Dayna S Questions Ite 326

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1. Which reason(s) stated in Cornett (2011, pp.

144-148) for integrating the visual

arts into the elementary curriculum resonated with you, why is this important to
you, and how will you use this information to advocate for the arts in education?
The thing that stuck out to me was a quote from a teacher that integrated visual arts, she
said, I think that concentrating on the details in the artwork gave them the eye and the
patience to go back into their writing again...the art helps the writing and the writing
helps the art. (Cornett, pg 146) I think this is really important because often times kids
get lazy in their writing and are only motivated to write the minimal just to get by.
Students are not engaging in deeper thinking and making connections. Making art
requires patience and paying close attention to detail. In my opinion, I think I would
integrate a visual arts idea with a language arts lesson to better engage students and to
hopefully interest students more. This activity shows students how important it is to pay
attention to detail and how well they can retain information. I could use this information
in my classroom by having my students each write a descriptive paper that is describing
an animal, but the main idea is that they cannot directly say what their animal is, they can
only use descriptive language and ideas that would allow a reader to figure out your
specific animal. Then students will switch with their table partner, read their descriptive
writing, then try to draw the animal their partner is writing about.

4. After reading Cornett (2011, pp, 162-163) describe the aesthetics of your ideal
classroom that integrates the visual arts into the curriculum. Why are the aesthetic
components of your classroom important to you and your students in creating an
environment that uses the arts to enhance teaching and learning?
In my ideal classroom I would have student artwork hanging on the walls (throughout the
school year), shelves of manipulatives (for math), a well-stocked reading corner, and
minimal white walls showing. Everything in my classroom would be color coordinated
and very well organized with an easiness to use and pleasant to look at. In my ideal
curriculum I would like to incorporate and integrate arts into my classroom and a daily
basis because I feel that students will benefit greatly. I would love to have a wall that
was dedicated to monthly mosaic art pieces that my students would create. Aesthetic
components are important to have in my classroom because it can reflect and affect
students mood and motivation. For example, students would feel more motivated to
complete quality work they take pride because they constantly see their work posted
around the class.

10. Cornett (2011) says that energizers and warm-ups are used to ready students
mentally and physically for creative problem-solving (p.179). She lists numerous
energizers and warm-ups. Select three energizers or warm-ups that you would like
to include in your teaching.
1. Bubbles (pg. 181) Interesting technique that I would love to use in my own
classroom one day. This also reminded me of an activity that we did during our
first semester? We did something similar to create texture for our Childrens
books we were creating.
2. Eye Warm-up (pg. 180) - This activity would be great to incorporate after recess
or lunch time to calm students down and to regain their focus before starting
another lesson. I also like how there are variation to this activity so students
wont get too familiar with it.
3. Doodle Log (pg. 180) I love this idea of a doodle log, maybe I need to start one
too. This is a great way to differentiate in my classroom because I could give my
students an option to use a written log or a doodle log depending on the activity I
want them to do.

13. Arts integration (AI) includes teaching in, through, with and about the arts
(Cornett, 2011). The section on connecting visual art to other curricular areas
contains a wealth of information about connecting the visual arts to science, social
studies, reading, writing, and mathematics (pp. 191-199). Focus on the grade level
you will teach next year. Select one standard or benchmark in another content area
that you want to focus on specifically. Describe how you can integrate a specific
visual arts experience to enhance student understanding of that standard or
benchmark in another content area while still teaching the students something
meaningful about an artist, an art form, a media, or a technique.
First grade
Standard 6: Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences: NATURE OF MATTER AND
ENERGY: Understand the nature of matter and energy, forms of energy (including
waves) and energy transformations, and their significance in understanding the structure
of the universe
Benchmark SC.K.6.1: Classify objects by their attributes (e.g., physical properties,
materials of which they are made)
One mini lesson that integrates visual arts is to accurately model the planets and their
exact distance from the sun (on a scaled down model of course). After introducing and
talking about the different properties of each planet, I will have students draw a visual
representation of the distance, color, and size between the various planets. By using a
graph paper, I can guide my students to accurately form a drawing. I could also
incorporate different art tools such as basic color pencils to a more intricate tool such as
oil pastels, depending on the grade level.

Hawaii Content & Performance Standards Database III :: Hawaii Department of
Education. (n.d.). Hawaii Content & Performance Standards Database III :: Hawaii
Department of Education. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from

15. Describe the three artistic processes: creating, performing/exhibiting, and
Share specific ideas about how you can engage your elementary students in these
three processes in a visual art experience that you design for them.
-Perform: Students can share and present their finished art form, whether it is a painting
or a skit or a song. Any form of art can be preformed to instill a sense of
accomplishment and ownership in out students. It will also allow us as teachers to hear
if each individual student understands the extent of the assignments. In a sample lesson, I
could have each student present his or her art piece to the classroom. I could give
students a rubric or guidelines to help direct them.
-Respond: Students are able to reflect and think critically about their own art piece that
will enable them to give appropriate responses to any questions asked related to their art
piece. By being able to give appropriate responses, students are showing a deeper
understanding of their visual arts piece. In a sample lesson, I would have maybe an exit
card that will ask about there own personal art piece.
-Creating: Students can create their own original pieces using their own
ideas/creativeness. As a result of students creating, they will gain a deeper understanding
of the 4 areas of fine arts. For example, in dance, students create their own choreography
to different songs or melodies. In drama, students can direct their own skits, scenes, or
plays. In music, students create original rhythms, songs, or even their own lyrics. In
visual arts, students create their own art pieces that use different elements of art. One
possible lesson idea would be to allow students to choose which form of fine arts they
would like to engage in to represent their personal goals or hobbies.

. (n.d.). . Retrieved June 14, 2014, from
Engaging Elementary Students in Art Criticism

19. Identify and copy selected benchmarks in three different grade levels that are
directly related to engaging students in art criticism in the elementary classroom.
Select one image to share and discuss the strategies you can use to engage your
students in art criticism. You may want to engage your students in art criticism as
part of your art talk presentation and questioning strategies.

Standard 1: VISUAL ARTS: Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and
processes in the creation of works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate
a variety of ideas, feelings, and experiences

Second Grade
Benchmark FA.2.1.3: Describe different responses to the same work of art
Students are to look at pieces of art and analyze them to generate personal responses and
the response that others might have.

First grade
Benchmark FA.1.1.6: Compare artwork from various cultures that have similar themes
and subject matter.
Students are to examine art works from different cultures and make similarities or
contrasts. For example; lines, textures, shapes, etc.

Benchmark FA.K.1.4: Explain preferences for particular works of art
The students are to examine an art piece and explain what they like or dislike about it.

Hawaii Content & Performance Standards Database III :: Hawaii Department of
Education. (n.d.). Hawaii Content & Performance Standards Database III :: Hawaii
Department of Education. Retrieved June 26, 2014, from

Questions to ask
-Does anything stand out to you?
-Do you see any think different in this particular painting?
-What do you see?
-How do you feel looking at this art piece?
-What technique do you think this artist used?
-What colors are being used?


Scoring Rubric for Self-Assessment For Reading Responses Check your work!

Does Not Meet

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Online posting:
__ The assignment was
not completed and criteria
were not met for
accomplished work.

Online posting in Forums and in
_X_ Included your name on your
posting in a .doc file in Forums
_X_ Proofreads work before
_X_ Copies the each question and
includes the number of the question.
_X_ Answers all components of each
_X_ Answers in detail the required
number of questions from each reading
__X Includes a total of six questions
and answers.
_X_ Answers demonstrate evidence of
X__Answers indicate you were
thinking for yourself and are different
from other answers shared
X__Citations included in answers
X__Used rubric to self-assess your
X__Posted finished work in Forums
for peer review.
_X_Responded to one peer and
included name here___Lindsey____
_X_Posted rubric and finished work in
Assignments for instructor review
In addition to meets
expectations, provide evidence
of how you think you exceeded
the expectations for this

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