HomeworkTemplate AssignmentsA, B, C

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Purpose: Introducing new content

Assignment A
Directions: Watch the video the following video and
respond to the questions below.
Video: ______________________________________________
Question 1: _________________________________________
Question 2: _________________________________________
Nae ____________________________________________
!his paper contains "our hoewor# assignents for
$onda"% !uesda" and Wednesda".
&ou a" choose the order that "ou coplete these
'ne assignent is due each da". ( will read "our
responses and return it to "ou.
Do not coplete ore than one per night )( want "ou
thin#ing about ath ever" night*.
+oewor# will be spot chec#ed when the bell rings for
copletion and e,ort. (t is graded on the following
On Friday, you will glue this area into your notebook.
+oewor# -ubric
+oewor# /riteria )+W*
0 !he hoewor# is copleted thoroughl" and
with care.
1 !he +W is copleted but lac#s thoroughness
or care.
2 !he +W is partiall" 2nished with care
3 !he +W is less than half coplete.
4Note: hoewor# that is not turned in on tie is not
eligible to receive 0 points. +owever% the student has two
choices. !he student a" sta" after school with $s.
$an#el to coplete the hoewor# assignent to earn up
to 1 points )as# $s. $an#el what da" wor#s best*. 'r the
Purpose: Review and Deepen Knowledge
Assignment C
Directions: -ead through the notes fro this wee#% (5N
page ________. 6ppl" a thin#ing strateg" fro (5N page
____ to help "ou a#e sense of the concepts.
Purpose: Review and Deepen Knowledge
Assignment B
Directions: -ead through the notes fro this wee#% (5N
page ________. 6ppl" a thin#ing strateg" fro (5N page
____ to help "ou a#e sense of the concepts.

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