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Il pleut, il pleut by Jacques Prvert

The Assignment:
You will make a short video recording o Il pleut, Il pleut, by Jacques
Prvert! "his will involve speaking portions o the poem into a camera
and created supporting visual images! "he video will be no more than
two minutes in length!
"he images may be literal, or they may try to convey the underlying
meaning o the poem#what you see is actually happening!
$%ample& ' (Il pleut, il pleut) Il ait beau) Il ait du soleil *
+iteral! & Image , & -ain clouds
Image .& /unny day, sun shining!
1eaning& Image ,& 2 man inside, looking out at the rain.
Image .& 2 man sitting on a sunny park bench,
alone! 3ot smiling!
*Remember: "he video has to make sense as a whole! Your part
must contribute to the overall meaning and 4ow!
Criteria: Points possible:
Pronunciation ,5
Intonation ,5
6reativity 7
2dds to overall meaning)4ow 7

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