Purpose: Assignment A: Introducing New Content

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!"#$%&'( Introducing new content *&&+,-.

'-/ *
Biiections: Watch the viueo the following viueo anu iesponu to
the questions below.
viueo: ______________________________________________
Question 1: _________________________________________
Question 2: _________________________________________
Name ____________________________________________

This papei contains youi homewoik assignments foi Nonuay,
Tuesuay anu Weunesuay.

You may choose the oiuei that you complete these

0ne assignment is uue each uay. I will ieau youi iesponses
anu ietuin it to you.

Bo not complete moie than one pei night (I want you
thinking about math eveiy night).

Bomewoik will be spot checkeu when the bell iings foi
completion anu effoit. It is giaueu on the following ciiteiia.

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Bomewoik Rubiic
Points Bomewoik Ciiteiia (BW)
4 The homewoik is completeu thoioughly anu with caie.
S The BW is completeu but lacks thoioughness oi caie.
2 The BW is paitially finisheu with caie (incomplete).
u The BW is less than half complete.
*Note: homewoik that is not tuineu in on time is not eligible to
ieceive 4 points. Bowevei, the stuuent has two choices. The
stuuent may stay aftei school with Ns. Nankel to complete the
homewoik assignment to eain up to S points (ask Ns. Nankel
what uay woiks best). 0i the homewoik may be submitteu up to
one uay late foi up to 2 points.

!"#$%&'( Review and Deepen Knowledge *&&+,-.'-/ 0

Biiections: Reau thiough the notes fiom this week, ISN page
________. Apply a thinking stiategy fiom ISN page ____ to help you
make sense of the concepts.
!"#$%&'( Review and Deepen Knowledge *&&+,-.'-/ 1
Biiections: Reau thiough the notes fiom this week, ISN page
________. Apply a thinking stiategy fiom ISN page ____ to help you
make sense of the concepts.

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