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1. Pardeep Sahni, Madhavi malalgoda and aria!and", #$i%a%&er ri%'

red"(&ion in %o"&h a%ia , P)I
*. +mi&a %invhal, #,nder%&anding ear&h-"a'e di%a%&er%. TM), */1/.
0. Pardeep %ahni, +l'a $hame1a and ,ma med"r, #$i%a%&er mi&iga&ion2
E3perien(e% and re4le(&ion%., P)I
5. +a6. 7*//89. $i%a%&er Managemen&2 Thro"gh &he Ne: Millenni"m. Ne:
$elhi2 +nmol P"!li(a&ion%.
;. Bo%e, B. C. 7*//89. Modern En((lopaedia o4 $i%a%&er and )a6ard
Managemen&. Ne: $elhi2 Ra1a& P"!li(a&ion%.
<. $ave, P. K. 7*//89. Emergen( Medi(al Servi(e% and $i%a%&er
Managemen&2 + )oli%&i( +pproa(h. Ne: $elhi2 =apee Bro&her%
Medi(al P"!li%her% 7P9 L&d.

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