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Accenture Code of Business Ethics

On January 29, 2014, Accenture's Board of Directors adopted amendments

to the Code of Business Ethics. The purpose of the amendments was to
update the Code of Business Ethics with respect to business and
regulatory developments as well as to provide additional guidance and
greater detail about various matters, including the use of social media,
compliance with laws, and political contributions.
Our Code of Business Ethics, available in 19 languages below,
establishes an ethical framework of expected behaviors in everything we
do, from serving our clients and running our business, to further enhancing
our brand, reputation and transparency as a company. It specifically
emphasizes that:
Acting with integrity in compliance with laws is not just about doing the right
thing and protecting Accenture. It has a tangible impact on our performance
and reflects on our character as a businessto our clients, our business
partners and the public at large.
The Code of Business Ethics builds on our six core values by providing
greater detail about expected ethical behaviors of all employees. The Code
of Business Ethics provides this detail through a series of action
statements associated with each core value that describe how we expect
all employees and contractors to behave in relation to specific

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