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Amarach| Iwuh

31 kennedy SL. nW, WashlngLon, u.C., 20011 - 781.936.0078 - amarachl.lwuh[

noward Un|vers|ty Wash|ngton, D.C. 9/10- 3/13
8.A., !ournallsm: ubllc 8elaLlons
Un|vers|ty of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 9/12 - 3/13
!"#"$%&' )*+,-".*,/ 8uslness of Medla, Copy LdlLlng, [[[[
8eporLlng and WrlLlng, 8 WrlLlng l

LdlLorlal: A SLyle proflclenL, sLrong wrlLer and edlLor, works well on deadllne
1echnlcal: Wordress, 8logspoL, MlcrosofL Cfflce, 1wlLLer, lacebook, lnsLagram, PooLSulLe
lnLerpersonal: ulllgenL, sLrong publlc speaker, rellable


Allled lnLegraLed MarkeLlng, WashlngLon u.C.
ub||c|st and romot|ons Intern 6/14 - resenL
lan and asslsL ln Lhe execuLlon of fllm publlclLy ln Lhe uC markeLs
ConducLed cold plLches Lo local medla ouLleLs
SLaffed promoLlonal evenLs and campalgns for sLudlo fllms

Poward unlverslLy undergraduaLe SLudenL AssoclaLlon, WashlngLon, u.C.
Spr|ngfest ub||c ke|at|ons D|rector 11/13 - 3/14
lmplemenLed unlque soclal medla campalgns Lo boosL klouL score from 37 Lo 37
Managed Leam of 9 sLudenLs Lo ensure coheslve brandlng
lLched lnformaLlon Lo Lhe press weekly
8ooked celebrlLy performers for beneflL concerL

ulsLrlcL AfflllaLes Sllver Sprlng, Mu
ub||c ke|at|ons D|rector 9/13 - 12/13
uLlllzed soclal medla neLworks and SLC Lo enhance web presence
ScrlpLed and dlsLrlbuLed press releases Lo over 30 medla conLacLs
AdmlnlsLered ln Lhe execuLlon of 4 evenLs
ub||c ke|at|ons Intern 6/13 - 8/13
CreaLed company proflle and news releases for monLhly neLworklng evenLs
LsLabllshed cllenL and medla conLacLs llsL uslng MlcrosofL Lxcel

vlSlCnS, lnc. 8osLon, MA
rogram Coord|nator - VISICNS, Inc. Legacy ro[ect 3/12- 8/12
Pead faclllLaLor of 8-week mulLlculLurallsm summer program
lnsLrucLed 20 parLlclpanLs ln 8osLon, MA and lresno, CA
Plred parLlclpanLs, managed all lnqulrles and scheduled program
CoordlnaLed communlLy evenLs and led program maLerlal
Grant kesearcher 6/09 - 08/09
8esearched and complled over 13 granLs LhaL allgned wlLh mlsslon of organlzaLlon

PoL 97 8osLon 8adlo 8osLon, MA
ub||c ke|at|ons Intern 7/11-08/11
SupporLed Lhe promoLlon of evenLs wlLh ln-person plLches


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