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To root out terrorism, bring in sex, more sex.

In order to eliminate terrorism from its roots, the world needs much more, also openly and easily
available, sex. Yes you read sex. No amount of armed action can effectively deal with a problem whose
roots are deep into the socio-religious convictions of a population. The problem might have a
determinable political facet to it when examined from its operational perspective. Yet the genesis lies
Not only that a sexually satisfied animal is less violent than the one desperately seeking sex, rather when
it comes to a thinking animal access to pleasant sex gives him a rationale to live and let others live.
Purists may call sex a weakness, but its a necessary human weakness that makes our world a happy and
livable place.
The world today seeks faster and assessable remedies for the maladies its facing. No wonder the
expediency has made it completely surrender itself to the political regimes. The nations directly at the
target of terrorism went headway against the enemy. The breeding grounds were the countries
suffering from deprivation and illiteracy Religion first keeps the people deprived of the opportunities of
education and prosperity and then becomes the fountainhead of terror to be maneuvered by the
governments. And since governments are dishonest by their birth so the political ill-will inevitably plays
its part. The result is a gory mess world over to be seen and to be suffered.
Terrorist is a man who has given up on this world for the chance he deserves to commit the primal sin
sex. Reasons can be any his poverty, his illiteracy, his appearance, or anything that renders him
ineligible to find a partner for sex. He has a worse outlook of life than a crouching rapist. He readily buys
the lure of hooris eagerly waiting for him in heaven. He embraces death to hug a female figure he has
been denied a touch in his life. He feels like a bridegroom being adorned to meet his bride while
transformed into a human bomb.
The ready to die and kill young boys are the fidayeens at the disposal of their handlers. Their education
and the eventual early introduction to sex can only humanize and save them from turning into
ammunition. Sex domesticates man. It was not for nothing that Vedic philosophy gave sex a place
among the four pillars of life along with dharma, arth and moksha.

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