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Communications Major Interns

Wealth Watchers is a nonprofit organization located in the Jacksonville area targeting audiences who need
financial coaching and help with transitioning into homes. Wealth Watchers mission is to build viable
communities by expanding the knowledge of low-to-moderate income individuals for the purpose of
understanding the importance of basic financing skills and establishing wealth. Wealth Watchers services
include providing education, neighborhood stabilization, community revitalization strategies and small
business services.
Under the supervision of the program coordinator, the intern will participate in the program of ealth
atchers. !pecific tasks include"
#onitor with social media.
rite and edit press releases or other reports.
$onduct %ualitative interviews and focus groups with clients to help the clientele grow.
&rainstorm strategies to advertise the financial classes and other services.
'his internship must be for class credit. $ommunication, public relations, (ournalism or advertising
ma(ors are preferred.
)xcellent oral and written communication skills
*bility to communicate with diverse populations
+rofessional demeanor
)xperience using #icrosoft ord, )xcel, +ower+oint
ell organized
*ttention to detail
*bility to work independently
,nowledge of *+ !tyle
*bility to meet deadlines

SC"EDULE: #inimum commitment" -./ hours during a -0-week period, beginning
!pring 0/-1. 2lexible schedule of -/--1 hours per week, some tasks may be able to be performed outside
of the office.
CONTACT: )mail resume to )

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