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Conditional Sentence Type I :

1/ If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam.
2/ She may be late if she (not hurry) ________.
3/ ell him to rin! me if you (see) ________ him.
"/ If you are #ind to me, I (be) _______ !ood to you.
$/ If he (!i%e) _______ up smo#in!, as his doctor orders, he &ill be soon &ell
'/ (ou (not pass) ________ your dri%in! test unless you dri%e more carefully.
)/ *e+ll be ill if he (not stop) ________ &orryin! so much.
,/ -e+ll !o to the beach tomorro& if it ( be) ________ nice.
1./ /ane ne%er( !et) ________there on time if the train lea%es soon.
Conditional Sentence Type II :
1/ *e (come) _______ if you &aited.
2/ If you (rin!) _______ the bell, the ser%ant &ould come.
3/ If it (not, rain) _______ a lot, the rice crop &ouln+t !ro&.
"/ If today (be) _______ Sunday, &e &ouldn+t ha%e to &or#
$/ (ou &ould ha%e to stay in bed unless your health (impro%e) _______.
0/ If I (ha%e) ________ a type&riter, I could type it myself.
'/ -hat (you do) ________ if you !ot fat 1
Conditional Sentence Type III:
1/ If I had #no&n that you &ere in hospital , I (%isit) ________ you.
2/ If you (arri%e) ________ ten minutes earlier, you &ould ha%e !ot a seat.
3/ If you (spea#) ________ more slo&ly,he mi!ht ha%e understood you.
"/ If I had #no&n that the baby &as hun!ry, I (feed) _______ him.
$/ If she had had your address, she (&rite) _______ to you.
0/ If she (&rite) _______ more carefully, she mi!ht not ha%e made too many
EXERCISE II : Rewrite the following sentences, using Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentence Type I :
1/ 2y brother &ill ha%e enou!h money. *e &ill buy a bicycle.
If ___________________________________________________________
2/ I+ll buy a ne& hat. I+ll !i%e it to you.
If ___________________________________________________________
3/ (ou+ll as# the teacher. *e+ll explain the lesson to you.
If ___________________________________________________________
Conditional Sentence Type II :
1/ I don+t ha%e enou!h money. I can+t !o on a lon! holiday this year.
If ___________________________________________________________
2/ I don+t ha%e a type&riter. I can+t type it myself.
3. I don't live in a big city, so I can't go to the cinema very often. If

4. Lan doesnt have a bike, she walk to school. If

Conditional Sentence Type III:
. !e didnt h"rry, so he missed the train.
I. Conditional sentences: type I: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
. If I see him I #give$.. him a lift.
% If he #eat$ all that he will be ill.
3. If I find yo"r &ass&ort I #tele&hone$. yo" at once.
4. If he #read$.. in bad light he will r"in his eyes.
'. (omeone #steal$ yo"r car if yo" leave it "nlocked.
). *hat will ha&&en if my &arach"te #not
,. If he #wash$.. my car I'll give him -..
/. If she #need$.. a radio she can borrow mine
0. If yo" #not go$ .away I'll send for the &olice.
.. I'll be very angry if he #make$.. any more mistakes.
. If he #be$ .late we'll go witho"t him.
%. If yo" give my dog a bone he #b"ry$ it at once.
3. If yo" come late they #not let$ yo" in.
4. *e'll have to move "&stairs if the river #rise$ any higher.
'. If he #work$.. hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow+
). If yo" #not like$. this one I'll bring yo" another.
,. (he won't o&en the door "nless she #know$ .who it is.
II. Conditional sentences: type 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
If I had a ty&ewriter I #ty&e$.. it myself.
% If I #know$.. his address I'd give it to yo".
3 !e #look$ a lot better if he shaved more often
4. If he worked more slowly he #not make$ so many mistakes.
'. I sho"ldn't drink that wine if I #be$ ..yo".
). 1ore to"rists wo"ld come to this co"ntry if it #have$ a better climate
,. If I #win$ a big &ri2e in a lottery I'd give "& my 3ob.
/. *hat yo" #do$ if yo" fo"nd a b"rglar in yo"r ho"se+
0. I co"ld tell yo" what this means if I #know$. 4reek.
.. If he knew that it was dangero"s he #not come$..
. I co"ld get a 3ob easily if I #have$ a degree.
%. If we had more rain o"r cro&s #grow$. faster.
3. *hat wo"ld yo" do if the lift #get$"ck between two floors+
4. If yo" #&aint$.. the walls white the room wo"ld be m"ch brighter.
'. I'd climb over the wall if there #not be$ .so m"ch broken glass on t of
III. Conditional sentences: type 3
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
If I had known that yo" were in hos&ital I #visit$ ..yo".
%.5o" wo"ld have seen my garden at its best if yo" #be$ last week.
3 I sho"ldn't have believed it if I #not see$ it with my own eyes.
4 If he had asked yo", yo"
'. If I #know$ ..that yo" were coming I'd have baked a cake.
). If I #had$ .a ma& I wo"ld have been all right.
,. 6he hens #not get$. into the ho"se if yo" had sh"t the door.
/. If he had known that the river was dangero"s he #not try$ to swim
across it.
0. If yo" #s&eak$.. more slowly he might have "nderstood yo".
.. If he had known the whole story he #not be$ angry.
. If she had listened to my directions she #not t"rn$ .down the wrong
VI. Put if or unless into these spaces.
1/ ________ &e hurry, &e+ll miss the bus.
2/ -ill you phone me ________ you come to 3n!land 1
3/ ________ you see /ane, as# her to contact me.
"/ (ou+ll ne%er pass your exam ________ you don+t &or# harder.
$/ 4i%erpool &on+t &in ________ they be!in playin! better.
V. Use if in place of unless
1/ -e &on+t !o out unless it stops rainin!.
2/ I &ill call the police unless you !i%e bac# my bicycle.
3/ (ou &ouldn+t be able to do this exercise unless your 3n!lish &ere !ood.
"/ 6nless &e had enou!h rain, &e couldn+t !ro& rice.
$/ he 7shermen couldn+t ha%e cau!ht a lot of 7sh unless they had had !ood
VI. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. If I 888.a lot of money no&, I 8888..a ne& car.
a. ha%e /&ill buy b. ha%e / &ould buy
c. had/ &ill buy d. had/ &ould buy.
2. If I 88888you, I that.
a. am/ &ill b. &ere /&ould c. &ere/ &ill d. had been/ &ould.
3. if I &ere o9ered the :ob, I thin# I 888. it.
a. ta#e b. &ill ta#e c. &ould ta#e d. &ould ha%e ta#en.
". I &ould be %ery surprised if he88888..
a. refuses b. refused c. had refused d. &ould refuse.
$. 2any people &ould be out of &or# if that
a. closes b. had closed c. closed d. &ould close.
0. If she sold her car, she 8888 much money.
a. !ets b. &ould !et c. &ill !et d. &ould ha%e !ot.
'. hey &ould be disappointed if &e88888.
a. hadn+t come b. &ouldn+t come c. don+t come d. didn+t come.
). -ould /ohn be an!ry if I 88. 88his bicycle &ithout as#in!1
a. ta#e b. too# c. had ta#en d. &ould ta#e.
,. She 888.terrible upset if I lost this rin!.
a. &ill be b. &ould be c. &ere d. had been.
1.. If someone8888in here &ith a !un, I &ould be %ery fri!htened.
a. &ould &al# b. &al#s c. had &al#ed d. &al#ed.
11. -hat &ould happen if you &or# tomorro&1
a. don+t !o b. didn+t !o c. &on+t !o d. &ouldn+t !o.
12. -e ;ll !et &et if &e 8888.out.
a. !o b. did !o c. &ent d. had !one.
13. If I !o shoppin!, I 888some food.
a. buy b. &ill buy c. &ould buy d. &ould ha%e bou!ht.
1". If I 7nd it, I 888you.
a. &ill tell b. &ould tell c. had told d. told.
1$. -hat &ould you do if you88888a million dollars1
a. &ould &in b. &in c. had &on d. &on.
10. hey ;d be hurt if I 888888.
a. don+t !o b. didn+t !o c. hadn+t !one d. &ouldn+t !o.
1'. If &e too# the 0< 3. train, &e8888too early.
a. &ould ha%e arri%ed b. arri%ed c. &ill arri%ed d. &ould arri%e.
1). If I had #no&n you &ere in hospital, I 8888to see you.
a. &ill !o b. &ould !o c. &ent d. &ould ha%e !one.
1,. If I 8888., I &ould ha%e said hello.
a. had seen b. see c. sa& d. &ould see.
2.. I8888..out if I hadn+t been so tired.
a. &ill !o b. &ent c. &ould ha%e !one d. &ould !o.
21. If I 888..a camera, I &ould ha%e ta#en some pictures.
a. ha%e b. had c. &ould ha%e d. had had.
22. (ou &on+t pass the examination88888you study more.
a. as lon! as b. unless c. if d. &hether.
23. If only I 8888you &anted to in%est money in business.
a. had #no&n b. #ne& c. ha%e #no&n d. #no&.
2". If I &ere to lea%e my country , I 88888disappointed.
a. probably be b. &ould ha%e been c. &ill be d. &ould be.
2$. If he hadn+t &asted too much time, his examination.
a. &ould fail b. &ouldn+t fail c. &ouldn+t ha%e failed. d. &on+t fail.
20. If I had ta#en that 3n!lish course, I 888..much pro!ress.
a. had made b. &ould ha%e made c. made d. &ould ma#e.
2'. If I &ere in your place, I 888.a trip to 3n!land.
a. &ill ma#e b. had made c. made. d. &ould ma#e.
2). If I 8888.. you , I+d sa%e some of your lottery &innin!.
a. be b. &ere c. am d. &as
2,. If the car 888.. lar!er, &e &ould ha%e bou!ht it.
a. had been b. ha%e been c. has been d. been
3.. If I had enou!h money, I 888 abroad to impro%e my 3n!lish.
a. &ill !o b. should !o c. &ould !o d. should ha%e !o to
31. If it 88.. con%enient, let+s !o out for a drin# toni!ht.
a. be b. &as c. &ere d. is
32. If you 88. time, please &rite to me.
a. ha%e b. ha%e had c. had d. has
33. If you had the chance, 8888 you !o 7nishin!1
a. did b. &ould c. may d. do
3". rees &on+t !ro& 888.. there is enou!h &ater.
a. if b. &hen c. unless d. as
3$. If you 888. to my ad%ice in the 7rst place, you &ouldn+t be in this mess ri!ht
a. listen b. had listened c. &ill listen d. listened
30. I &ish I 88.. you some money for your rent, but I+m bro#e myself.
a. can lend b. could lend c. &ould lend d. &ill lend
3'. If someone 888 into the store, smile and say, = 2ay I help you1>
a. comes b. came c. &ould come d. could lend
3). If you stay up late the pre%ious ni!ht, you 888. sleepy the next mornin!.
a. feel b. to feel c. feels d. &ill feel
3,. If ?eter 888., Sarah &ill be sad because she &ants to meet him %ery much
a. comes b. do not come c. does not come d. &ill come
".. If his teeth still 88.., he &ill ha%e to !o to the dentist+s a!ain.
a. hurt b. hurts c. to hurt c. &ill hurt
"1. If you8888om , tell him I ha%e a messa!e for him.
a. &ill meet b. &ould meet c. meet d. met
"2. If you 8888too hot durin! the ni!ht , turn do&n the central heatin!.
a. &ill feel b. felt c. feel d. feels.
"3. If you 8888&ith your dictionary, I ;d li#e to borro& it.
a. 7nish b. 7nished c. &ill 7nish d. are 7nishin!.
"". If I li%ed nearer the centre , I 8888al&ays late.
a. &ouldn+t be b. can be c. &on+t be d. &ill be.
"$. -hat &ould 4an do if she 8888..the 2iss &orld.
a. &ould be b. &ere c. &ill be d. is.
"0. If I 8888.her , I &ould ha%e said = hello>
a. has seen b. ha%e seen c. sa& d. had seen.
"'. If she had read the passa!e more slo&ly , the candidate88888888.
a. understood. @. &ould ha%e understood c. &ill understood d. &ould understand.
"). If it88888, they &ill not !o out.
a. rains b. rained c. rain d. rainin!.
",. /ame &ill not complete the &or# if she is 8888..rarely enou!h.
a. tell b. tellin! c. tells d. told.
$.. @etty &ill not !o to the party unless /ohn 888888.too.
a. !o b. &ent c. !oin! d. !oes
$1. 2iss An does not &ant to !o on the trip if nobody8888..&ith her.
a. !o b. !oes c. &ent d. !oin!.
$2.If you !o shoppin!, please !o &ith your aunt this &ee#end.
a. &ants b. &ant c. &antin! d. &anted.
$3. 2r Smith has to &or# on &ee#ends if his mana!er8888.him to.
a. tell b. tellin! c. told d. tells.
$". 6nless they 88888her to &or# hard, she &ould not.
a. encoura!e b. encoura!e c. encoura!es d. encoura!in!.
$$. If I 888.a #in!, I &ould !i%e money to the poor .
a. is b. are c. am d. &ere.
$0. If &e had left this country , &e &ould Australia.
a. emi!rated b. emi!rates c. emi!rate d. emi!ratin!.
$'. If I had to the party last ni!ht, I 8888her.
a. &ill ha%e met. b. &ould meet c. &ould ha%e met d. &ill
$). 6nless the pupils pay attention, the teacher an!ry.
a. &ould b. may c. &ill d. mi!ht.
$,. ?lease do not !o out if it888888.
a. rain b. rains c. rained d. rainin!.
0.. If you 88888me &ith this exercise, I &ill do the same for you one day.
a. helped b. &ould help c. help d. &ill help.
$1. If you listen to music, you can+t 88888your study.
a. concentrate on b. interested in c. care about d. read about.
01. 88888you study harder, you &on+t pass the 7nal exam.
a. unless b. if c. if not d. &ithout.
02. If the &eather8888.7ne, &e &ill !o on a picnic.
a. is b. &ere c. &ould be d. &ill be.
03. If he8888888.harder, the results &ill be better.
a. &or#ed b. &or#s c. has &or#ed d. &ill &or#.
0". If Americans ate fe&er foods &ith su!ar and salt, their !eneral
a. be b. &ill be c. is d. &ould be.
0$. If she hadn+t o%erslept, she 888..late for the inter%ie&.
a. &ouldn+t be b. &ouldn+t ha%e been c. hadn+t beend. &ould ha%e
00. I+d ha%e told you if I 8888..the boo#.
a. had seen b. &ould ha%e seen c. sa& d. see.
0'. If &e had #no&n your ne& address, & see you.
a. came b. &ould ha%e come c. &ould come d. &ill come.
0). If I found a &allet in the street, I 8888.ta#e it to police.
a. &ill b. should c. &ould d. shall
0,. I 8888.that coat if I &ere you.
a. &ouldn+t buy b. didn+t buy c. don+t buy d. &on+t buy.
'.. If you didn+t do this , you 88888punished.
a. are b. &ill be c. &ould be d. should be.
VII. Identify the one that has a mistake by circling the corresponding letter
a b c d.
'1. If &e &ill reduce the speed of population !ro&th, there &ill be less pressure on
the earth.
A b c d
'2. 6nless &e lea%e a bo&l of &ater under the sun, it &ill e%aporate.
A b c d
'3. If &e continue to use fuels at the current rate, &e &ould soon ha%e to face a
fuel crisis.
A b c d
'". If I am 1. centimeters taller, I &ould play bas#etball.
A b c d
'$. If the doctors could 7nd in the remedy, a lot of people &ould be sa%ed.
A b c d
'0. If she bou!ht that house no&, she ran out of money.
A b c d
''. -hat you &ould do if you could spea# Brench &ell1
A b c d
'). If I had #no&n he is not at home, I &ouldn+t ha%e !one all the &ay to his house.
A b c d
',. If I had #no&n that the road &ere Cooded, I &ould ne%er ha%e ta#en that &ay.
A b c d
).. If I &ere you, I &ill !o to the dentist+s and ha%e the tooth chec#ed.
a b c d
)1. If you hadn+t left the car unloc#ed, it &ouldn+t ha%e be stolen.
a. b. c. d
)2. -hat &ould happen because I pressed that red button1
a. b. c. d
)3. If the &eather is 7ne today, &e &ould !o to the beach.
a. b c. d.
)". If you &ill study harder, you &ill surely pass the comin! exams &ith !ood
a. b. c. d
)$. If the &eather &eren+t too bad, &e &ould to !o s&immin!.
a. b. c. d
)0. If he &eren+t too old, he &ould apply to the :ob as a &ar reporter.
a. b c. d
)'.If dri%ers obeyed the speed limit, fe&er accidents occur.
a. b. c. d
)). If I &ould ha%e studied Dussian at school, I &ould ha%e understood him easily.
a. b. c. d
),. If tomorro& the &eather &ill be bad, the match &ill be postponed.
a. b. c. d.
,.. If you &ill see 2i#e today, please as# him to phone me.
a. b. c. d.

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