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Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn

Eating Well
Food Diary
Date: _________________

Day of the Week: ___________________

Pregnancy Week: _________________

Several times during your pregnancy, use this chart to: record what you eat in a day, evaluate how your diet compares to
the recommendations, and make healthy adjustments.

Write down what you eat and drink.

Breakfast, morning snacks, drinks:

Lunch, afternoon snacks, and drinks:

Dinner, evening snacks, and drinks:

Did you get your recommended number of servings* of each food group? At the end of the day, mark what
food group those food items represent, and how many servings you ate or drank.
Grains9 one-ounce servings c c c c c c c c c
Vegetables3.5 one-cup servings c c c

Fruits2 one-cup servings c c

Milk3 one-cup servings c c c
Meat and Beans6.5 one-ounce servings c c c c c c

Fluids8 or more one-cup servings c c c c c c c c

* See the Food Pyramid Groups and Servings chart for a description of serving sizes (Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn page 113).
Fill in half a box if you had half a serving.

Compare what you ate with the recommendations.

What should you eat more of? _________________________________________________________________________________
What should you eat less of? __________________________________________________________________________________
What foods were the most nutritious? ___________________________________________________________________________
What foods tasted the best to you? _____________________________________________________________________________
Whats one thing you could do better? __________________________________________________________________________
Now congratulate yourself on every healthy choice you made and think about one small improvement you could make in
the future.
2010 by Parent Trust for Washington Children, excerpted from Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn

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