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100 Drivers of change for finance and business

The world and the economy are currently exposed to constant shifts, and this is expected
to continue where change will be all-encompassing and affect all corners of the global
economy, businesses and the finance & accountancy profession !y having an
understanding of the emerging macro drivers it helps us to better prepare and places us in
a stronger position to change, ad"ust and evolve #hair$ %ohit Talwar, chief executive
officer, &ast &uture %esearch Arif 'amal, group finance director, () *earn Alan 'napp,
training partner, audit compliance partner and +)%,, )ittle"ohn )) -ellow, chief
executive officer, *al/in #apital 'evin )ong, business development director,
Teradata#aroline 0ilce, finance director, 1anguine *ospitality
-resentation date$ Thu, 1231034015 1$00 -+
6ow ,nDemand
#&,7s are expected to wor/ within boundaries . expect people to wor/ as a team Accou
Technology improving the wor/ we do more efficiently and effectively
8xplain how you get to saying the accounts are fine
&inance function as/ed to step up their game
Do not report on numbers but on customer and staff satisfaction, carbon footprint
#reating a level playing field to compete with blue chip companies
%emember fundamentals of good business
Technology 9 interaction wi
&undamentals of successful business$ +ar/eting, advertisement
Two speeds 9 0here does crime sit within these drivers:


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