Citizens Grand Jury Indictment 8-19-2014

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Individual, and JOSEPH ROBINETTE
BIDEN JR., and individual, Governor Edmund G.
Brown Jr., Secretary of State Debra Bowen,
California Supreme Court Justices: Carol A. Corrigan,
Joyce L. Kennard, Kathryn M. Werdegar, Tani
Cantil-Sakauye, Ming W. Chin, Marvin R. Baxter,
Goodwin Liu, 3
District Court of Appeal Justices:
Vance W. Raye, Cole Blease, Ronald B. Robie,
William J. Murray, Jr., George Nicholson,
M. Kathleen Butz, Elena J. Duarte, Harry E. Hull, Jr.,
Louis Mauro, Sacramento Superior Court Justice:
Michael P Kenny, 9
District Court of Appeals Judge
Morrison C. England, Jr., Gary S. Austin, Dennis L.
Beck, Stanley A. Boone, Edmund F. Brennan,
Garland E. Burrell, Jr., Allison Claire, Carolyn K.
Delaney, Dale A. Drozd, Gregory G. Hollows,
Anthony W. Ishii, Lawrence K. Karlton, Craig M.
Kellison, Barbara A. McAuliffe, John A. Mendez,
Kimberly J. Mueller, Kendall J. Newman, Troy L.
Nunley, Sheila K. Oberto, Lawrence J. ONeill,
Michael J. Seng, William B. Shubb, Sandra M.
Snyder, Jennifer L. Thurston,




At all times material to this indictment

1. In 2008 and 2012 Defendant BARRY SOETORO, aka Barack Hussein Obama (SS# 042-68-4425); aka
Harrison J. Bounel (SS# 042-68-4425); aka Barry Soebarkah; aka Barry Obama; aka Doe 1-999;
(hereinafter referred to as Defendant Soetoro aka Obama) was unconstitutionally sworn into the
office of the President of the United States and has usurped that office without constitutional-eligibility
(continuously) until today.
2. On or about March 20, 2009 Mr. Joe Biden (unconstitutional Vice President) joked about Mr. Soetoro
(aka Obama) not having a birth certificate or proof of U.S. birth. He quipped at a 2009 Gridiron Dinner,
You know, I never realized just how much power Dick Cheney had until my first day on the job. I
walked into my office, and you know how the outgoing president always leaves the incoming
president a note in his desk? he asked rhetorically. I opened my drawer and Dick Cheney had left me
Barack Obamas birth certificate.
3. Prior to 2007 Dystel & Goderich, Mr. Soetoro's (aka Obama) literary agents was using the Barry
Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) born in Kenya language until April 2007, just two months after then-
Senator Soetoro (aka Obama) declared his campaign for the presidency.
4. FELONY #1: On or about June 13, 2008 Mr. Soetoros (aka Obama) campaign staff placed a bogus short
form birth certification on line as his genuine birth record. Immediately there was an outcry that this
document was a fraudulent and a photo-shopped certificate.
5. On or about Aug. 17, 2008 reports began to appear showing Mr. Soetoro to be an Indonesian citizen and
registered as a young child at the Santo Fransiskus Assisis school in Jakarta, Indonesia.
6. On or about Friday, September 4, 2009, an affidavit from Lucas Smith was filed with the United States
District Court in Southern California, by Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz, (who was representing Smith). Smith, a
former resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was the man who claimed to have a copy of Soetoros (aka
Obama) Kenyan birth certificate. Smith swore to have acquired an authentic document from the Coast
Provincial Hospital in Mombasa that proves that Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) was born in Kenya, Africa at
7:24 p.m. on August 4th, 1961.
7. FELONY #2: On or about April 11, 2011 Mr. Soetoro placed a second bogus birth certificate on the white
house webpage. Again, immediately there was an outcry that this document was a fraudulent and a
photoshopped certificate.
8. FELONY #3: Mr. Soetoro is in possession of several dozen Bogus and fraudulent Social Security numbers.
The one he is using on the White House webpage (IRS Tax form) is 042-68-4425. This number is from the
State of Connecticut and Mr. Soetoro cannot prove that it a number registered to him. Instead, this
number shows to be first issued to a Mr. Harrison J. Bounel. Mr. Soetoro has never answered the
charges that he is using stolen Social Security numbers.
9. FELONY #4: Mr. Soetoro has presented a bogus and fraudulent Selective Service Registration card. The
one that he has used to show that he complied with Federal Law is a forged document.
10. FELONY #5: Mr. Soetoro has produced nearly 100 falsified Democrat National Committee
DECLARATIONS of Natural born Citizenship (50 in each state in 2008, 50 in each state in 2012) with the
eager aid of the Democrat Party. The Democrat National Committee Party was aware that Mr. Soetoro
was the illegitimate son of a Kenyan (Africa) foreign national. (Mr. Obama Senior was already previously
married to several African Tribal women and no marriage in the United States could be legitimate since
Obama Senior was already married.) The Democrat Party knew that Mr. Soetoro was not a natural born
citizen as demanded by the U.S. Constitution.
11. On or about Jan 6, 2012 a ballot challenge was filed in the Sacramento Superior Court as per CA Election
Code 13341. One of the Plaintiffs was Edward C. Noonan, a Natural Born Citizen who was a candidate for
the Office of the President of the United States. Mr. Noonan challenged the citizenship of Mr. Soetoro
and stated that Mr. Soetoro was not constitutionally eligible to be placed on the California ballot for the
2014 June Primary. The Sacramento Superior Court Judge was Michael P. Kenny.
12. FELONY #6: On or about March 16, 2012 Judge Michael P. Kenny refused to act on the felony
complaints that were charged in court by the plaintiffs concerning the felonies of Mr. Soetoro. Judge
Kenny thereby became a conspirator in the above felonious acts of Mr. Soetoro and swept the Soetoro
crimes under the rug and then out the door. The Kenny court was corrupt and without the rule of law.
13. FELONY #7: On or about March 13, 2012 an appeal of the corrupt and unconstitutional ruling of Judge
Kenny was filed in the 3
District Court of Appeals in Sacramento, CA. These reported felonies (written
on the pages of this appeal) have not seen the light of day for nearly a year and will not surface again
until August 19, 2014 (9:30 am). The entire 3
District Court of Appeals as a whole has committed a
felony by not acting on the charges of the above felonies immediately upon hearing of any
constitutional violations. The 3
District Court of Appeals have conspired to allow the felonies of Mr.
Soetoro to go unanswered.
14. FELONY #8: In 2013 The California Supreme Court ignored the felony charges that were filed in their
court by the plaintiff Edward Noonan, et al., Applicants v. Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State
No. 12A606 (Title: Edward Noonan, et al., Applicants v. Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State
Docketed: December 13, 2012 Lower Ct: Supreme Court of California Case Nos.: (S207078)). The entire
California Supreme Court became co-conspirators of the felonies of Mr. Soetoro.
15. FELONY #9: On or about Feb 2013 the U.S. Chief Judge of the 9
District Court of Appeals (located in CA)
refused to hear the felony charges presented in his court. (Case #13-16359 James Grinols, Edward C
Noonan, Thomas MacCleran, Robert Odden, Keith Judd, Orly Taitz v. Electoral College, U.S. Congress,
Gov of California, Secretary of State of California, Barack Obama). England refused to allow witness, and
then condemned the plaintiffs for not presenting any evidence. Judge England and the 9
District Court
of Appeals conspired to allow the felonies of Mr. Soetoro to go unchallenged and no investigation was
ordered by any of the U.S. Court Judges when the charge of having an illegal alien squatting in the white
house was brought before them.
16. FELONY #10: The illegal alien Mr. Soetoro nominated two U.S. Supreme Court Justices. They were Sonia
Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. This cannot be valid since the U.S. Constitution states that the President of
the United States MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN. The current U.S. Supreme Court is currently a poisoned tree.

(U.S. Code Title 18 Part I Chapter 47 1015 - Naturalization, citizenship or alien registry)


17. On or about January 6, 2012 Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) was given a chance to appear in Sacramento
Superior Court and present proper documentation to prove that he is indeed a citizen of the United
States and/or also present an argument to the Judge why a Natural Born Citizen could be an illegal alien
or why a bastard child without a U.S. Citizen father could be considered to be a natural born citizen.
18. However, Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) refused to address his questionable citizenship issue and instead
had his illegal GOVERNMENT ATTORNEYS to present technical arguments on whether or not the
Secretary of State Debra Bowen had a constitutional duty to uphold the constitution.
19. Mr. Soetoros (aka Obama) attorney FREDRIC D. WOOCHER in his MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND
20. President Obama is, of course, a natural born citizen, born in the United States to a mother who was
an American Citizen, and is thus fully qualified to be President under the U.S. Constitution. (See,,
(Ind. App 2009) 916 N.E.2d 678, 684-689[rejecting the argument that President Obama is
constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President because his father was a citizen of the United
Kingdom, holding that persons born within the borders of the United States are natural born citizens,
regardless of the citizenship of their parents])
21. However, the challenge was never answered that Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) is not a U.S. Citizen.
22. In addition, the Ankeny v. Gov of State of Indiana case was based on a bogus photo-shopped short form
birth certification that was photo-shopped by the Soetoro (aka Obama) Campaign team.
23. Two years later a second bogus and fraudulent BIRTH CERTIFICATE was placed upon the white house
webpage (this time a LONG FORM Birth Certificate).
24. At no time during the court hearings did Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) attempt to answer the charges before
him that he falsified his birth records but his attorneys merely attempted to deflect attention away from
the felonies that Soetoro (aka Obama) had committed since 2008.
25. Title 18 Part I Chapter 47 1015 states:
26. (a) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement under oath, in any case, proceeding, or matter
relating to, or under, or by virtue of any law of the United States relating to naturalization, citizenship, or
registry of aliens; . . .
27. Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. . .
28. All judges that allowed false statements to stand in their courtrooms regarding the undiscovered and
unproven citizenship of Mr. Soetoro to be unchallenged have conspired to commit a felony as per
Section 1015 as noted above.

(18 U.S. Code 1028 Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents,
authentication features, and information)

29. (a) Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (c) of this section
30. (1) knowingly and without lawful authority produces an identification document, authentication feature,
or a false identification document;
31. ...
32. (b) The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) of this section is
33. (1) except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4), a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more
than 15 years, or both, if the offense is
34. (A) the production or transfer of an identification document, authentication feature, or false
identification document that is or appears to be
35. (i) an identification document or authentication feature issued by or under the authority of the United
States; or
36. (ii) a birth certificate, or a drivers license or personal identification card;
37. ...
38. (7) the term means of identification means any name or number that may be used, alone or in
conjunction with any other information, to identify a specific individual, including any
39. (A) name, social security number, date of birth, official State or government issued drivers license or
identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or taxpayer
identification number;
40. On or about March 16, 2012 the plaintiffs amended their charges in Sacramento Superior Court and
challenged the illegal alien Mr. Soetoros (aka Obama) use of Social Security number 042-68-4425. Mr.
Soetoro failed to answer the charges and therefore is still under accusation of using false Social Security
numbers as a non-U.S. citizen.
41. The Superior Court Judge Michael P. Kenny and currently the 3
District Court of Appeals have also
failed to report violations of 18 U.S. Code 1028 to the proper Federal authorities and insure that a
candidate that would appear on the 2012 California State Primary was not using a fraudulent Social
Security number and was not using high crimes and misdemeanors to get elected in the State of
42. A ballot challenge was under Section 13341 of the CA Elections Code, but the courts refused to get the
challenge a fair hearing.
43. The plaintiffs that challenged Mr. Soetoros (aka Obama) U.S. citizenship were left without remedy.

(U.S. Constitution - Article 1 - Section 9 - Limits on Congress)

45. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to
admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight,
but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
46. Section 9 (above) states that the U.S. Congress has no authority regarding the migration of illegal aliens
into any state. Instead it is a state matter to be determined by the sovereign State citizens of that state.
47. At the present time, Mr. Soetoro cannot prove that he is a U.S. citizen. He cannot prove that he was
born in the United States. There has been a challenge that he was born in Kenya. He has not offered any
proof that the Kenyan birth accusation is false. Weak denials may have been made and strong assertions
that Mr. Soetoro is a legal resident, but no discovery on the matter has ever been given nor received by
any ballot challenge plaintiff in the United States.
48. On or after January 6, 2012 Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) had the opportunity to prove that he is a United
States citizen. He failed and neglected to do so in a court of law. Instead, he has offered two bogus birth
certificates and stymied any attempt for any elector in the U.S.A. to challenge his citizenship. This
violates the 5
Amendment and there has been no fair due process of law to the U.S. citizen plaintiffs
challenging Mr. Soetoros (aka Obama) false citizenship claims.

(U.S. Constitution - Amendment 11 - Judicial Limits. Ratified 2/7/1795)

49. The 11
Amendment states: The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to
any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of
another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.
50. According to the 11
Amendment, Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) has no constitutional standing in any
Federal Court to commence any action against any State (i.e. sovereign State citizen.) The common law
meaning of this amendment is that only sovereign State citizens can commence an action either in State
court or Federal Court. Mr. Soetoro is not a Sovereign citizen of any state. He claims Hawaii is the state
of his birth, but he cannot prove that he was born there, nor has witnesses of his birth in the State of
51. Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) does have a witness of his birth, who was his grandmother, and she said Mr.
Soetoro (aka Obama) was born in the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa.
52. The judges of the State of California have allowed an illegal alien to commence an action against a
sovereign state citizen contrary to the 11
Amendment. Since all STATES are members of the UNITED
STATES no alien can bring a suit against a sovereign U.S. citizen or sovereign State citizen.
53. Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) should be deported to his former homelands of either Kenya or Indonesia.

California Constitution Article 6
SECTION 18. (a) A judge is disqualified from acting as a judge, without loss of salary, while there is
pending (1) an indictment or an information charging the judge in the United States with a crime
punishable as a felony under California or federal law, or (2) a petition to the Supreme Court to
review a determination by the Commission on Judicial Performance to remove or retire a judge.
54. Any crime that a suspect commits and then is covered up by any public official is considered to
be an act of conspiracy to cover up the original crime.
55. There is no question that the High Court Justices of California have failed to uphold the U.S.
Constitution and other Federal and State laws.
56. CA Penal Code:
57. Section 837. A private person may arrest another:
58. 1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence.
59. 2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not
60. in his presence.
61. 3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he has reasonable
62. cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it.
63. The California Citizen Grand Jury hereby places all Justices named under common law citizens
arrest and indict them for above said felonies.
64. The California Constitution is clear and mandates: (a) A judge is disqualified from acting as a
judge, without loss of salary, while there is pending (1) an indictment or an information
charging the judge in the United States with a crime punishable as a felony under California or
federal law,
65. If any of the above mentioned judges wish to appeal the indictment of this Citizen Grand Jury,
they need to appear at a 9:30 on August 19, 2014 at the 3
District Court of Appeals in
Sacramento CA. (EDWARD C NOONAN et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. DEBRA BOWEN, as
Secretary of State, etc. et al, Defendants-Respondents).
66. All above defendants have until this above said date to review their past performance (OR LACK
OF PERFORMANCE) in the matter of the non-vetting of an illegal alien to hold the office of the
President of the United States.

California Citizens Grand Jury Prosecutor

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