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1. Explain any four parameters of logic family.

2. Define the terms in detail
a) Noise margin b) propagation delay(4)
3. Compare TTL and CMOS logic family.(4)
4. Explain the characteristics of TTL logic family with typical values.(8)
5. Explain the characteristics of CMOS logic family with typical values.(8)
6. Draw the block diagram of 4-bit shift register using D flip-flops. If initially Qo= 1, Q1=1 , Q2=1
and Q3= 1. Sketch the output of each flip-flop if an input sequence 101101 is applied to do
synchronously with the clock.(Qo is LSB) (8)
7. Explain the operation of SISO shift register.(4)
8. Design a sequence generator to generate the sequence 1101 by shift register method.(8)
9. Draw different types of shift register. Explain the working with the help of waveform. (8)
10. Draw the block diagram of a 4bit shift register using D flip-flop. If initially all the flip-flop outputs
are in zero state, prepare the truth table when input sequence is 1, 1,0,1,0. Draw waveform.(8)
11. Write a short note on sequence generation and detection.

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