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Matar (Matra) Chaat

This is a delicious spicy snack. Matar Ki Chaat can be served as a snack or as a main dish with
Kulcha or Naan.
Serves 4.
1 cup matar, li!ht brown in color, they look almost like chick peas" available in #ndian !rocery
1 teaspoon salt ad%ust to taste$
1 teaspoon black salt ad%ust to taste$
1&4 teaspoon black pepper
1&4 teaspoon su!ar
1 tablespoon cumin seed
1 tablespoon coriander
' tablespoons !in!er (inely chopped
' small !reen chilies (inely chopped, ad%ust to taste$
' tablespoons tamarind pulp
1 tablespoon lemon %uice
For Garnishing
)ew slices o( lemon
' tablespoons !in!er (inely chopped
' !reen chilies (inely chopped
*ash and soak matra in three cups o( water overni!ht. +(ter soakin! matra will be about ' 1&'
times the volume o( the ori!inal.
,ry roast the cumin seeds and coriander seeds separately, until they are brown and you can
smell their aroma. -et them cool and !rind to powder consistency.
.ut the matra in a pressure cooker with '/ cups o( water. +dd the salt, !in!er, and !reen chili.
Cook on medium hi!h heat.
*hen the pressure cooker starts to steam, turn the heat down to medium and cook ei!ht to
nine minutes more.
Turn o(( the heat and wait until steam has stopped be(ore openin! the pressure cooker. Matra
should be so(t and tender.
+dd all the spices" this is the time to ad%ust the salt and pepper to your taste. Mi0 the spices
well. +dd a little water i( they look too dry, the !ravy should be thick.
Serve warm !arnish with !in!er and !reen chili and lemon.

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