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August 2013, Vol 1, Issue 1

From the Editorial
Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.- Dalai Lama
Greetings Delegates!!
2013 is the year that Sreenidhi International School chose to embark on the journey to contribute to
world peace, which is arguably the greatest need of the present times. An MUN is ideally a platform
where the youth meet, discuss, debate and come up with solutions all the while keeping in mind the
fact that they are the representatives of different countries. Our goal in conducting this MUN was to
spread awareness amongst our students about the various issues in the world and to also, make them
contemplate and come up with viable solutions to these problems. But above all else, the goal is to
inculcate a certain amount of empathy and compassion which are essential in attaining the ultimate
goal that is world peace. Through this MUN we hope that the leaders of tomorrow have learnt to
care for the world from a global perspective.
Although many of the delegates were first timers, they came up with innovative points and followed
the rules of procedure. Along with coming up with resolutions and forming alliances the delegates
displayed immaculate dress sense and a rather diplomatic sense of humor, for a change! While
most students were busy learning lessons in world politics as delegates, there were a few others who
learnt more about the world of journalism and hospitality by being a part of the International Press
and Management team respectively.
The Sreenidhi MUN was not only educative but was fun too. It was the joint effort of the executive
board and management team that turned a rather vague idea into actual being. We did, of course,
receive a lot of support from the school management and the teachers too. We hope that this is just
the beginning to the long and exciting journey of MUNing and attaining peace!
-Pavani Madhira

Cyber Peace
The D-Day has finally come when all the hard work gets paid off. On the morning of
august 2013, delegates from different countries gathered together to discuss and
debate about cyber terrorism in the GA of the Sreenidhi MUN. The General Assembly
and their chairpersons - Saloni Gupta and Taj Chapman gathered in the AV room to
execute their discussion. The first moderated caucus was started by the delegate of China
on the topic of internet censorship. He pointed out, and many others agreed with him, that
one of the main causes for cyber terrorism is the lack of censorship. The debate then
moved to the recent news of USA spying on other nations. The delegate of USA was
targeted and accusations were thrown at him. A heated debate arose and Syria kept
bombarding USA with questions. USA had no form of support and they had no words to
say. Finally South Korea decided to lend its support to USA. Another dispute took place
between China and India about Chinas attack on India in the previous years. While the
discussion was happening delegates passed on chits to each other about coming up with a
resolution. All the countries came up with one resolution paper and it was, of course,
passed successfully!
Raashi Agarwal

United Nations
Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Monumental Problems
UNESCO, arguably one of the most first- timer friendly committee, started a little late
but took off with full speed later. The Chairs, Venkat Reddy and Adhith Pillai decided to
dedicate the first ten minutes of the first session to clearing doubts regarding the rules of
procedure. Formal session finally started and a number of delegates spoke about their
country and its policies regarding protection of heritage sites. The discussion moved to
India and its problems regarding heritage site protection. While there were a few who
brought up good points in the first session, there were also those who had some teething
problems and had to be forced to speak by the Chairs like the Delegates of Iraq and
Spain. The second session saw a lot more of action. There was major conflict between the
delegates of France and Afghanistan over the care of the Burton Mountains. Accusations
were flying all over the place and the focus was mainly on the European countries. The
delegates finally decided to come up with solutions and Indias resolution paper was
passed in the third and final session of the Mock MUN. Overall, it was an exciting and
meaningful debate which ended with the delegates coming up with viable solutions for
the problems discussed.
Vyshnavi Rao


Welcome To HRC
The first session in the HRC started off perfectly though there were a few 'latecomers'.
HRC was chaired by Mukunth Arjunan and Neha Reddy. The agenda set was Racism
and the delegates tried to come up with various solutions to eradicate it. One of the
proposed solutions was education but this was highly debated upon as there were a few
who didnt seem to agree. The lively discussion was interrupted with a break after which
the delegates once again took to debating. Session 2 went pretty seriously. We had a
guest from Russia who gave France a rather hard time. Delegates were quite into the
debate and even started to correct each other's mistakes through chits and points of order
which on the other hand was quite entertaining. Everyone enjoyed thoroughly but Uh Oh!
Lunch time! Once again the HRC committee broke off for lunch. After a hearty lunch,
delegates gathered for the last and final session, Session 3- passing of the resolution. New
faces from different committees were once again welcomed as guests. The session started
with the crisis in which UK and USA were involved. The crisis was really interesting.
After the crisis was resolved the committee broke off for an unmoderated caucus to form
the Resolution paper. Finally, Resolution 1.1 passed. It was a highly interesting and
informative conference.
Zuali Hmangaihsang


Of War and Peace
On the morning of the first Sreenidhi MUN, the DISEC session opened with the roll call. The
committee was Chaired by Dheeraj Chakilam and Hashim Khan. The agenda was The Taliban and
their effects on the countries around the world and coincidentally, the delegate of Iraq and Pakistan
were both absent for the sessions of the day. The topics discussed were opium production, human and
arms trafficking and border control problems in Afghanistan. At the beginning of the session, the
delegates from India, Afghanistan, Iran and Russia spoke up while the chair had to intervene and
request a few others to speak as they were slightly nervous. It seemed like there was an air of
friendliness in the committee as some of the more experienced delegates were kind enough to help the
first- timers in writing their speeches, only through chits of course! The Chair wanted the delegates to
make alliances and so declared an unmoderated caucus.
In the second session, the Chair announced a crisis where the Taliban had bombed North India and 784
people died. Anyone who was witness to the debate wouldve been convinced that another World War
was around the corner! Later the update stated that US and UK would send troops to India to help. The
delegate of India first accepted their help but the chair intervened and made him decline, giving the
reasoning as a misconception due to unknown reasons. The final session ended with the delegates
coming up with solutions to both the crises and the general agenda.
Prachi Bhagwatwar



IPL and All That Jazz
The main agenda of the IPL committee is to discuss the corruption prevailing in the Indian
Premier League. Despite being highly popular amongst the Indian and Global audience, the
league is known to be plagued with betting, spot fixing and drug scandals. The committee
was Chaired by J B Venkatesh and Jaiveer Reddy. During the first session the discussion
was mostly about spot fixing and betting taking place during the matches. The delegates
accused the owners and players of CSK and RR of betting and fixing. The accused
delegates, of course, tried their best to defend themselves. There was a challenge that took
place between CSK and DD about CSKs involvement in betting. There were many more
interesting discussions and challenges that took place during this session.

The second session was about the drugs at the after match parties. The chair members
suggested that the after match parties should be private; no videos should be put up on the
internet. A crucial debate took place between the chair and the delegate of RCB about the
telecast of after match parties. The chair came up with good points to support his argument.
It was concluded that after match parties should remain private.
Yoshita Gade

Gag Reel!
Gag Reel!

Exciting Lunch Menu!!
The lunch menu was designed keeping in mind
the global nature of the conference. Our menu
ranged from Pakistani Dil Bahari Sabzi to
Spanish Flan for dessert and Chinese Hakka
noodles. For this we hope the school conducts
many more MUNs!!
The Secretary General and Chair of GA (Goofing Around)!!!
team taking a
The Delegates during Break!!
at work!
See how
sincere we
are!?! :P
All Photos By: Niyathi
Reddy, Sangeeth Shobhan
and Rachana Gone.

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