 7000571
2. WIP perod as 7
3. Fn Year as 2009
4. RA Verson as 0
5. Press F8 to execute
Start operaton wse conraton as mentoned n the earer step
T.code CO11
1.order no as 7000571
2.press Enter
1. In the popup screen op-10 s not shown
Contnue t you compete op-40
Cck the button to
know more detas
Check conrmaton document after na conrmaton T.Code CO14
Seect the box for op-50 and
cck the button to contnue
Seect the tab admnstraton
2. cck the tab
matera document
Matera document s
Check the matera document for order conrmaton T.Code -MB03
Enter Fsca year as 2009
Press enter
1. FGOP s posted wth move type 101 qty, Storage ocaton as WP-00
2. Accountng document no & controng document no can be obtaned
Accountng and controng
document nos are dspayed
Check the status of Producton order
T.Code CO03
Enter order No as 7000571
Press enter
Fnd the status as CNF
Cacuate WIP T.Code KKAX
1. enter order no as 7000571
2. wp perod as 7
3. Fsca year 2009
4. Ra verson as 0
5. Seect test run and og nformaton check box
6. Press F8
7. Check the error og
8. Cck back button
9. Cck yes on pop up screen
10.Un check test run and press F8
1. Tech. competon of producton order T.Code COHV
2. Enter matera as FGOP
3. Enter order type as ZP01
4. Cck on tab Mass processng
5. Functon=Techncay ompete
6. Press F8 to execute
Seect the row (order) by pressng here
Press F8 to compete TECO
Mass over head cacuaton T.Code CO43
1.Enter pant code
2.Seect the check box for
prodn order
3.Enter wp perod
as 7
4.Fsca year as 2009
5.Seect the check box test run
Fnd tota tems seected
under pant-1011

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