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Misrak TVET College

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Ethiopian TVET-System
Level I
&nit o( Competence) Install %o(t*are !pplication
Module Title ) Installing %o(t*are !pplication
L# Code ) ICT IT%+ L,+ ,-
TTLM Code ) ICT IT%+ TTLM ,-++
LO +) Determine so(t*are and upgrade
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 1 o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
INTRODUCTION Learning Guide # 5
This learning guide is developed to provide 4ou the necessar4 in(ormation regarding the (ollo*ing
content coverage and topics 3
Introduction to !pplication %o(t*are
"ard*are e.uirements (or Installation o( the !pplication
This guide *ill also assist 4ou to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page5
%peci(icall4, upon completion o( this Learning #uide, 4ou *ill 6e a6le to 3
Document and report client re.uirements to appropriate person in accordance *ith the
*orkplace standard5
!ct on instructions to meet client re.uirements in line *ith organi7ational re.uirements5
Learning Actiitie!
+5 ead the speci(ic o68ectives o( this Learning #uide5
05 ead the in(ormation *ritten in the 9In(ormation %heets +: in pages ;/25
;5 !ccomplish the 9%el(/check: in page <5
15 I( 4ou earned a satis(actor4 evaluation proceed to 9In(ormation %heet 0:5 "o*ever, i( 4our rating
is unsatis(actor4, see 4our teacher (or (urther instructions or go 6ack to Learning !ctivit4 = +5
-5 %u6mit 4our accomplished %el(/check5 This *ill (orm part o( 4our training port(olio5
25 ead the in(ormation *ritten in the 9In(ormation %heet 0: in pages >/+05
<5 !ccomplish the 9%el(/check: in page +;5
>5 I( 4ou earned a satis(actor4 evaluation proceed to 9Operation %heet: in pages +1/+-5 "o*ever,
i( 4our rating is unsatis(actor4, see 4our teacher (or (urther instructions or go 6ack to Learning
!ctivit4 = 05
?5 ead the 9Operation %heet: and tr4 to understand the procedures discussed5
+,5 Do the 9L!' test: in page +2 @i( 4ou are read4A and sho* 4our output to 4our teacher5 $our
teacher *ill evaluate 4our output either satis(actor4 or unsatis(actor45 I( unsatis(actor4, 4our
teacher shall advice 4ou on additional *ork5 But i( satis(actor4 4ou can proceed to Learning
#uide 05
$our teacher *ill evaluate 4our output either satis(actor4 or unsatis(actor45 I( unsatis(actor4,
4our teacher shall advice 4ou on additional *ork5 But i( satis(actor4 4ou can proceed to the
neCt topic5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age " o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
In#$r%ati$n S&eet 1 Intr$ducti$n t$ S$#t'are
C$%(uter S$#t'are
C$%(uter !$#t'are, or 8ust !$#t'are, is a collection o( computer
programs and related data that provide the instructions (or telling a computer *hat
to do and ho* to do it5
In other *ords, so(t*are is a conceptual entit4 *hich is a set o( computer
programs, procedures, and associated documentation concerned *ith the operation
o( a data processing s4stem5
De can also sa4 so(t*are re(ers to one or more computer programs and data
held in the storage o( the computer (or some purposes5
In other *ords so(t*are is a set o( (r$gra%!) (r$cedure!) alg$rit&%! and
its d$cu%entati$n5
The term *as coined to contrast to the old term hard*are @meaning ph4sical
devicesA5 In contrast to hard*are, !$#t'are i! intangi*le, meaning it +cann$t *e
%o(t*are is also sometimes used in a more narro* sense,
meaning application so(t*are onl45 %ometimes the term includes data that has not
traditionall4 6een associated *ith computers, such as (ilm, tapes, and records5

E,a%(le! $# S$#t'are
Computer so(t*are have (acilitated the interaction 6et*een human 6eings
and computers5 Dhat are the di((erent kinds o( so(t*areE #o through the eCamples
o( di((erent computer so(t*are5
I( hard*are can 6e said to (orm the ph4sical aspect o( a computer s4stem,
so(t*are (orms the 6rains o( a computerF %o(t*are re(ers to the computer
programs, procedures and documentation that per(orm certain tasks on a computer
s4stem5 Follo*ing is an eCtensive list o( eCamples o( the di((erent kinds o( so(t*are5
A- A((licati$n S$#t'are. !pplication so(t*are is that, *hich is designed (or the
end/users and hence kno*n as end/user programs5 It emplo4s the capa6ilities o( a
computer to eCecute the tasks that the user *ishes to per(orm on a computer
s4stem5 Look at the various eCamples o( application so(t*are5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age / o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
0- Educati$nal S$#t'are. The4 are used to deliver tests and track progress5 The4
are used (or educational purposes5 Training management and classroom
management so(t*are are some eCamples o( educational so(t*are5 The so(t*are
used (or purposes o( edutainment, a (orm o( entertainment that aims at educating
the masses, is also a (orm o( educational so(t*are5
C- Enter(ri!e S$#t'are) It caters to the needs o( organi7ation processes and data
(lo*5 Customer relationship management and suppl4 chain management so(t*are
are the *ell/kno*n eCamples o( enterprise so(t*are5 Enterprise in(rastructure
so(t*are supports the enterprise so(t*are s4stems5
D- In#$r%ati$n 1$r2er S$#t'are) It caters to the needs o( an individual to
manage in(ormation pertaining to a pro8ect or a single department5 esource
management so(t*are and documentation tools are some o( the popularl4 used
in(ormation *orker so(t*are5
E- Media Deel$(%ent S$#t'are) The4 are used (or the generation o( print and
electronic media in the educational and commercial sector5 Image organi7ers and
image editing so(t*are, animation so(t*are like Flash, audio and video editors as
*ell as the *e6 development so(t*are are some *ell/kno*n eCamples o( media
development so(t*are5
3- 4r$duct Engineering S$#t'are) This so(t*are is used in the development o(
hard*are and so(t*are products5 !pplication programming inter(aces and
integrated development environments are the *ell/kno*n eCamples o( product
engineering so(t*are5 'rogram testing tools, de6uggers, compilers and C!D are
some o( the other instances o( product engineering so(t*are5
G- Si%ulati$n S$#t'are) The4 are used (or the simulation o( ph4sical and a6stract
s4stems5 Computer simulators that are used (or simulating scienti(ic concepts and
social ideas, 6attle(ield, vehicle and (light simulators are some o( the popular
eCamples o( simulation so(t*are5
5- 4r$gra%%ing S$#t'are) 'rogramming Languages are used to *rite programs
that control the (unctioning o( a computer s4stem5 The4 are the 6uilding 6locks o(
computer applications5 #o through the complete list o( the di((erent programming
I- S6!te% S$#t'are) It is a computer so(t*are that manages and controls
hard*are in order to ena6le application so(t*are to per(orm its tasks5 %4stem
so(t*are per(orms the (unctions like trans(erring data (rom memor4 to the disk or
delivering teCt onto a displa4 device5
7- Deice Drier!) The4 are computer programs, *hich (acilitate the interaction o(
high/level computer programs *ith the hard*are devices5 Drivers also provide
interrupt/handling mechanisms5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 8 o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
K- Net'$r2 Manager!) The4 check computer net*orks, data trans(ers and log
L- Viru! Scanner!) The4 scan (or viruses on a computer s4stem5 The4 are *idel4
kno*n as antivirus so(t*are5
5ere i! an $erie' $# !$%e $# t&e $t&er i%($rtant 2ind! $# !$#t'are-
M- C$ntent9c$ntr$l !$#t'are) It re(ers to the so(t*are designed (or controlling
the content that is permitted (or the user to access5 It can determine *hat content
*ill 6e availa6le on a particular machine or net*ork5 Content/control so(t*are are
commonl4 used at homes and in schools to restrict the content that can 6e
accessed over the net 64 the students5
N- Data Rec$er6 S$#t'are) !part (rom the (acilities o( cop4ing o( data (iles, data
recover4 so(t*are supports the user needs o( 6acking up important computer data5
It allo*s the user to speci(4 *hat is to 6e 6acked up and *hen5
T&ere are di##erent t6(e! $# c$%(uter !$#t'are- 1&at are t&eir %a:$r
t6(e!; Let u! !ee-
I- S6!te% S$#t'are. It helps in running the computer hard*are and the computer
s4stem5 %4stem so(t*are is a collection o( operating s4stemsG device drivers,
servers, *indo*ing s4stems and utilities5 %4stem so(t*are helps an application
programmer in a6stracting a*a4 (rom hard*are, memor4 and other internal
compleCities o( a computer5
II- A((licati$n S$#t'are. It ena6les the end users to accomplish certain speci(ic
tasks5 Business so(t*are, data6ases and educational so(t*are are some (orms o(
application so(t*are5 Di((erent *ord processors, *hich are dedicated (or speciali7ed
tasks to 6e per(ormed 64 the user, are other eCamples o( application so(t*are5
!part (rom these three 6asic t4pes o( so(t*are, there are some other *ell/kno*n
(orms o( computer so(t*are like inventor4 management so(t*are, E', utilit4
so(t*are, accounting so(t*are and others5 Take a look at some o( them5
Di##erent T6(e! $# A((licati$n S$#t'are
Dhat is application so(t*areE Dhat are the di((erent t4pes o(
application so(t*areE Hno* it all along *ith some interesting eCamples o(
application so(t*are5
o 1&at i! A((licati$n S$#t'are;
!pplication so(t*are utili7es the capacities o( a computer directl4 to a dedicated task5
!pplication so(t*are is a6le to manipulate teCt, num6ers and graphics5 It can 6e in the
(orm o( so(t*are (ocused on a certain single task like *ord processing, spreadsheet or
pla4ing o( audio and video (iles5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 5 o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Di##erent T6(e! $# A((licati$n S$#t'are
1- 1$rd 4r$ce!!ing S$#t'are. This so(t*are ena6les the users to create and edit
documents5 The most popular eCamples o( this t4pe o( so(t*are are M%/Dord, Dord'ad,
Notepad and some other teCt editors5
"- Data*a!e S$#t'are. Data6ase is a structured collection o( data5 ! computer data6ase
relies on data6ase so(t*are to organi7e the data and ena6le the data6ase users to achieve
data6ase operations5 Data6ase so(t*are allo*s the users to store and retrieve data (rom
data6ases5 ECamples are Oracle, M% !ccess, etc5
/- S(read!&eet S$#t'are. ECcel, Lotus +/0/; and !pple Num6ers are some eCamples o(
spreadsheet so(t*are5 %preadsheet so(t*are allo*s users to per(orm calculations5 The4
simulate paper *orksheets 64 displa4ing multiple cells that make up a grid5
8- Multi%edia S$#t'are. The4 allo* the users to create and pla4 audio and video media5
The4 are capa6le o( pla4ing media (iles5 !udio converters, pla4ers, 6urners, video
encoders and decoders are some (orms o( multimedia so(t*are5 ECamples o( this t4pe o(
so(t*are include eal 'la4er and Media 'la4er5
5- 4re!entati$n S$#t'are. The so(t*are that is used to displa4 in(ormation in the (orm
o( a slide sho* is kno*n as presentation so(t*are5 This t4pe o( so(t*are includes three
(unctions, namel4, editing that allo*s insertion and (ormatting o( teCt, methods to include
graphics in the teCt and a (unctionalit4 o( eCecuting the slide sho*s5 Microso(t 'o*er'oint
is the 6est eCample o( presentation so(t*are5
Sel#9C&ec2 1 1ritten Te!t
Name:____________________ Date:_________________
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age < o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to ask your
+5 It is a collection o( computer programs and related data that provide the instructions (or
telling a computer *hat to do and ho* to do it5 =1 ($int>
05 #ive at least (ive @-A kinds o( so(t*are5 =5 ($int>
;5 It is a kind o( so(t*are that it is kno*n to 6e end/user programs5 =1 ($int>
15 Dhat are the t*o @0A ma8or t4pes o( a so(t*areE =" ($int>
-5 #ive the (ive @-A Di((erent T4pes o( !pplication %o(t*are5 =5 ($int>
25 Ms Dord is a t4pe o( *hat application so(t*areE =1 ($int>
<5 Dindo*s Operating s4stem is *hat t4pes o( a so(t*areE =1 ($int>
>5 #ive the three @;A eCamples o( a %4stem %o(t*are5 =/ ($int>
In#$r%ati$n S&eet "
5ard'are Re?uire%ent! #$r In!tallati$n
$# t&e A((licati$n
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age @ o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
S$#t'are Re?uire%ent!
To 6e used e((icientl4, all computer so(t*are needs certain hard*are components or
other so(t*are resources to 6e present on a computer5 These pre/re.uisites are kno*n as
@computerA s4stem re.uirements and are o(ten used as a guideline as opposed to an
a6solute rule5 Most so(t*are de(ines t*o sets o( s4stem re.uirements) minimum and
Dith increasing demand (or higher processing po*er and resources in ne*er
versions o( so(t*are, s4stem re.uirements tend to increase over time5 Industr4 anal4sts
suggest that this trend pla4s a 6igger part in driving upgrades to eCisting computer
s4stems than technological advancements5
Rec$%%ended !6!te% re?uire%ent!
O(ten times manu(acturers o( games *ill provide the consumer *ith a set o(
re.uirements that are di((erent than those that are needed to run so(t*are5 These
re.uirements are usuall4 called the Rec$%%ended Re?uire%ent!5
These re.uirements are almost al*a4s o( a signi(icantl4 higher level than the
%ini%u% re?uire%ent!, and represent the ideal situation in *hich to run the so(t*are5
#enerall4 speaking this is a 6etter guideline than minimum s4stem re.uirements in order
to have a (ull4 usa6le and en8o4a6le eCperience *ith so(t*are5
5ard'are re?uire%ent!
The most common set o( re.uirements de(ined 64 an4 $(erating
!6!te% or !$#t'are a((licati$n is the ph4sical computer resources, also kno*n
as &ard'are, ! hard*are re.uirements list is o(ten accompanied 64 a &ard'are
c$%(ati*ilit6 li!t @"CLA, especiall4 in case o( operating s4stems5 !n "CL lists tested,
compati6le, and sometimes incompati6le hard*are devices (or a particular operating
s4stem or application5 The (ollo*ing su6/sections discuss the various aspects o( hard*are
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age A o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
!ll computer $(erating !6!te%! are designed (or a particular c$%(uter
arc&itecture5 Most so(t*are applications are limited to particular operating s4stems
running on particular architectures5 !lthough architecture/independent operating s4stems
and applications eCist, most need to 6e recompiled to run on a ne* architecture5 %ee also
a list o( c$%%$n $(erating !6!te%! and their supporting architectures5
4r$ce!!ing ($'er
The po*er o( the central (r$ce!!ing unit @C'&A is a (undamental s4stem
re.uirement (or an4 so(t*are5 Most so(t*are running on ,A< arc&itecture de(ine
processing po*er as the %$del and the cl$c2 !(eed o( the C'&5 Man4 other (eatures o( a
C'& that in(luence its speed and po*er, like *u! !(eed, cac&e, and MI4S are o(ten
ignored5 This de(inition o( po*er is o(ten erroneous,
as AMD At&l$n andIntel 4entiu% C'&s at similar clock speed o(ten have di((erent
throughput speeds5 Intel 4entiu% C'&s have en8o4ed a considera6le degree o( popularit4,
and are o(ten mentioned in this categor4
!ll so(t*are, *hen run, resides in the rand$% acce!! %e%$r6 @!MA o( a
computer5 Memor4 re.uirements are de(ined a(ter considering demands o( the application,
operating s4stem, supporting so(t*are and (iles, and other running processes5 Optimal
per(ormance o( other unrelated so(t*are running on a multi/tasking computer s4stem is
also considered *hen de(ining this re.uirement5
Sec$ndar6 !t$rage
"ard/disk re.uirements var4, depending on the si7e o( so(t*are installation,
temporar4 (iles created and maintained *hile installing or running the so(t*are, and
possi6le use o( !'a( !(ace @i( !M is insu((icientA5
Di!(la6 ada(ter
%o(t*are re.uiring a 6etter than average c$%(uter gra(&ic! displa4,
like gra(&ic! edit$r! and high/end ga%e!, o(ten de(ine high/end di!(la6 ada(ter! in
the s4stem re.uirements5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age B o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
%ome so(t*are applications need to make eCtensive andIor special use o(
some (eri(&eral!, demanding the higher per(ormance or (unctionalit4 o( such
peripherals5 %uch peripherals include CD9ROM drie!, 2e6*$ard!, ($inting
deice!, net'$r2 deice!, etc5
S$#t'are re?uire%ent!
%o(t*are re.uirements deal *ith de(ining so(t*are resource re.uirements and pre/
re.uisites that need to 6e installed on a computer to provide optimal (unctioning o( an
application5 These re.uirements or pre/re.uisites are generall4 not included in the
so(t*are installation package and need to 6e installed separatel4 6e(ore the so(t*are is
In c$%(uting, a plat(orm descri6es some sort o( #ra%e'$r2, either in &ard'are
or !$#t'are, *hich allo*s so(t*are to run5 T4pical plat(orms include a computerJs
arc&itecture, $(erating !6!te%, or (r$gra%%ing language! and
their runti%e li6raries5
O(erating !6!te% is one o( the (irst re.uirements mentioned *hen de(ining
s4stem re.uirements @so(t*areA5 %o(t*are ma4 not 6e compati6le *ith di((erent versions
o( same line o( operating s4stems, although some measure o( 6ack*ard compati6ilit4 is
o(ten maintained5 For eCample, most so(t*are designed (or Micr$!$#t 1ind$'! C4 does
not run on Micr$!$#t 1ind$'! BA, although the converse is not al*a4s true5 %imilarl4,
so(t*are designed using ne*er (eatures o( Linu, Kernel v052 generall4 does not run or
compile properl4 @or at allA on LinuC distri6utions using Hernel v050 or v0515
A4I! and drier!
%o(t*are making eCtensive use o( special hard*are devices, like high/end di!(la6
ada(ter!, needs special A4I or ne*er device drivers5 ! good eCample is DirectC, *hich
is a collection o( !'Is (or handling tasks related to multimedia, especiall4 game
programming, on Micr$!$#t plat(orms5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 1D o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
1e* *r$'!er
Most *e6 applications and so(t*are depending heavil4 on Internet technologies make use
o( the de(ault 6ro*ser installed on s4stem5 Micr$!$#t Internet E,(l$rer is a
(re.uent choice o( so(t*are running on Microso(t Dindo*s, *hich makes use
o( ActieC controls, despite their vulnera6ilities5
Ot&er re?uire%ent!
%ome so(t*are also has other re.uirements (or proper per(ormance5 Internet
c$nnecti$n @t4pe and speedA and re!$luti$n o( the displa4 screen are nota6le eCamples5
S6!te% re?uire%ent t$ in!tall $(erating !6!te%
These are the minimum re.uirements (or 6asic (unctionalit45 !ctual re.uirements
var4, depending on the s4stem con(iguration and the programs and (eatures that 4ou
choose to install5 In installing ne* so(t*are, it is 6ut necessar4 to kno* its hard*are
re.uirements 6e(ore installing5 $ou can check (orm the manu(acturer, the accompanied
read me (ile or in the *e65 "ere are some hard*are re.uirements (or some common
operating s4stem so(t*are)
T&e %ini%u% &ard'are re?uire%ent! #$r 1ind$'! C4 5$%e Editi$n.
'entium 0;;/megahert7 @M"7A processor or (aster @;,, M"7 is recommendedA
!t least 21 mega64tes @MBA o( !M @+0> MB is recommendedA
!t least +5- giga64tes @#BA o( availa6le space on the hard disk
CD/OM or DVD/OM drive
He46oard and a Microso(t Mouse or some other compati6le pointing device
Video adapter and monitor *ith %uper V#! @>,, C 2,,Aor higher resolution
%ound card
%peakers or headphones
T&e %ini%u% &ard'are re?uire%ent! #$r 1ind$'! C4 4r$#e!!i$nal
'entium 0;;/megahert7 @M"7A processor or (aster @;,, M"7 is recommendedA
!t least 21 mega64tes @MBA o( !M @+0> MB is recommendedA
!t least +5- giga64tes @#BA o( availa6le space on the hard disk
CD/OM or DVD/OM drive
He46oard and a Microso(t Mouse or some other compati6le pointing device
Video adapter and monitor *ith %uper V#! @>,, C 2,,A or higher resolution
%ound card
%peakers or headphone
T&e %ini%u% !6!te% re?uire%ent! #$r 1ind$'! @ are li!ted *el$'-
K + gigahert7 @#"7A or (aster ;0/6it or 21/6it processor5
K + giga64te @#BA !M @;0/6itA or 0 #B !M @21/6itA5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 11 o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
K +2 #B availa6le hard disk space @;0/6itA or 0, #B @21/6itA5
K DirectL ? graphics device *ith DDDM +5, or higher driver5
Sel#9C&ec2 " 1ritten Te!t
Name:____________________ Date:_________________
Instruction: Answer all the .uestions listed 6elo*, i( 4ou have some clari(ications/ (eel (ree to ask
4our teacher5
+5 It is a set o( re.uirements that are di((erent than those that are needed to run so(t*are5 =1
05 To 6e used e((icientl4, all computer so(t*are needs certain hard*are components or other
resources to 6e present on a computer5 Dhat do 4ou call these pre/re.uisitesE =1 ($int>
;5 #ive the minimum re.uirements (or installing Dindo*s L' "ome Edition5 =5 ($int!>
15 #ive the minimum re.uirements (or installing Dindo*s L' 'ro(essional Edition5 =5 ($int!>
-5 #ive the minimum re.uirements (or installing Dindo*s < Edition5 =/ ($int!>
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 1" o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
N$te. Sati!#act$r6 rating E 1" ($int! a*$e F Un!ati!#act$r6 9 *el$' 1" ($int!
$ou can ask 4ou teacher (or the cop4 o( the correct ans*ers
O(erati$n S&eet 1 In!talling a !$#t'are (r$gra%
5$' t$ in!tall a !$#t'are (r$gra%;
This is a 6asic overvie* on ho* to install so(t*are programs, games, and utilities on
4our computer5 Installing a so(t*are program can depend on the operating s4stem 6eing
used and the program 6eing installed5 Because o( all the di((erent possi6ilities, *e have
created the 6elo* steps as guidelines (or installing programs in each o( the ma8or
operating s4stems5
General Ti(!
Make sure 4our computer meets the re.uirements o( the program, game, or utilit4
4ou are attempting to install5
The manuals (or the program or the read%e (ile located in the same director4 as
the install commonl4 contain eCact instructions on ho* to install a program5
!(ter installing or during the installation, a program ma4 need to install other
programs, (iles, or utilities 6e(ore it is a6le to run5 I( this is the case, the program
*ill commonl4 prompt 4ou to install the program or 4ou ma4 need to run a separate
install 6e(ore the program can 6e (ull4 used5
Dhen installing a program, utilit4, or game, it is al*a4s a good idea (irst to close or
disa6le an4 other programs that are running5
!(ter installing a ne* program i( it prompts 4ou to re6oot the computer, do it5
Micr$!$#t 1ind$'! u!er!
Man4 so(t*are programs, games, and utilities have an !uto'la4 (eature that *ill
automaticall4 start the setup screen (or the so(t*are program *hen the CD is placed in
the computer5 I( 4our program, game, or utilit4 contains this (eature, run the installation
through the screen that appears a(ter inserting the disc5
I( 4ou are installing a program, game, or utilit4 that does not contain this (eature or
4ou are installing a program (rom a (lopp4 diskette, (ollo* the 6elo* steps5
+5 Open M4 Computer5
05 Dithin the M4 Computer *indo*, open the drive that contains the installation (iles5
For eCample, i( the (iles are on a (lopp4 diskette, open the !) drive5 I( the4Jre on a
CD or DVD open the D) drive or the letter o( the disc drive5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 1/ o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
;5 Dithin the drive that contains 4our (iles, locate either a !etu( or in!tall (ile5
Dou6le/clicking on this (ile should start the installation (or the program, game, or
utilit45 I( 4ou see multiple setups or install (iles, tr4 to locate the A((licati$n (ile or
dou6le/click each o( setup or install (iles until 4ou (ind the (ile that starts the
installation5 Man4 times the icons associated *ith the installation (iles have the
same name5
!n alternate method o( starting the installation in Microso(t Dindo*s
+5 Click %tart and un5
05 In the un Dindo*, t4pe C)Msetup or C)Minstall *here C is the letter o( the drive 4ou
*ish to start the installation (rom5 For eCample, i( 4ou are attempting to install a
program (rom the (lopp4 disk drive 4ou *ould t4pe a)Msetup or a)Minstall5
MS9DOS u!er!
&sers installing a program (rom Microso(t DO% should have a 6asic understanding o(
the M%/DO% commands5
+5 Be(ore installing a program in M%/DO%, 4ou must s*itch to the drive or director4
that contains the installation (iles5 I( 4ou are installing a program (rom a CD or
diskette, s*itch to that drive5 I( the installation (iles are located in a di((erent
director4, use the dir command to list the directories and the cd command to s*itch
into the appropriate director45
05 Once 4ou are in the director4 or drive that contains the installation (iles, run the
eCecuta6le (or the setup5 Man4 times this can 6e done 64 t4ping !etu( or in!tall at
the prompt to start the installation5 I( 6oth o( these commands give a 6ad
command or (ile name error message, t4pe dir G-e,e or dir G-c$% or dir G-*at5
These commands *ill list an4 eCecuta6le (ilesG i( an4 (iles are listed, eCecute these
(iles to run the installation or setup o( the program5 I( no (iles are listed *hen
t4ping all three o( the a6ove commands, it is possi6le that either 4ou are in the
incorrect director4 or drive letter, or that the program5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 18 o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
La( Te!t 4ractical De%$n!trati$n
Time started) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Time (inished)
In!tructi$n!. $ou are re.uired to per(orm the (ollo*ing individuall4 *ith the presence o(
4our teacher5
Initiate so(t*are installation using the standard *a4, alternative *a4 @run *indo*A
and M% Dos prompt5 Call the attention o( the trainer to give 4ou the installation
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 15 o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
$our teacher *ill evaluate 4our output either satis(actor4 or unsatis(actor45 I(
unsatis(actor4, 4our teacher shall advice 4ou on additional *ork5 But i( satis(actor4,
4ou can proceed to the neCt topic5
Learning #uide Date) ,-/0,+1 'age 1< o( +2
First Edition !uthor) ICT, IT 3 Misrak TVET College

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