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) (

1 )(ClipIt 2 group 3 purge . 4 oops 5 oops, select last , select previous.. Undo 6 multiple 7 ( space) 8 flatten 9 p .
10 11 dimdisassociate textmirrormirrtext
12 selection.. 13 vtoptions ( .. )..
14 15 ssx 16 attributes data extraction. .....+.......
17 )(cycling draworder 18 " " - 19 (dynamic text)......+...... ......+...... Dyn.Text
20 extend trim shift 21 sh 22 )(a b c + 23 hatch (Ignoring Gaps). 24 layers (LayerState). 25 moment of enertia)( MassProp

26 (WipeOut). 27 x scaley scale

28 system variables
29 ) (attributes burst 30 aliasedit . 31 ( )wmf

32 properties
33 ALIGN ( rotate (reference) + scale(reference ( ) ......+......
34 overkill . 35 36 undo
37 polylines . 38 elevation . 39 thickness convtodolid
40 TxtExp 41 Background mask ..
42 ArcText 43 model spsce )(ViewPorts Paper space ChSpace
44 2002 DTextEd 1
45 Xrefs Refedit
46 Measure Divide
47 ModeMacro 48 - PolyLine Chamfer p

PlyLine Chamfer Fillet

49 Overkill .Dib_Card 50 NCopy 51 blockreplace 52 saveall closeall
53 rectangle 54 create separate hatches 55 offset Layer loffset
56 0 dispsilh 1 rauasee
57 solprof viewport Layout TabsIsmail
60 Rectangle ..61 - QDIM

62 Dynmic Feild Attribute Insert Feild

63 Vertex PolyLine 64 Dimension LauOut ( ViewPort )Annotation Scale
65 ByBlock ByLayer
66 Area 67
69 -

70 Format=> Rename
71 CopyClip (Control+C)
72 (Match properties (ma
73 Scale Rotate 74 OFFSETGAPTYPE OFFSET PolyLines
75 76 Support ..
77 Dimension 78 ( ) 79
80 Attributes 81 , IndirectIllumination and final gather
82 ....... ( ..)

83 (Masks & Alpha channe84 2002
85 Save Revert86 Dimscale ......... 87 ( )
88 "" Selectionhighlighting
90 2002 Mapping ( ):

91 Layers 92 Preview ( view => thumbnail )

94 RevCloud ( )
95 Copy & Paste
96 XPlode (:Explode e) 97 Attributes ( )
98 LayTrans

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