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University of San Agustin

High School Department

Sambag, Jaro, Iloilo City

Learning Plan in Math 4

Student Teacher: Julie Ann A. Analista
I. Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. use remainder theorem in solving for the reminder of a
polynomial equation.
b. state and illustrate the remainder theorem.
II. Subject Matter
Topic/Skills Solving polynomial equation using the Remainder Theorem
Materials Reference Books
References Advance Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics (Patterns and
Practocalities) by Nivera
Subject Integration
Multiple Intelligences Logical Mathematical
Values Integration
III. Learning Activities
Review/Drill Review the steps in synthetic division.
Explore Show the students that the remainder in dividing polynomial
P(x) by (x-c) has something to do with the value of the function
P(c). Give an example.
Firm-up State the Remainder theorem and show the proof step by step.
Explain to find the quotient of P(x) using the remainder
Give an example using the remainder theorem. Show the steps
to the students.
Deepen Give more examples. Solve for the Try This on the reference
book and also the Think About This.
Transfer Give a problem solving which involves remainder theorem.
IV. Evaluation Give a quiz in solving for the remainder and give problem
solving using also the remainder theorem.
V. Assignment Give some follow up items to be solved for further practice of

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