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Lesson Objectives (F2F) Lesson Objectives (Online) Activities (Online/ F2F)

After classroom facilitation on the

communication process and without the
aid of references, the student must be
able to:
Course Participants will:

1) Define Effective Communication. Social media has become the main
source of communicative process.

Utilizing the internet, research and
contrast 3 -5 social media styles of
communication. Which styles are
more effective in successfully
conveying messages? (Evaluate
and Analyze)

Online research (OC)

Compile your findings and respond
to the following discussion topic

Which style of communication
would be the most effective in an
online environment vs. a work

Post in the discussion forum
labeled: "Public Speaking."

Respond to at least three
classmates. (Synthesize)

Online research (OC)

Discussion (F2F/OC)
2) Identify elements of the
Communication Process.
There are many different styles of
communication: visual, voice, and
body language. What are some of
the common elements that tie these
forms together?

Research several articles online
related to the communication
process. Provide a brief review of
the elements that make up the
communication process.

Post in the discussion form labeled
Communication Breakdown."

Respond to at least three of your
classmates posts. (Evaluate &

Research (OC)

Discussion (F2F/OC)

What is the most critical element in
the communication process? Why?
Post in the discussion forum labeled
"Tricky Talk."

Respond to at least 3 other
classmates. (Synthesize)
Discussion (F2F/OC)
3) Describe Effective and Active
Review the You Tube Video (Abbott
and Costello, Whos on First?)

[link provided]. Which character
displayed either style or both? Who
was the better listener?

Post your responses to theses
questions in the discussion forum
labeled Can You Hear Me Now!

Respond to two of your classmates'

Discussion (F2F/OC)

Research 4 articles related to the
listening portion of the
communication process. What are
the elements related to effective
and active listening?

Share your findings on the
discussion board under the title
One Mouth Two Ears.

Comment on two of your
classmates posts. (Analyze)
Research (OC)

Discussion (F2F/OC)

Create a Tip Sheet for your school,
home, or work identifying best
practices in regards to Effective and
Active Listening.

Utilize this Tip Sheet to create an
Ice Breaker Activity for your online
class. (Synthesize)

Tip Sheet Activity (F2F/OC)

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