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GTA V: (MAIN) MALE CHARACTERS http://gta.wikia.

Lester Crest is a career criminal and long time ally of Michael De Santa and Trevor Philips, being a regular
member of their heist crews since the start of their partnership, working mostly as a planner and
information scout. Lester suffers from a wasting disease that has, throughout his life, gradually worn down
his motor skills, leaving him practically incapable of walking without the use of a cane. Due to his limited
mobility, Lester has grown considerably overweight. Nonetheless, he makes up for his lack of physical skills
with a genius-level intelligence, a masterful expertise in technology and computing and a sharp eye for
detail, which is what makes him an excellent planner for the various heists he pulled off during his career.
Lester is also very well informed about world politics and the insider details and machinations of corporate action. Using this
knowledge, he has been involved with stock fraud and corporate assassination for a large chunk of his career, both prior and
during the game.

Dave Norton is a corrupt FIB agent, working under Steve Haines. In 2004, he somehow came into contact
with Michael Townley and the two worked together to stage Michael's fake death during an upcoming heist
in Ludendorff; Michael would be able to leave crime behind and Dave would finally have something to
highlight his unremarkable career. After the heist, Dave shoots Michael and Brad Snider during their
escape, but he fails to shoot Trevor Philips, as was the original plan; Brad dies and is buried in Michael's
grave, while Michael survives thanks to a bullet-proof vest. Dave pulls strings to secretly get Michael and
his family into witness protection in exchange for monthly hush money. Dave then enjoys the fame of being
the man who killed one of the most wanted men in the country, but that wanes after a few years, with his career remaining
For the next nine years, Michael lives in Los Santos under the surname De Santa, with Dave being in touch with him. He arrives
at Michael's mansion after Michael and his protege, Franklin Clinton, robbed a jewel store, warning the former that this act will
attract Trevor, who Dave has been sending emails to in the disguise of Brad to keep tabs on him. Nortons boss, Steve Haines
discovers Dave's deal with Michael, forcing Michael, Trevor and Franklin to work for him and Dave. Haines wants to get rid of
Michael so he'll be able to get out clean of the suspicions against him, leading Dave to briefly turn against Haines during a
massive shootout between the FIB, the IAA, and Merryweather, during which Dave gets help from both Michael and Trevor.
Dave tries to calm down Haines, who agrees to spare Michael, but wants Trevor dead. Haines orders Franklin to kill Trevor, while
Devin Weston tells him to assassinate Michael. If the player chooses to spare Michael and Trevor, Haines is killed, and Dave is
named new host of "The Underbelly of Paradise", the reality show that Haines hosted. He admits to Trevor that he was posing as
Brad, and tells him the FIB will leave him alone if he stays out of trouble. Although on opposite sides of the law, Michael and
Dave are good friends. Dave freely admits that he is corrupt, but is quick to point out that he is less corrupt than many others.

Lamar Davis is one of Franklin's best friends, a gangbanger who previously worked as a repossession agent
alongside Franklin. However, Lamar has opposing ideals with Franklin; while the former appears to be more
concentrated on the gang, the latter is more focused on earning serious money-making opportunities.
Lamar devises several schemes to make quick money, but he often displays a lack of planning. When
kidnapping a member of a rival gang, he allows his face to be shown and uses his own phone to call his co-
kidnappers with the money (the rival gang member is associated with the police, making it easier to track
him). Lamar is in awe of Stretch, a gang member he admires, but remains unaware of Stretch's plans to kill
him, as he secretly switched to a rival gang while in prison. Lamar wishes to start a new set called the Forum Gangster Families
with Franklin, but it is unknown if he ever asks Stretch for permission, or if his request led to Stretch wanting to kill him. His lack
of forethought, habit of blindly walking into obvious traps and his constant need to be saved by Franklin are all treated as one
running gag throughout the game.
When describing Lamar, Rockstar Games' Dan Houser said that even though he is crazy, he is a "good kind of crazy", and also a
"very funny" main character, while his best friend, Franklin, is the opposite of him. During missions Lamar is lazy and tends to get
himself in trouble by blindly trusting anyone offering him money. He's also not very bright. Lamar in general is an unsuccessful
criminal, all of the criminal heists he plans ends up with him penniless and nearly dead.

Steven "Steve" Haines is one of the two main enemy characters in Grand Theft Auto V. He is a decorated FIB
agent who shows the crimes of Los Santos on his TV show, Saints and Sinners: The Underbelly of Paradise. He
is Dave Norton's superior and learns of his subordinate's deal with Michael after Michael comes out of
retirement. Instead of reporting it, Steve decides to use Michael, Franklin, and Trevor to perform dirty work
aimed at undermining the International Affairs Agency (IAA), the FIB's rival, so as to secure more funding from
the government. He is shown to be particularly psychotic and arrogant, and is despised by almost everyone he
comes into contact with. He claims a close, personal friendship with Devin Weston, and it is implied that he has
Weston's influence to thank for his position.
Following a raid on a biological weapons research facility, the FIB begins investigating Steve, so he needs help covering his
tracks, which culminates with him trying to arrest Michael to silence him. Steve's protege, Andreas Sanchez, betrays him by
informing the FIB of Steve's activities, resulting in him killing Andreas. Towards the end of the game, Steve is convinced by Dave
to spare Michael and only silence Trevor, whose actions brought more heat onto them. He orders Franklin to kill Trevor while
Devin Weston orders Franklin to kill Michael. Franklin has the choice to ignore both of these orders, and go after these men; if
the player chooses such option, Trevor finds and kills Haines.
As stated above, Haines is a corrupt FIB agent, who does not hesitate when it comes to breaking the law and Bureau procedure
and policy if there is an opportunity to further advance his career. Haines first appears to be pleasant and charming on his TV
show, but when Michael meets him in person, he is shown to be selfish, arrogant and overly confident. He has a sadistic sense of
humor and easily loses his temper. Haines is shown not willing to get his hands dirty and preferring to stay behind and leaving
the protagonists to do the dirty work, implying Haines's cowardly nature.

Devin Weston is one of the two main enemy characters of Grand Theft Auto V. He is a billionaire investor
and corporate raider, and the Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Devin Weston Holdings,
which owns shares in nearly every company in the state. Devin believes he is so rich that he can do
anything without having to suffer the consequences. He is particularly ruthless in his investment tactics to
the point where he gets sexual pleasure out of double-crossing his business partners by exploiting
loopholes in their contracts. He is shown to be arrogant and unsympathetic towards others, and likes to
advertise his own sexual prowess.
Devin employs Michael, Franklin and Trevor on a job to steal some cars, which they complete, but orders Franklin and Trevor to
retrieve three more cars before they can get paid. Impressed with Franklin's work, Devin hints to him that he should move past
Michael to better things, which strikes a chord with Franklin. After he receives the three cars, Devin still refuses to pay, which
angers the trio greatly. Devin also attempts to shut down Richards Majestic Studio, the last of Vinewood's film studios for profit,
but his efforts are thwarted by Michael, who recently acquired a job there. Michael's actions result in the accidental death of
Devin's loyal Senior Vice President Molly Schultz.
To avenge Molly, Devin enlists Merryweather Security Consulting - which he also owns a share in - to kill the De Santa family, but
Michael fends them off. Realizing that he needs someone close to Michael to pull the trigger, he orders Franklin to murder
Michael under threat of severe repercussion, while Steve Haines orders Franklin to murder Trevor. However, Franklin can also
choose to murder Steve and Devin; if he chooses this, Trevor kidnaps Devin, before taking him to a desolate location. When
Michael and Franklin arrive, they push the car holding Devin down a cliff; it hits the ground and explodes, killing him.
James "Jimmy" De Santa, formerly James Townley, is the son of Michael and Amanda, and the younger
brother of Tracey. Despite Michael's attempts to bond with his son, they have a confused relationship, and
Jimmy and his sister have a hateful relationship. At one point early in the game, Jimmy attempts to sell his
father's yacht, however it is then stolen with him inside, and Michael and Franklin are forced to save him.
Later on, Jimmy tricks his father into drinking a spiked beverage, before stealing his car, money, and
moving out of the house with his mother and sister. Later on in the game, Jimmy and Michael start
reuniting the family and the family return to their house with Michael. Dan Houser has described Jimmy as
a 20-year-old, whiny, pot smoker with who is very lazy, and addicted to video games.

Bradley "Brad" Snider was a friend of Trevor and Michael. He often participated in many of the heists that
Trevor and Michael pulled off, including the heist in North Yankton that went wrong; Michael and Brad
were shot. Michael was believed to be dead by many, including Trevor, following the heist, while Brad was
believed to be in jail, while in reality he died. Nine years after his death, Trevor after uncovering Michael's
secret ventures to find out who was buried in Michael's place in his grave; he finds Brad.

Harold "Stretch" Joseph is a secondary antagonist of Grand Theft Auto V. He is an OG of the Chamberlain
Gangster Families who went to prison in the early '90s. Recently released, he immediately returns to the
gang, demanding respect and doling out orders to Franklin and Lamar. Franklin openly disrespects Stretch,
considering him pathetic for never growing out of the gang mentality, which angers Stretch. Lamar,
however, looks up to him and convinces Franklin to come along on deals organized by Stretch. Stretch goes
with Franklin and Lamar to the first deal he set up, which turns out to be an ambush by their enemy gang,
the Ballas. They fight through the Ballas, and manage to survive Stretch is later revealed to be a traitor and
associate of the Ballas (having switched gangs in prison), and his deals are actually attempts to ambush and kill Franklin and
Lamar. He ultimately arranges for Lamar to be abducted in order to lure Franklin into a trap, but regardless the duo manages to
foil every attempt on their lives. At the end of the game, when Franklin makes the decision to save both Michael and Trevor,
Lester manages to track down where Stretch is hiding, and Michael kills him.

Wei Cheng is a secondary antagonist of Grand Theft Auto V. He is the leader of the Los Santos Triads (A
Chinese/American criminal organization), and wants to base his business around Blaine County. He
contacts Trevor, as he wishes to work with him and his company (Trevor Philips Enterprises/Industries). He
sends his son out to talk to Trevor, before declining the request to work with him as he deems it too risky.
Wei enters a partnership with the O'Neil Brothers, Trevor's rival, which causes Trevor to kill most of the
O'Neil Brothers and blow up their meth factory, ruining Wei's deal. Wei sends men to find Trevor, but when
they do, they incorrectly deduce that Michael - who is living with Trevor for a time - is Trevor's lover. The
Triads ambush Michael and Trevor when the two return to Ludendorff, capturing Michael. Wei proceeds to
hold Michael hostage and torture him in a meat factory in Los Santos for days, hoping to lure Trevor into a trap; Franklin
ultimately rescues Michael. At the end of the game, if Franklin sets out to save Michael and Trevor, Franklin then tracks down
and kills Wei.

Martin Madrazo is the leader of one of the most ruthless Mexican narcotic gang in the Los Santos area.
Madrazo has a fearsome reputation, with several attempts to indict him being shut down after all of the
witnesses disappeared. He first appears after Michael and Franklin pull down his mistress Natalia's deck,
which a tennis coach who had been cheating with Michael's wife, Amanda, had been hiding on. Martin is
often described as a psychopath because of his short temper, and ruthless methods of dealing with people
whom go against him. Despite this, he shows gratitude to Michael when he paid for the house and despite
their rocky beginnings, Martin trusted Michael enough to employ him. Martin also seems to respect people
who respect him back as seen in GTA Online, where he will be friendly towards the protagonist and call him his friend if the job
he gave was completed successfully. Not doing a job for Martin in GTA Online for a period of time will result in angry phone calls
from him.

Solomon Richards is a film producer, who Michael is a huge fan of. Devin Weston manages to get Michael
in contact with Richards, and the two become instant friends. Michael does some work for Richards, before
being listed as Associate Producer on his latest film, Meltdown. He is even invited to the red carpet
premiere, along with his family.

Ronald "Ron" Jakowski is a friend of Trevor, and a fellow redneck living in a neighboring trailer to Trevor. He is
a paranoiac conspiracy theorist, and is often quite terrified of Trevor, always calling him "boss" and apologizing
to him when he does anything slightly wrong. Ron also hosts a radio show on Blaine County Radio, where he
reveals that he used to be married and lived a normal life, but one day he met Trevor, whose anarchic
worldview changed Ron's perspective on everything he once knew. He left his wife behind, but now owes her
much in alimony. He is a paranoid, conspiracy theorist. Ron, due to trying to appease Trevor whenever he can,
will always agree with Trevor even when the latter insults him or his conspiracy theories, making him
something of a "yes man" and despite his fear, he seems to genuinely look up to his friend and may even be
oblivious to fact he is sometimes threatened with violence by him

Wade Hebert is a friend of Trevor. He is a juggalo (fan of the group Insane Clown Posse), and a chronic
methamphetamine addict whose addiction has left him with the mind of a child, though it is implied that he
was already quite naive before getting addicted. Wade met Trevor when he and his friends bought drugs
off him; it is hinted that Trevor then killed Wade's friends when Wade was not looking, and 'takes care' of
Wade ever since. Like Ron, he is quite nervous around, and loyal to, Trevor.

Amanda De Santa, formerly Amanda Townley, is the wife of Michael, and the mother of Jimmy and Tracey.
During the early days of Amanda's marriage with Michael, she was a stripper, and she was once very close
to her husband. Their relationship became shaky following her family's placement in a witness protection
program after Michael was involved in the North Ludendorff heist. During the events of the game, it
becomes evident that Amanda and Michael do not get along. The two are constantly arguing with each
other, and can never seem to agree on anything. It is even revealed that Amanda has been having an affair
with her tennis coach. Following many of Michael's crazy decisions and actions, Amanda and her children
decide to move out. Amanda later suggests that the family take a counselling session, which erupts into a massive shouting
match between Amanda and Michael. Despite this, Amanda acknowledges that she found the experience "cathartic," and that
nobody will ever understand their family like they understand each other. The family subsequently move back in with Michael.

Tracey De Santa, formerly Tracey Townley, is the daughter of Michael and Amanda, and the older sister of
Jimmy. She has a very damaged relationship with the rest of her family; she is seen arguing with her
mother, regularly fighting with her brother, and is constantly bickering to her father. She is known to have
sex with multiple people, and to also take various drugs, much to the disapproval of her father. Tracey is
not seen socializing with her father much in the game; the only time they are seen communicating is when
they are angry with each other. Tracey auditions for Shame or Fame and it is implied she sleeps with the
host to reach the finals. Michael beats him up and humiliates him as revenge. Michael also fends off
Traceys stalker, and rescues her from a sex party on a yacht.

How are these male characters represented? What roles do they play and what characteristics do they exhibit? e.g.
are the men in GTA V hyper masculine?
Highlight any stereotypical traits you can identify in the representations. Are these traits positive, negative or
problematic in any way?

Molly Schultz is the Senior Vice President of Devin Weston Holdings and Devin's General Counsel. She is a
serious and humorless professional who often acts as Devin's representative when dealing with Michael,
Franklin, and Trevor. Molly is a devout follower of Devin and may be in love with him, resulting her in
following his orders without question, which Franklin calls her out on. As Weston's trusted lieutenant,
Schultz often handles the contacts between Weston and the three protagonists. Her final appearances
comes when she is told by Weston to take and store a copy of a film produced by Michael De Santa and
Solomon Richards to her flight. Unwilling to surrender his first movie, Michael chases her to the Los Santos
International Airport. Schultz attempts to escape Michael by running to a Jet in Weston's hangar. However,
she is accidentally sucked into the jet's turbine and chopped into gory, bloody shreds.
Denise Clinton is Franklin Clinton selfish aunt. Denise has a very cold relationship with Franklin; she refers
to him as the "one mistake" her sister ever made. She is identified as a "new age feminist", and is seen on
multiple occasions leading "spirit walks" with her friends, which involves chanting feminist phrases during
cardio exercises. Her brand of spiritual feminism is sex-obsessed; the yoga routines she and her friends do
involve orgiastic moans, and much of her 'philosophy' is about the importance of pelvic strength. In the
mission "Hood Safari", Franklin refers to her as "my mother's old dried up-ass sister, while Trevor and
Denise yell at Franklin to "shut the fuck up!"
Debra is Floyd Hebert (cousin of Wade)s girlfriend. She is a lawyer who is frequently abroad and thus has a
rather strained relationship with her beau. It is heavily implied that she is the dominant one in the
relationship and that she is cheating on Floyd with a man named Bob. Trevor stays in her apartment and
ruins it, often insulting Debra as he does so. When Debra meets Trevor after seeing her ruined apartment,
she threatens both him and Floyd with her pistol, with Floyd threatening her with a kitchen knife while
Trevor tries to calm them down. As he fails to calm them down, Trevor then begins killing them off-screen.
Tanisha Jackson is Franklins ex-girlfriend. Because of Franklin's gang lifestyle and because of the recent
passing of her brother who was involved in gangs, Franklin and Tanisha broke up shortly prior to the events
of Grand Theft Auto V. Over the course of the story, Franklin converses with Tanisha via email and phone
calls, attempting to win her back, but is rebuffed each time. At one point early in the game, she also stops
by his house to explain her need for a more stable man in her life. Towards the end of the game, she arrives
at Franklin's new house to inform him of her imminent marriage to a doctor named Jayden. She also reveals
to Franklin that Stretch is setting up Lamar and she asks Franklin to save him. At the end of the storyline,
Tanisha calls Franklin to inform him about her wedding. He wishes her the best.
Patricia Madrazo - Little is known about Patricia, apart from being married to Martin Madrazo (who
mistreats and cheats on her with a Russian woman named Natalia) for 30 years. She is 57 years old,
according to Trevor. She wears a rosary around her neck, implying she's a Roman Catholic. Patricia is
kidnapped by Trevor Philips after he saw her being mistreated by her husband. Trevor takes her to his
home in Sandy Shores. Trevor, Michael and Patricia lay low. During this time, Trevor develops feelings for
her and admits that he loves her. Patricia never tries to escape while being held and spends her time
cleaning Trevor's trailer and working on his garden. Eventually, Trevor is forced to drive Patricia back to her home, much to his
disappointment. It is soon revealed that Trevor seriously injured Martin and threatened to kill him for abusing Patricia. He was
heartbroken as he and Patricia said their emotional goodbyes. Luckily for Trevor, Patricia still calls and e-mails him later in the
Strippers: Chastity, Fufu, Cheetah, Infernus, Juliet, Nikki, Peach and Sapphire.

Other male and female characters feature as heist members or side-mission characters throughout the game. For a full list go
to the GTA wiki (address at the top of this handout).
Note down the function of the female characters listed above. How many of them play an active part in the narrative of the
game? What is their role?
Highlight any stereotypical traits you can identify in the representations. Are these traits positive, negative or problematic
in any way?

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