Vitamin C - The Healing Factor by Irwin Stone

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Intro and Part I
o Chapter 1 - The Beginnings of Life
o Chapter 2 - From Fishes to Mammals
o Chapter 3 - Our Anestral Primate
o Chapter ! - The "#olution of Man
o Chapter $ - From Prehistor% to the "ighteenth Centur%
o Chapter & - The 'ineteenth and "arl% T(entieth
o Chapter ) - Finding the "lusi#e Moleule
o Chapter * - The +eneti Approah
o Chapter , - -ome "ffets of Asor.i Aid
o Chapter 1/ - 0Correting0 'ature
Part II - Path(a%s to 1esearh
o Chapter 11 - Brea2ing the 34itamin3 Barrier
o Chapter 12 - The Common Cold
o Chapter 13 - 4iral Infetion
o Chapter 1! - Baterial Infetion
o Chapter 1$ - Caner
o Chapter 1& - The 5eart6 4asular -%stem6 and -tro2es
o Chapter 1) - Arthritis and 1heumatism
o Chapter 1* - Aging
o Chapter 1, - 5a% Fe#er
o Chapter 2/ - "%e Conditions
o Chapter 21 - 7lers
o Chapter 22 - 8idne%s and Bladder
o Chapter 23 - 9ia.etes and 5%pogl%emia
o Chapter 2! - Chemial -tresses - Poisons6 To:ins
o Chapter 2$ - Ph%sial -tresses
o Chapter 2& - Pollution and -mo2er3s -ur#%
o Chapter 2) - ;ounds6 Bone Fratures6 and -ho2
o Chapter 2* - Pregnan%
o Chapter 3/ - The Future
o 1eferenes

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