7th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

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Grade Social Studies Syllabus
Mr. Taylor

Welcome to Mr. Taylors 7
Grade Social Studies Class!

Our year is filled with opportunities to expand your view of the world! I am looking
forward to seeing the great work that you can do!

Course Description
This course will focus on the culture and geography of African and Asian Nations. We
will explore the lives of citizens of these parts of the world with opportunities to reflect
on how natural environment and cultural norms in different parts of the world effect how
people interact with each other. Along the way we will consider how our personal, local,
and national environment and cultural norms might compare to the people of Africa and

Our BIG Goal!
Our BIG GOAL in Social Studies is for 100% of 7
Grade scholars to meet or exceed the
Georgia Social Studies Milestone. This means that we ALL will aim for 80% or higher
on weekly assessments.

We will recognize scholars who meet/exceed this expectation
at the end of each unit!
For this class you will need to bring your science notebook, pens, and/or pencils to class
everyday. Color Pencils would be helpful, but are not required.

What I expect from you
In this class, you are learning to be successful in the real world. Therefore, I expect the
highest quality in your work and your behavior. I am committed to helping you add to
your tool box for future success. You should be constantly giving your best effort and
be pushing yourself to reach your highest potential.

What you should expect from me
Planning engaging lessons and make Social Studies fun whenever possible
To give you appropriate time to voice your concerns or thoughts
Class Expectations
The class expectations are designed to help us reach our goals. The first step to success
in my classroom is to meet these expectations:
1. Follow Directions the First Time
2. Follow Student Time/Teacher Time
3. Be Respectful! (To Mr. Taylor, others, and classroom)
4. Raise your hand before speaking
5. Be Prepared

We have consequences to ensure that the classroom functions as a successful learning

Positive Consequences
1. Positive Note/Call Home
2. Talking Time
3. Background Music
4. Free Seating
5. Individual Rewards

Negative Consequences
1. Warning
2. 2
Warning with a Deduction
3. Reflection & Conference/Parent Contact
4. Removal/Administrative Action.

*Mr. Taylor reserves the right to modify consequences as needed.

We will use the standard grading scale
(90-100% = A, 80% - 90% = B, 70%-80% = C, <70% = Fail).
Your grade in this class will be based on these assignments:
Homework 15%
Classwork 15%
Quizzes 40%
Unit Assessments/Projects/Essays 30%

All quizzes/tests will take place on Fridays
Weekly Quiz EVERY Friday to track progress
Notebook Checks once a month

Late Work
Late work will be accepted as follows:
1-Day late = -10 points
2-Day late = - 20 points
3-Day late = - 30 points *No work will be accepted after it is 3 days late*

In Social Studies, when the regular school year begins homework will follow the
following schedule:

Mondays- Review of the previously covered material plus current topics
Tuesdays- Review plus current topics
Wednesdays- Review plus current topics
Thursdays- Study Guide/Weekly Review
Fridays- Introduction to the topics for the following week

All homework will be checked and graded on a daily basis.
If your homework is not on your desk at the beginning of class it is LATE and counts
as NO HW for the day. No excuses!

Contact Information
I look forward to communicating with you soon! Email/Text is my preferred method of
communication Please dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!


Andre Taylor
Cell: (803) 414-6269
Name____________________ Date__7/18/2014_____
Homeroom________________ Motto________________

Once you and your parent/guardian have read your Social Studies syllabus,
review the statements below and sign as an indication that you understand
what is expected of you.

I have read the 7
Grade Social Studies syllabus for 2014-2015 and I understand
that I am must STRIVE to meet or exceed all expectations of this guideline.

Student Signature

I have read the 7
Grade Social Studies syllabus for 2014-2015 and I understand
that my scholar must STRIVE to meet or exceed the expectations of this

Parent/Guardian Signature

Parents/Guardians should complete this section
Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Name:_______________________________________Phone #:_______________________



Name:_______________________________________Phone #:_______________________



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