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}uly 2S, 2u14

}ohn P. Cahill
Cahill foi Attoiney ueneial
Yonkeis, New Yoik

Beai Ni. Cahill:

Last week youi campaign foi state attoiney geneial iepoiteu accepting $2u,uuu in
contiibutions fiom Sean Fielei, a iight-wing extiemist who has piopagateu anti-
choice anu homophobic positions, accoiuing to the New Yoik 0bseivei.

We stiongly uige you to ietuin this contiibution immeuiately out of iespect foi the
millions of women, families anu LuBT New Yoikeis.

As the 0bseivei pointeu out, Ni. Fielei is a boaiu membei foi seveial anti-choice
oiganizations incluuing the Ameiican Piinciples Pioject anu the Chiaioscuio
Founuation, "which have iun vaiious pio-life auveitising campaigns." Notably, the
Albany Times 0nion iepoiteu in }uly 2u1S that the Chiaioscuio Founuation "took the
leau" in the fight to oppose the poition of the Women's Equality Act that seeks to
couify !"# %& '()# into New Yoik State law.

Ni. Fielei's stance towaiu LuBT New Yoikeis is equally uistuibing. 0n the subject of
maiiiage equality, Fielei tolu the New Yoik Times: "It piomotes a veiy haimful myth
about the gay lifestyle. It suggests that gay ielationships lenu themselves to
monogamy, stability, health anu paienting in the same way heteiosexual
ielationships uo. That's not tiue."

These comments aie ueeply offensive anu aie out of step with New Yoikeis' values; a
vast majoiity of state iesiuents suppoits maiiiage equality because they believe the
law shoulu apply equally to eveiyone, iegaiuless of who they love.

It is incumbent on you to uemonstiate to voteis that you have zeio toleiance foi
bigotiy anu that you unueistanu New Yoikeis' values when it comes to iepiouuctive
health. To that enu, it is impeiative that you ietuin Ni. Fielei's contiibution as soon
as possible.

State Senatoi Biau Boylman

State Senatoi Cecilia Tkaczyk

Assemblyman Baniel 0'Bonnell

Chiistine C. Quinn

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