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Reserved for Grade 11

A Lesson Before Dying Gaines
All the Kings Men Warren
An American Tragedy Dreiser
Andersonville Kanor
Animal Dreams Kin!so"ver# $ar%ara
Arrowsmith Le&is
As I Lay Dying Fa'"(ner
Babbit Le&is
Bean Trees, The Kin!so"ver
Black Boy Wri!)
Big ish Wa""a*e# Danie"
Boys Life M*Ca++on# Ro%er
!entennial Mi*)ener
!r"cible, The Mi""er
Death Be #ot $ro"d G'ner
Death !omes to the Archbisho% Ca)er
Death of a &alesman Mi""er
'than rome W)aron
arewell to Arms, A ,e+in!&a-
irm, The Gris)a+# Jo)n
o"ntainhead, The ()Mat"re !ontent)* Rand
reedoms !hildren Levine# E""en
+lass, Menagerie, The Wi""ia+s
+os%el According to Larry, The Tas).ian# Jane
+ra%es of ,rath Sein%e*(
+reat +atsby,The Fi/!era"d
+reatest +eneration, The $ro(a&# To+
-eart is a Lonely -"nter, The M*C'""ers
-o"se on Mango &treet, The Cisneros# Sandra
I Know ,hy the !aged Bird &ings An!e"o'
Ill Be &eeing .o" C"ar(# Mar- ,i!!ins
In the Lake of the ,oods O0$rian# Ti+
/oy L"ck !l"b, The Tan# A+-
/"ngle, The Sin*"air
My Antonia Ca)er
#ative &on ()Mat"re !ontent)* Wri!)
#at"ral, The Ma"a+'d
#ight to 0emember, A Lord
1f Mice and Men 1 Ca'ion2"an!'a!e3 Sein%e*(
1%timists Da"ghter, The We"-# E'dora
1"r Town Wi"der
$elican Brief Gris)a+
$igs in -eaven Kin!so"ver
2"iet &trength 4ar(s
0aisin in the &"n, A ,ans%'r-
&ecret Life of Bees Kidd# S'e Mon(
&elma, Lord, &elma We%%
&hi% of ools 4orer# Ka)erine Anne
Their 'yes ,ere ,atching +od ,'rson# 5ora Nea"e
T"esdays with Morrie A"%o+# Mi*)
Twelfth #ight S)a(es6eare
,inesb"rgh, 1hio Anderson

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