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Authentication and Authorization Interview Question

What do you mean by authentication and authorization?

Authentication is the process of verifying user's identity. Authorization is the process of
granting privilege to authenticated user.
Authentication is the process of validating a user on the credentials (username and
password) and authorization performs after authentication.
What are the two layer of authentication in ASP.N!?
""S layer and authentication process layer.
What are the different types of authentication modes available?
ASP.NET supports three authentication modes through the System.Web.Security namespace.
What are the difference between windows authentication and form authentication?
Windows authentication uses windows account whereas form authentication maintains its
own user list.
Windows authentication is est suited for a company user whereas form authentication is
prefera!e for the app!ications which have diversified (spread) users from several places.
"ser !ists for Windows authentication are found in $authorization% e!ement whereas in case
of form authentication# !ists are there in $credential% e!ement of web.config fi!e.

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