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Misrak TVET College

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Ethiopian TVET-System
Level I
&nit o( Competence) Demonstrate *ork values
Module Title ) Demonstrating *ork values
L# Code ) ICT IT%+ M+, L,- .-
TTLM Code ) ICT IT%+ TTLM+, ,/++
LO -) !ppl0 *ork values1ethics
Learning #uide Date) ,/2-,+3 'age 1 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
INTRODUCTION Learning Guide # 32
This learning guide is developed to provide 0ou the necessar0 in(ormation regarding the (ollo*ing content
coverage and topics 5
6ork Ethics
This guide *ill also assist 0ou to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page7
%peci(icall0, upon completion o( this Learning #uide, 0ou *ill 8e a8le to 5
Classi(0 and rea((irm wor !a"ue#$e%&i'#$'on'e(%# in accordance *ith the transparent compan0
ethical standards, policies and guidelines7
&ndertake wor (ra'%i'e# in compliance *ith industr0 *ork ethical standards, organi9ational
polic0 and guidelines
Conduct personal 8ehavior and relationships *ith co2*orkers and1or clients in accordance *ith
ethical standards, polic0 and guidelines7
&se 'o)(an* re#our'e# in accordance *ith transparent compan0 ethical standard, policies and
Learning A'%i!i%ie#
+7 ead the speci(ic o8:ectives o( this Learning #uide7
-7 ead the in(ormation *ritten in the ;In(ormation %heets +< in pages .2=7
.7 !ccomplish the ;%el(2check< in page 47
37 I( 0ou earned a satis(actor0 evaluation proceed to ;Lap Test< on pages >7 "o*ever, i( 0our rating is
unsatis(actor0, see 0our teacher (or (urther instructions or go 8ack to Learning !ctivit0?+7
/7 Do the ;L!' test< @i( 0ou are read0A and sho* 0our output to 0our teacher7 $our teacher *ill evaluate
0our output either satis(actor0 or unsatis(actor07 I( unsatis(actor0, 0our teacher shall advice 0ou on
additional *ork7 But i( satis(actor0 0ou can proceed to Learning #uide ..7
$our teacher *ill evaluate 0our output either satis(actor0 or unsatis(actor07 I( unsatis(actor0, 0our
teacher shall advice 0ou on additional *ork7 But i( satis(actor0 0ou can proceed to the neCt topic7
Learning #uide Date) ,/2-,+3 'age 2 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
In+or)a%ion S&ee% 1 ,or E%&i'#
,or e%&i'# is a set o( values 8ased on hard *ork and diligence7 It is also a 8elie( in the
moral 8ene(it o( *ork and its a8ilit0 to enhance character7 !n eCample *ould 8e the 'rotestant
*ork ethic7 ! *ork ethic ma0 include 8eing relia8le, having initiative, or pursuing ne* skills7
6orkers eChi8iting a good *ork ethic in theor0 should 8e selected (or 8etter positions,
more responsi8ilit0 and ultimatel0 promotion7 6orkers *ho (ail to eChi8it a good *ork ethic ma0
8e regarded as (ailing to provide (air value (or the *age the emplo0er is pa0ing them and should
not 8e promoted or placed in positions o( greater responsi8ilit07
-ere i# a Li#% o+ %&e To( 1. Va"ue# E)("o*er# Loo +or in E)("o*ee#/
I( 0ou are interested in turning 0our internship into a :o8 o((er, itDs important to kno*
eCactl0 *hat emplo0ers look (or *hen hiring (ull2time emplo0ees7 In addition to relevant skills,
emplo0ers seek emplo0ees *ho have the personal values, characteristics, and personalit0 traits
that spell success7 #ood personal values are *hat makes the (oundation (or a good emplo0ee7
Internships are an eCcellent time to sho* emplo0ers that 0ou have the personal traits that the0
value in their emplo0ees7 Do not make the mistake o( missing the opportunit0 to sho* 0our
supervisors at 0our internship that 0ou have *hat it takes to 8e success(ul on the :o8 as *ell as
possessing the personal characteristics the0 value7 !n internship is an opportunit0 to learn the
skills and 8ehaviors along *ith the *ork values that are reEuired (or success in the *orkplace7
1/ S%rong ,or E%&i'
Emplo0ers value emplo0ees *ho understand and possess a *illingness to *ork hard7 In
addition to *orking hard it is also important to *ork smart7 This means learning the most
e((icient *a0 to complete tasks and (inding *a0s to save time *hile completing dail0
assignments7 ItDs also important to care a8out 0our :o8 and complete all pro:ects *hile
maintaining a positive attitude7 Doing more than is eCpected on the :o8 is a good *a0 to sho*
management that 0ou utili9e good time management skills and donDt *aste valua8le compan0
time attending to personal issues not related to the :o87 Do*nsi9ing in toda0Ds :o8 market is
Euite common so itDs important to recogni9e the personal values and attri8utes emplo0ers *ant
to improve 0our chances o( :o8 securit0 should a la0o(( occur7
Learning #uide Date) ,/2-,+3 'age 3 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
2/ De(enda0i"i%* and Re#(on#i0i"i%*
Emplo0ers value emplo0ees *ho come to *ork on time, are there *hen the0 are suppose
to 8e, and are responsi8le (or their actions and 8ehavior7 ItDs important to keep supervisors
a8reast o( changes in 0our schedule or i( 0ou are going to 8e late (or an0 reason7 This also
means keeping 0our supervisor in(ormed on *here 0ou are on all pro:ects 0ou have 8een
assigned7 Being dependa8le and responsi8le as an emplo0ee sho*s 0our emplo0er that 0ou
value 0our :o8 and that 0ou are responsi8le in keeping up *ith pro:ects and keeping them
in(ormed o( the things that the0 should kno* a8out7
3/ 1o##e##ing a 1o#i%i!e A%%i%ude/
Emplo0ers seek emplo0ees *ho take the initiative and have the motivation to get the :o8
done in a reasona8le period o( time7 ! positive attitude gets the *ork done and motivates others
to do the same *ithout d*elling on the challenges that inevita8l0 come up in an0 :o87 It is the
enthusiastic emplo0ee *ho creates an environment o( good *ill and *ho provides a postive role
model (or others7 ! positive attitude is something that is most valued 80 supervisors and co2
*orkers and that also makes the :o8 more pleasant and (un to go to each da07
2/ Ada(%a0i"i%*
Emplo0ers seek emplo0ees *ho are adapta8le and maintain (leCi8ilit0 in completing tasks
in an ever changing *orkplace7 Being open to change and improvements provides an opportunit0
to complete *ork assignments in a more e((icient manner *hile o((ering additional 8ene(its to
the corporation, the customer, and even the emplo0ee7 6hile o(tentimes emplo0ees complain
that changes in the *orkplace donDt make sense or makes their *ork harder, o(tentimes these
complaints are due to a lack o( (leCi8ilit07
!dapta8ilit0 also means adapting to the personalit0 and *ork ha8its o( co2*orkers and
supervisors7 Each person possesses their o*n set or strengths and adapting personal 8ehaviors
to accommodate others is part o( *hat it takes to *ork e((ectivel0 as a team7 B0 vie*ing change
as an opportunit0 to complete *ork assignments in a more e((icient manner, adapting to change
can 8e a positive eCperience7 Ne* strategies, ideas, priorities, and *ork ha8its can (oster a 8elie(
among *orkers that management and sta(( are 8oth committed to making the *orkplace a
8etter place to *ork7
Learning #uide Date) ,/2-,+3 'age 2 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
3/ -one#%* and In%egri%*
Emplo0ers value emplo0ees *ho maintain a sense o( honest0 and integrit0 a8ove all else7
#ood relationships are 8uilt on trust7 6hen *orking (or an emplo0er the0 *ant to kno* that the0
can trust *hat 0ou sa0 and *hat 0ou do7 %uccess(ul 8usinesses *ork to gain the trust o(
customers and maintain the attitude that ;the customer is al*a0s right<7 It is the responsi8ilit0
o( each person to use their o*n individual sense o( moral and ethical 8ehavior *hen *orking
*ith and serving others *ithin the scope o( their :o87
4/ Se"+ 5 Mo%i!a%ed
Emplo0ers look (or emplo0ees *ho reEuire little supervision and direction to get the *ork
done in a timel0 and pro(essional manner7 %upervisors *ho hire sel(2motivated emplo0ees do
themselves an immense (avor7 For sel(2motivated emplo0ees reEuire ver0 little direction (rom
their supervisors7 Once a sel(2motivated emplo0ee understands his1her responsi8ilit0 on the :o8,
the0 *ill do it *ithout an0 prodding (rom others7 Emplo0ers can do their part 80 o((ering a sa(e,
supportive, *ork environment that o((ers emplo0ees an opportunit0 to learn and gro*7 6orking
in a supportive *ork environment and taking the intiative to 8e sel(2directive *ill provide
emplo0ees *ith a 8etter sense o( accomplishment and increased sel(2esteem7
6/ Mo%i!a%ed %o Grow 7 Learn
In an ever2changing *orkplace, emplo0ers seek emplo0ees *ho are interested in keeping
up *ith ne* developments and kno*ledge in the (ield7 It has 8een noted that one o( the top
reasons emplo0ees leave their emplo0ers is the lack o( opportunit0 (or career development
*ithin the organi9ation7 Learning ne* skills, techniEues, methods, and1or theories through
pro(essional development helps keep the organi9ation at the top o( its (ield and makes the
emplo0eeFs :o8 more interesting and eCciting7 Geeping up *ith current changes in the (ield is
vital (or success and increased :o8 securit07
8/ S%rong Se"+ 5 Con+iden'e
%el(2con(idence has 8een recogni9ed as the ke0 ingredient 8et*een someone *ho is
success(ul and someone *ho is not7 ! sel( 5 con(ident person is someone *ho inspires others7 !
sel(2con(ident person is not a(raid to ask Euestions on topics *here the0 (eel the0 need more
kno*ledge7 The0 (eel little need to have to impress others *ith *hat the0 kno* since the0 (eel
com(orta8le *ith themselves and donDt (eel the0 need to kno* ever0thing7
The sel(2con(ident person does *hat he1she (eels is right and is *illing to take risks7 %el(2
con(ident people can also admit their mistakes7 The0 recogni9e their strengths as *ell as their
*eaknesses and are *illing to *ork on the latter7 %el(2con(ident people have (aith in themselves
and their a8ilities *hich is mani(ested in their positive attitude and outlook on li(e7
Learning #uide Date) ,/2-,+3 'age 3 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
9/ 1ro+e##iona"i#)
Emplo0ers value emplo0ees *ho eChi8it pro(essional 8ehavior at all times7 'ro(essional
8ehavior includes learning ever0 aspect o( a :o8 and doing it to the 8est o( oneDs a8ilit07
'ro(essionals look, speak, and dress accordingl0 to maintain an image o( someone *ho takes
pride in their 8ehavior and appearance7 'ro(essionals complete pro:ects as soon as possi8le and
avoid letting uncompleted pro:ects pile up7 'ro(essionals complete high Eualit0 *ork and are
detail oriented7 'ro(essional 8ehavior includes all o( the 8ehavior a8ove in addition to providing a
positive role model (or others7 'ro(essionals are enthusiastic a8out their *ork and optimistic
a8out the organi9ation and its (uture7 To 8ecome a pro(essional 0ou must (eel like a pro(essional
and (ollo*ing these tips is a great start to getting to *here 0ou *ant to go7
1./ Lo*a"%*
Emplo0ers value emplo0ees the0 can trust and *ho eChi8it their lo0alt0 to the compan07
Lo0alt0 in the *ork(orce has taken on a ne* meaning7 #one are the da0s *hen emplo0ees plan
on starting out and retiring *ith the same compan07 It is said that most people *ill hold 8et*een
> 5 +- :o8s throughout their career7 6hat does this mean in terms o( lo0alt0 in toda0Ds
Companies o((ering emplo0ee gro*th and opportunit0 *ill ultimatel0 gain a sense o(
lo0alt0 (rom their emplo0ees7 Emplo0ees toda0 *ant to (eel a sense o( satis(action in their :o8s
and *ill do a good :o8 *hen the0 (eel that the emplo0er is (air and *ants to see them succeed7
!lthough this ma0 mean onl0 sta0ing (or (ive or ten 0ears in a position, emplo0ees can o((er
lo0alt0 and make an important contri8ution during their time *ith the compan07
More companies toda0 encourage emplo0ee (eed8ack and o((er emplo0ees an opportunit0
to lead in their area o( eCpertise7 This gives emplo0ees a greater sense o( satis(action and a
sense o( control over their :o87 Empo*erment encourages emplo0ees to do their 8est *ork since
companies are displa0ing a trust and eCpectation that the0 8elieve in their emplo0ees to do a
good :o87
O((ering :o8s that encourage learning and the development o( ne* skills also gives
emplo0ees a sense o( empo*erment in the *orkplace7 !ligning an emplo0ees values *ith the
goals o( the organi9ation *ill (oster lo0alt0 and a 8ond 8et*een emplo0er and emplo0ee7
Fostering good relationships *ithin an organi9ation and o((ering constructive *a0s to handle
con(lict provides a *in 5 *in situation (or 8oth emplo0er and emplo0ee7 Creating an organi9ation
that values lo0alt0 *ithin the organi9ation can also *ork to its 8ene(it 80 using the same
techniEues and strategies to esta8lish lo0alt0 *ith customersI and lo0atl0 (rom customers
ultimatel0 makes (or a success(ul 8usiness7
Learning #uide Date) ,/2-,+3 'age 4 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Se"+:C&e' 1 ,ri%%en Te#%
Name:____________________ Date:_________________
Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to ask your teacher.
+7 Emplo0ers value emplo0ees *ho eChi8it pro(essional 8ehavior at all times7
-7 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ person is someone *ho inspires others
.7 Emplo0ers value emplo0ees the0 can trust and *ho eChi8it their lo0alt0 to the compan0
37 Emplo0ers seek emplo0ees *ho are interested in keeping up *ith ne* developments and
kno*ledge in the (ield7
/7 ItDs important to keep JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ o( changes in 0our schedule or i( 0ou are going
to 8e late (or an0 reason7
=7 Emplo0ers value emplo0ees *ho understand and possess a *illingness to *ork hard7
$our teacher *ill evaluate 0our output either satis(actor0 or unsatis(actor07 I(
&nsatis(actor0, 0our trainer shall advice 0ou on additional *ork7 But i( satis(actor0, 0ou
can proceed to the neCt topic7
Learning #uide Date) ,/2-,+3 'age 6 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College

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