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Sample Paper 2011
Class XI
Subject - Chemistry
Time : 1:30 hr MM : 60
I. Answer the following Questions: ( 1mark each)
a) Calculate the molecular mass of methane (CH) and glucose (C HO ) molecule
!) Calculate the molarit" of a solution of ethanol in #ater in #hich the mole fraction of
ethanol is 00$0(assume the densit" of #ater to !e one)
c) The mass of an electron is %1&10'()g*f its +inetic energ" is 30&10',Calculate its
d) .rite the general electronic configuration of d/!loc+ and f/!loc+ elements
e) .rite the atomic num!er of element 0resent in the third 0eriod and se-enteenth
grou0 of 0eriodic ta!le
f) Considering the elements 12Cl2O232 the correct order of their chemical reacti-it" in
terms of o4idi5ing 0ro0ert" is:
16Cl6O63 16O6Cl63 Cl616O3 O61636Cl
g) .hich out of 3H( and 31( has higher di0ole moment and #h"7
h) .hat are intermolecular forces7
i) .rite le#is structure of CH and 3
8) .hat are isoelectronic s0ecies7 9i-e e4am0le
II. Answer the following questions: ( 2 marks each)
a) .hat is the total num!er of sigma and 0i !onds in these molecules: CH and CH
!) :40lain #ith the hel0 of e4am0le 0olar co-alent !ond
c) .ould "ou e40ect the first ioni5ation enthal0ies for t#o isoto0es of the same element
to !e same or different7,ustif" "our ans#er
d) *f ten -olumes of dih"drogen gas reacts #ith fi-e -olumes of dio4"gen gas2 ho# man"
-olumes of #ater -a0our #ould !e 0roduced
e) ; 0hoton of #a-elength $&10'< stri+es on metal surface 2 the #or+ function of the
metal !eing =13 e> Calculate i)the energ" of the 0hoton (e>)2 ii) the +inetic energ"
of the emission2 iii)the -elocit" of the 0hotoelectron (1e> ? 160=0&10'1%,)
III. Answer the following questions: ( any five marks each)
a) .hen electromagnetic radiation of #a-elength 300 nm falls on the surface of
sodium2electrons are emitted #ith a +inetic energ" of 16@&10 A , mol'.hat is the
minimum energ" needed to remo-e ma4imum #a-elength that #ill cause a
0hotoelectron to !e emitted7
!) .hat is !asic difference !et#een the terms electron gain enthal0"2electronegati-it"
and *oni5ation enthal0"79i-e e4am0le of each
c) a)Ho# man" su!/shells are associated #ith n?$7
!)Ho# man" electrons #ill !e 0resent in the su!/shells ha-ing ms -alue of /B for
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d) Ho# #ould "ou e40lain the fact that the first ioni5ation enthal0" of sodium is lo#er
than that of magnesium !ut its second ioni5ation enthal0" is higher than that of
e) ; -essel of 1=0 ml ca0acit" contains amount of a gas at 3AEC and 1= !ar 0ressure
The gas is transferred to another -essel of -olume 1@0ml at 3AEC .hat #ould !e its
f) Fescri!e the !onding in O molecule and sho# the increasing order of energies of
-arious molecular or!itals for O
I". Answer the following questions: ( any five # marks each)
a) Fefine H"!ridisation #ith its t"0es gi-ing e4am0les of each
!) i)Gtate ideal gas eHuation
ii) ;t =AEC and <60mm oh Hg 0ressure a gas occu0ies 600 ml -olume.hat #ill !e
its 0ressure at a height #here tem0erature is 10EC and -olume of gas is 6$0ml
c) Fescri!e the electronic configuration and sho# the filling of or!itals of the follo#ing
elements: Cr 2 3i2 Cu2 Gi2 Ge
d) i)Calcium car!onate reacts #ith aHueous HCl to gi-e CaCl and CO according to the
reaction2 CaCO((G)I= HCl (aH) //// CaCl! (aH) I CO (g) I HO(l) .hat mass of
CaCO( is reHuired to react com0letel" #it =Aml of 0<AM HCl7
ii).hat #ill !e the 0ressure of the gaseous mi4ture #hen 0A l of H at 0@ !ar and = l
of dio4"gen at 0< !ar are introduced in a 1l -essel at =<EC7
e) i).rite the Je#is structure of CH 2 3 2 H3O 2 (CO( )' 2 CH(COOH
ii)Fefine resonance #ith the hel0 of e4am0le
f) i)Gtate:
Heisen!erg Kncertainit" Crinci0le
CaulisLs :4clusion Crinci0le
HundLs rule of ma4imum Multi0licit"
ii) ; golf !all has a mass og $0 g2 and a s0eed of
$AmMsec *f the s0eed can !e measured #ithin accurac" of = N2 Calculate the
uncertainit" in the 0osition
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