Pension Application of Transcribed By: Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements

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Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements

Pension application of NATHANIEL MILTON sic! MELTON"# S$%&' fn$(NC

Transcri)e* )+ Ro)in Marshall
State of Tennessee,
Morgan Count+, Circuit Court
On this '* *a+ of Septem)er personall+ appeare* )efore the Circuit Court of the count+ an* state
aforesai* NATHANIEL MILTON age sevent+ three +ears %
April ne-t! a resi*ent of the count+
of Morgan . state of Tennessee! /ho )eing first *ul+ s/orn accor*ing to la/! *oth! on his oath!
ma0e the follo/ing *eclaration! in or*er to o)tain the )enefit of the act of Congress passe* 1une
$2'34 That he entere* the service of the 5nite* States un*er the follo/ing name* officers an*
serve* as herein state*! serve* as volunteer un*er! 6ENERAL 6REEN! Col Litteral sic! 1ohn
Luttrell" Christian name not recollecte*! CAPT NASH . LIE5TENANT RO7ERT
PATTERSON! that he remaine* in their service a)out t/ent+ months entere* the service in
Octo)er $%%( left the service in $%2$ that he /as in one engagement in Ran*olph Count+ North
Carolina on the /aters of *eep river the aforesai* officers comman*ing resi*e* in Cum)erlan*
Count+ North Carolina /hen he entere* the service! that he /as a volunteer! marche* from
Chatham Count+ into Cum)erlan* Ct+ thence on to Chera/ hill then to 6eorge To/n then to
*ro/ning cree0 at Mc8all9s )ri*ge /hen the+ ha* a slight engagement! thence up to cross )ac0 to
cross cree0! Cum)erlan* Count+ then sent on *ifferent scouting Lastl+ that COL THOMAS
ARMSTRON6 also comman*e* that he has no *ocumentar+ evi*ence no/ in his possession an*
that he 0no/s of no person /hose testimon+ he can procure /ho can testif+ to his service! He
here)+ relin:uishes ever+ claim /hatever to a pension e-cept the present an* *eclares that his
name is not on the pension roll of the agenc+ of an+ state4 S/orn to an* su)scri)e* the *a+ an*
+ear aforesai*4 S/orn to in open court4
<e 1eptha =uncan! formerl+ a clerg+ acting >ustice for sai* count+ an* AN=RE< Prichit resi*ing in
the sai* count+ of Morgan . state aforesai* here)+ certif+ that /e are much ac:uainte* /ith
NATHANIEL MILTON /ho has su)scri)e* an* s/orn to the a)ove *eclaration that /e )elieve
him to )e a)out sevent+ three +ears of age! that he is respecte* an* )elieve* in the neigh)orhoo*
/here he resi*es to have )een a sol*ier of the revolution an* /e concur in that opinion4 S/orn to
an* su)scri)e* the *a+ an* +ear aforesai*4 S/orn to in open court4 ' Sep $2'3
S? An*re/ Prichit! ; his mar0
S? 1epthah =uncan
An* the sai* court *o here)+ *eclare there sic" opinion after the investigation of the matter an* after
propoun*ing the interrogatories prescri)e* )+ the /ar *epartment that the a)ove name* applicant /as a
revolutionar+ sol*ier4 An* the court further certifies that it appears to them that 1eptha =uncan /ho has
signe* the prece*ing certificate /as formerl+ an* sic" acting >ustice of the peace for the count+
aforesai* an* An*re/ Prichit /ho has signe* the same is a resi*ent in the count+ aforesai* an* is a
cre*i)le person an* that there sic" statement is entitle* to cre*it4
I 1ames M4 Lea Cler0 of the Circuit Court of the Count+ of Morgan *o here)+ certif+ that the foregoing
@@@@@@@@@@@@ the original procee*ings of the @@@@@@@@ Court in the matter of the application of
Nathaniel Milton for a @@@@@@@@@4 In testimon+ /hereof I have set m+ han* an* AprivateB seal of the
office @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ an* of office this C
*a+ of Septem)er $2'34
1ames M4 Lea Cler0
=irect the certificate to the applicant to Dingston Roan sic! Roane" Count+ Tenn4
I certif+ that 1ames M4 Lea /as cler0 at the time of signing the a)ove of Morgan Circuit Court an*
thereEs no *ou)t of his signature )eing genuine an* there /as no seal of office for sai* court4
33* April $2'' 1ames Stan*ifer
State of Tennessee , Septem)er term of
Morgan Count+ , the Circuit Court for $2''
Personall+ appeare* in open court Nathaniel Milton . after )eing *ul+ s/orn accor*ing to la/! ma0es
the follo/ing amen*ments to his original *eclaration in or*er to o)tain the )enefit of the act last last
passe* for the )enefit of the ol* revolutionar+ sol*iers! that he entere* the service of the 5nite* States in
the Sate of North Carolina Chatham Count+ un*er the follo/ing officers to /ith Captain Nash .
Lieutenant Ro)ert Patterson regiments comman*e* )+ 6eneral 6reen applicant volunteere* as a private
for the term of three months at Chatham Court House! /here he /as statione* at the )arrac0s that /as
then 0ept up at sai* Court House! applicant /as several times sent out on scouting an* ha* an
engagement on cane cree0 a)out 3F miles from the )arrac0s! applicant /as continue* three months in
the services of this to/n! after the e-piration of the tour applicant entere* again as a volunteer private
un*er Captain Charles 6olston for the term of t/elve months in the same count+ Col Literal sic!
Luttrell" comman*e*! applicant performe* this last service as amounte* horseman! applicant /as again
statione* at Chatham Court House! applicant /as marche* ten or t/elve miles a)ove the court house as
mounte* horseman! against the )ritish . Tories ha* a )attle in /hich seventeen of the enem+ /as ta0en
. one 0ille*! applicant /as then sent /ith the prisoners to Hills)orough! /hen he *elivere* of the
prisoners to 6overnor 7ur0e! applicant remaine* at Hills)orough a fe/ *a+s /hilst applicant /as at
Hills)orough the enem+ attac0e* the to/n . succee*e* in ta0ing the to/n applicant . t/o others ma*e
their escape the )alance of the arm+ . the citiGens of the to/n inclu*ing the 6overnor /ere all ta0en
prisoner! applicant returne* to Chatham Court House applicant then /ent /ith Col Luttrell to the main
arm+ ten or t/elve miles from Chatham Court House on cane cree0 that /as then comman*e* )+
6eneral 7utler! applicant /as in one engagement shortl+ after he got to the main arm+ a)out %& of the
Americans /ere 0ille* Col Luttrell one of the num)ers! the arm+ returne* /ith the prisoners! applicant
/as or*ere* )+ Col Ma+)urn sic! Ro)ert Me)ane" . 6eneral 7utler to assist in ta0ing care of the
/oun*e* /as occupie* in this care for t/o /ee0s! applicant serve* seven months in the tour! applicant
then volunteere* for no certain perio* un*er Capt 1ohn Cose H" /as statione* some time at Chatham
Court House! then /as marche* )+ 6eneral 6reen to cross cree0! /here he remaine* /hich /as then
marche* to Chera/ Hills! from there to a little to/n on Pe*ee calle* 6eorge To/n! thence )ac0 to cross
cree0! thence to sauls)err+ sic! Salis)ur+" /here applicant /as statione* a)out 3F *a+s /as then sent to
cross cree0 un*er Captain Cose to guar* the to/n! /here applicant /as statione* the )alance of this
service *uring the time applicant /as sent out on several scouting parties at one time /as sent to
Ran*olph Count+ /hen he /as in an engagement in /hich si- of the Americans /ere 0ille* an* three
/oun*e* the ne-t *a+ applicant /as ta0en prisoner )ut after/ar*s ma*e his escape applicant /as ten
months in the service in the last to/n that applicant serve* in all of the tours /ith an em)o*ie* corps
calle* into service )+ competent authorit+! that he /as all the time either in the fiel* or statione* at the
7arrac0s aforesai* an* for the time *uring /hich the service /as performe*! he /as not engage* in an+
civil pursuits! an* for his services claiming a pension4
S/orn . su)scri)e* to in open court Sept4 3
Ro)ert A =a)ne+! Cler0
An* the sai* court *o here)+ *eclare their opinion that the a)ove name* applicant /as a revolutionar+
sol*ier an* serve* as he states4
E*/4 Scott! one of the 1u*ges of the Circuit Court of Pleas . E:uit+ for the State of Tennessee4
I Ro)ert A =a)ne+ cler0 of the Circuit Court of Morgan Count+ *o here)+ certif+ that the forgoing
contains the original procee*ings of the sai* court in the matter of the application of Nathaniel Milton
for a pension! in testimon+ /hereof I have here unto set m+ han* an* seal of office this 3* *a+ of
Septem)er $2''
Ro)ert A =a)ne+! Cler0
State of Tennessee , Count+ Court April
Morgan Count+ , term $2''
This I
*a+ of April $2'' personall+ appeare* in open court Nathaniel Milton )efore 1ohn M4 =avis!
=aniel Laven*er! . 1ohn <illiams /ho constitute the :uorum court . it )eing a court of recor* it
having a cler0 . seal! an* after )eing first *ul+ s/orn Ama0es the follo/ing amen*ments to his
*eclarationB *eposeth an* saith that )+ reason of ol* age! an* the conse:uent loss of memor+! he cannot
s/ear positivel+ as to the precise length of his service )ut accor*ing to the )est of his recollection he
serve* not less than the perio*s mentione* )elo/ . in the follo/ing gra*esJ 8or one +ear an* si-
months K applicant serve* as private volunteer militiaman one +ear of sai* time serve* as a Sergeant si-
months as a mounte* horseman in the militia applicant further states that there is no clerg+man resi*ing
in his neigh)orhoo* therefore cannot procure one to certif+ for him applicant /as )orn . raise* in
Chatham Count+ North Carolina in the +ear $%I& an* %
of April as he /as informe* )+ his 8ather
applicant has no recor* of his age! applicant never receive* a /ritten *ischarge from the services!
applicant receive* a commission as sergeant from Col Thomas Armstrong signe* )+ him! /hich he left
at his 8athers in North Carolina! /hich has )een lost up/ar*s of t/ent+ +ears! applicant states the
names of the follo/ing persons citiGens . neigh)ors /ho /oul* testif+ as to his veracit+ an* to his
services as a sol*ier of the revolution! to /it! 1ohn <illiams! acting >ustice of the peace K Mathias
<illiams! An*erson Prichit! . Michael Lingenfelter! an* for such services applicant claims a pension4
Su)scri)e* . s/orn to in open court this $I
*a+ of April $2''4
Eli>ah Laven*er! Cler0 )+ his *eput+ Thomas S Lea
I 1ohn La/son
resi*ing in the Count+ of Morgan here)+ certif+ that I /as /ell ac:uainte* /ith
Nathaniel Melton /ho has su)scri)e* an* s/orn to the a)ove *eclaration! /hen he /as in the services
of the 5nite* States un*er Capt Mar0 H" in North Carolina )ut *oes not 0no/ /hen he left the services
nor the regiment or line to /hich he )elonge* that sai* applicant is a)out %' +ears of age that he is
$ 8PA RI$((
repute* an* )elieve* in the neigh)orhoo* /here he resi*es to have )een a sol*ier of the revolution an*
that I concur in that opinion su)scri)e* . s/orn to in open court of his4
1OHN LA<SON! ; his mar0
April $I
$2'' Thomas S Lea! Cler0
I 1ames 7uc0hannon Post Master citiGen of the Count+ of Roan resi*ing some 2 or $& miles from
applicant! here)+ certif+ that I /as /ell ac:uainte* /ith Nathaniel Melton /ho has su)scri)e* . s/orn
to the a)ove original an* amen*e* *eclaration! that I )elieve him to )e a)out %' +ears of age that he is
repute* an* )elieve* in the neigh)orhoo* /here he resi*es to have )een a sol*ier of the revolution an*
that I concur in that opinion4
1ames 7uc0hannon! PM
S/orn an* su)scri)e* on the *a+ an* +ear aforesai*4
Thomas S4 Lea! Cler0
An* the sai* court *o here)+ *eclare their opinion! after the investigation of the matter an* after putting
the interrogatories prescri)e* )+ the /ar *epartment! that the a)ove name* applicant /as a
revolutionar+ sol*ier an* serve* as he statesJ an* the court further certifies that it appears to them that
1ohn La/son is a resi*ent of the Count+ of Morgan an* that 1ames 7uc0hannon is a citiGen of Roane
Count+ that the+ are cre*i)le persons an* that their statement is entitle* to cre*it4
1ohn M4 =avis
1ohn <illiams
= L Laven*er
I Eli>ah Laven*er cler0 of the Count+ Court of Morgan *o here)+ certif+ that the forgoing contains the
original procee*ings of the sai* court! in the matter of the application of Nathaniel Melton for a pension!
in testimon+ /hereof! I have hereunto set m+ han* an* seal of office this $Ith *a+ of April $2''4
Eli>ah Laven*er Cler0
7+ his *eput+
Thomas S4 Lea

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