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I use a variety of formal and informal assessments in my classroom as well

as formative and summative. I believe that using data to drive instruction is
crucial not only for my students to succeed, but also for me to assess my
teaching strategies. In using assessment information I am able to
differentiate my lessons to individual children to create the most
effective learning experience for them. You can find examples of
assessments that I created in my sample lesson plans.

Assessments that I have implemented in the classroom:


Exit Tickets: I asked students to answer simple questions or told them to write
down something they learned or questions that they had which could be
reviewed the following day.

Clickers: I created online quizzes for students to answer questions with
clickers and see if they were correct or incorrect after each question. This
also allowed me to see what percentage of the class was having a difficult time
with certain areas that needed to be reviewed more extensively.


Rubrics: I used a variety of rubrics in order to allow my students to self-check
before turning in their work and to gauge their own level of understanding.

Check Lists: Allowed students to mark off each area that they completed and
see what they still needed to work on.

Check for Understanding: Simple thumbs up/thumbs down to quickly see if I
should move on or review more.

Formal Tests

Conferencing/Interviews: One-on-one or small group conferences allowed
students to verbally explain what they learned and still needed help with.

Anecdotal Records: I would quickly write down what I heard students say which
later helped me intentionally question certain students in front of the class to
help scaffold student who were not understanding the topic as quickly as

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