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INSHORE IRELAND July/August 2009 7


Ireland's entry to the EU
submission to the Green
Paper on the Common Fish-
Minister for Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, told his
in place. ``There will need to
industry, Inshore Ireland
invited the EU Commission
Around Us project Ð a col-
laboration between the Uni-
eries Policy marks the first European colleagues that as the background to this RepresentationinIrelandto versity of British Columbia
THEappointmentofDrNoel step in a lengthy debate that Irish fishermen remained reform process,'' he said. enter the debate. (Canada)andthePewChari-
Cawley to oversee a stake- will culminate in 2013. `aggrieved' at the share of In an effort to clarify the The following material is table Trusts, Philadelphia,
holder consultation process At a Council of Ministers fish stocks Ireland received economic cost of EU mem- based on data collected USA. See http://
that will feed into Ireland's meeting, Brendan Smith, when the first CFP was put bership for the Irish fishing (1950 to 2004) by the Sea

Value of fish taken from Irish

waters stands at 12bn
T he value of fish taken
out of Irish waters
from 1950 to 2004 is
approximately 12bn at cur-
rent exchange rates. Of that,
near the 40% often claimed'',
the spokesperson added (Fig-
ure 2).
In 2004, 33% of all fish
caught in EU waters came
of Germany,'' the spokesper-
son added (Figure 4).
Looking outside of Irish
waters, the share of fish
caught by Irish boats as a
about 3.5bn worth was taken from within the UK's exclu- percentage of all fish caught
before Ireland joined the EU sive zone, followed by Den- in EU waters is rising Ð from
and the remaining 8.5bn be- mark, which includes less than 1% in the 1960s to a
tween 1974 and 2004. Of the Greenland and the Faroe Is- peak of over 5% in the late
12bn, Irish boats have taken lands at 21%. Ireland is 1990s and falling to 4% by
approximately 25% or 3bn. ranked third at 8.4%, with 2004. This ranks Ireland
The total value of the catch France, Spain, and Swedish ninth in the EU. With an eye
has risen since Ireland joined waters accounting for 5% on the next CFP, the Eur-
the EU and Ireland has been each (Figure 3). opean Commission says that
among the prime benefici- overfishing has been the
aries from the increased catch LACK OF FACTS great threat to the industry
(see Figure 1). Claims that since joining the with 80% of fish stocks in
The volume of fish caught EU, Irish fishermen have European waters being overf-
in the Irish EEZ (Exclusive been pushed off their own ished. According to the
Economic Zone) has risen waters are also not borne spokesperson, there is also
from 160,000t in 1954 to out by the facts, according to the ``deep-rooted problem of
530,000t in 2004. A sharp de- the spokesperson. fleet overcapacity''. While a
cline was evident between ``In truth, Irish boats have few EU fleets are profitable
1977 and 1979 when volume been taking an increasing with no public support, ``most
nearly halved to around share of the fish caught in are either running losses or
202,000t, while catches peaked Irish waters. And this share returning low profit. Over-
in 1988 at 706,000t. ``Those increased significantly from fishing does not just threaten
who claim that Irish waters 9.8% in the 1960s to 23.7% in the sustainability of fish
have been plundered by for- the 1980s and to more than stocks, it also drives down
eign fishing fleets say these 25.7% between 2000 and 2004.'' the industry's profits.''
waters are the richest in the On the basis of this data, Between 2007 and 2013, the
EU, but the figures don't sup- large fishing fleets such as EU has earmarked 42.5m to
port that argument,'' a the Spanish and Danish have support the Irish fishing in-
spokesperson for the Eur- taken most of their fish from dustry through the European
opean Commission in Dublin within their own national Fisheries Fund (EFF) and has
told Inshore Ireland. waters Ð 80% and 70% re- already invested 100m
``Just over 8% of fish spectively (2004). across the Union in research
caught in EU waters between ``Historically, the Irish into aquaculture. ``Aquacul-
2000 and 2004 were caught share of fishing in its own ture is THE growth area of
within the Irish Exclusive waters is comparable to that the future and support for
Economic Zone. That percen- of Britain and the Nether- this research must continue,''
tage is rising, but is nowhere lands, and is higher than that the EU spokesperson said.

The state of Irish fishing EU & Irish fishing

[EU Commission: Facts BETWEEN 2000 and 2006, direct EU aid
and Figures on the to the Irish fishing sector was 65.5m,
CFP, 2008] while a further 17m was provided
through the Exchequer.
ABOUT 11,000 people work in the Irish EU aid was roughly 6,000 per annum
fishing industry. The job numbers have for every person working in the indus-
been stable since 1997: try.
* 5,500 in fishing
Coastal areas receive support from Consultation details
* 3,500 in fish processing
* 2,000 in fish farms and the EU through the European Social
Fund; the European Regional Develop-
Principles to CFP sought by Ireland IN April, the European
aquaculture ment Fund and the European Agricul- * Innovative policies to * Retention of national Commission launched a
There are about 2,000 vessels in the Irish tural Fund for Regional Development. simplify and reduce the ad- quotas remaining in public consultation on the future
fishing fleet, rising from 1,800 in 1997 to Around 850 projects were supported ministrative burden. ownership and managed by of European fishing. Sta-
1,955 in 2008. Over the same period, the EU by the EU during this time Ð mainly for * Strengthening of the in- member states. keholder and general
fishing fleet declined by about 20%. decommissioning or modernising fish- dustry's capacity to maxi- * Greater stakeholder in- views are welcome by 31
Ireland has the sixth largest fishing fleet ing vessels and to develop aquaculture. mise employment in coastal volvement in decision-mak- December 2009 at http://
in the EU. In 2006, Irish fishermen landed Some 78% of Ireland's fish exports go communities dependant on ing and simplification of the
210,670t of fish. In the same year, fish to the EU without tariffs of any sort. EU fishing. decision making process. form/index_en.htm
farms and other aquaculture projects countries produce only 10% of the fish * Opposition to opening the * Integration of aquaculture The results will feed
produced 60,050t of fish and shellfish. On and shellfish they consume, so the 12-mile coastal zone and policy into the mainstream into the proposals that
the basis of these figures, Ireland is the potential for export growth exists. case for to have this in- CFP. the Commission will make
ninth most important fishing nation in the creased. for the reform of the CFP
EU, having a total value of exports of about due to come into force by 1
360m per annum. January 2013.

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