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Project Proposal

Title of the project:

To study the electricity distribution scenario and optimizing energy efficiency in India
Distribution and retail supply is the most important cog in the power sector value chain
which interfaces with end customers and provides revenue for the entire value chain.
Indian electricity distribution caters to nearly 200 million consumers with a connected
load of about 400 G that places the country among the largest electricity consumer
bases in the world. The consumers are served by around !" distribution utilities # $"
electricity departments% $! private distribution companies% 40 corporatized distribution
companies and " &tate 'lectricity (oards. )urrently The Indian power distribution sector
is witnessing a lot of activity of late with positives li*e increased consumer demand on
the bac* of GD+ growth% increased urbanization% rural electrification and increased
private sector participation. ,part from high financial losses and debt burden hampering
the development of the electricity distribution sector% there are several challenges to the
policy and regulatory initiatives being underta*en.
$. -eeting global emission reduction targets.
2. -eeting global energy saving commitments.
". 'nsuring sustainable economic growth.
4. Implementation of 'nergy 'fficiency measures in e.isting building through
'&)/0s mechanism and sets minimum energy standards for new buildings.
1. 'nergy consumption reduction in agriculture sector.
Proposed Methodology:
The proposed methodologies for studying the current electricity distribution and
optimizing the energy management in India are described in the points below2
$. Gathering of Data 23 Data for source of electricity are provided by the
mentor.various official documents and catalogs are provided by the office.
2. ,nalysising of Data2 ,nalysis of Data is provided by using /perational
". 5ormulating documents for daily record.

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