Cross-Country Parent Letter

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Ny name is Ns. Laison-Long anu I have the piivilege of coaching youi son oi uaughtei foi cioss-countiy this yeai.
Above all else, it is my goal to pioviue all athletes with an extiacuiiiculai oppoitunity that is both challenging anu

As youi stuuent's cioss-countiy coach, it is also my goal to keep each iunnei safe, injuiy fiee, anu impioving
thioughout the season. Because eveiy iunnei is unique, I will stiive to unueistanu theii stiengths anu weaknesses
both physically anu mentally. Auuitionally, as the iunneis impiove anu show they aie capable of hanuling moie
mileage, we will inciease the intensity.

Please unueistanu that this season will be uemanuing. In auuition to attenuing anu actively paiticipating in S
piactices a week (plus iaces), youi stuuent is iequiieu to maintain theii uPA. !"# %&'()"& *+&, - ./ 0./) 12+3% *+33
".& 4) 233.*)( &. 52/&+6+52&) '"&+3 &,) 7/2() +% 6,2"7)(8 I want you to know that I have high expectations of all oui
athletes because I have the utmost faith in theii capabilities as stuuent-athletes.


In oiuei to be fully piepaieu foi a successful season, I am asking foi youi help with the following action items:

To ensuie youi stuuent's well-being, I neeu youi chilu to have the necessaiy RGI-67(4 +S(J6,(T6., (,P
U.*J completeu by the above uue uate. I unueistanu that this item has a tenuency to be the most time
consuming foi a paient; howevei, it is also one of the most ciucial. If youi iunnei neglects to tuin in this
foim 0N TINE, they will not be alloweu to paiticipate in cioss-countiy.

! #99O"9O3#E1 #EE3O1% Black shoits foi iaces. T-shiit, athletic shoits, anu appiopiiate iunning shoes foi
Shoes in paiticulai aie incieuibly impoitant foi a iunnei's success. Attempting to iun, especially long-
uistance, with inappiopiiate shoes can cause costly anu potentially iiieveisible uamage to not only a
iunnei's feet, but othei paits of theii bouies as well (ex: hips, shins, etc). PLEASE INvEST IN u00B
F00TWEAR. I am attaching an aiticle that you may finu useful, but 9: ;<= >!?@ !A; B<AB@CAD !E<=F
!::<CG9E9H9F; <C !IIC<IC9!F@A@DDJ IH@!D@ B<AF!BF K@8

! B#E1O C"EE'1: Requiieu at eveiy piactice.
Byuiation is ciucial. It is going to be B0T in the afteinoons. A watei bottle will be iequiieu at eveiy
piactice foi SAFETY ieasons. Youi stuuent N0ST have watei easily accessible at ALL TINES.

! 9#O1:E LO3V1ODW
Because of oui smallei team numbeis, ESAT is usually unable to ieseive bus oi van tianspoitation foi oui
stuuents to iaces. Because of this, 3 (J (-X6,0 (,I F6446,0 R(*+,T/P*6Y+* T. R4+(-+ U644 .)T TG+6*
(Y(64(H646TI ., TG+ (TT(7G+P R+*J6--6., U.*J. Youi paiticipation is gieatly appieciateu!

L#M E321
N0N Afteinoon - S:4S PN
WEBS Noining - 6:Su AN
TB0RS Afteinoon - S:4S PN
SAT (SRLA only) Noining - 9:uu AN

91:#'EM N"O #CD1:!1D%
9O1/D1#D": If you have S oi moie unexcuseu absences* you will not paiticipate in
oui fiist iace.
D1#D": If you have an unexcuseu piactice uuiing the week, you will not
paiticipate in the iace that week.


If a stuuent neeus to miss piactice, notification must be given to Ns. Laison-Long (not anothei iunnei) >= G.)*-
C1N"O1 TG+ P(I .U (H-+,7+8 The excuse must be given in F*6TT+, U.*J (uoctoi's note, paient note) anu -60,+P
HI R(*+,TZ0)(*P6(,.

#!!19E#C'1 1[!KD1D%
Illness, uoctoi's appointment, family emeigency, funeial, weuuing, ieligious holiuayscelebiations.
I!C@AFL anything else will be consiueieu unexcuseu)

2#:L#E"OM EKE"O3:\%
2(,P(T.*I T)T.*6,0 6- ,.T 7.,-6P+*+P (, +S7)-+P (H-+,7+8 If youi stuuent is assigneu tutoiing uuiing the
school yeai, Ns. Laison-Long must be notifieu anu the stuuent will be iequiieu to complete a make-up piactice
(time to be ueteimineu between stuuent anu coach).

To Be Beteimineu. CIF has not yet cieateuposteu a iace scheuule, but last yeai they weie helu on Thuisuays. 3
F644 H+ -+,P6,0 G.J+ ( -7G+P)4+ (- -.., (- 6T G(- H++, *+4+(-+P8


We have been given the unique oppoitunity to paiticipate in Stuuents Run LA - a non-piofit oiganization that
pioviues young iunneis with the means to complete seven iaces thioughout the school yeai. incluuing the LA
Naiathon! Along with the wonueiful satisfaction of completing this piogiam, each stuuent is also pioviueu a
tiaining shiit at the beginning of the season. 0nce the stuuents have completeu some of the eaily manuatoiy
community iaces anu tuineu in a valiu physical, they aie pioviueu a paii of iunning shoes. If the stuuent stays in
the piogiam, completes all the manuatoiy iequiiements heshe will then be eligible to iun the ASICS LA Naiathon
anu will be pioviueu a maiathon uay unifoim.

0nfoitunately, ESAT has a only a veiy limiteu numbei of spots. Inteiesteu stuuents N0ST be ueuicateu to
completing the entiie piogiam. 3U I.) !"# 6,T+*+-T+P] R4+(-+ -++ 2-8 '(*-.,/'.,0 U.* J.*+ P+T(64-8 DR.T- F644
H+ U644+P ., U6*-T/7.J+] U6*-T/-+*Y+ H(-6- (,P J(I H+ -)H^+7T T. ( F(6T6,0 46-T8 3, .TG+* F.*P-_ \1E 21 M"KO
9$MD3!#' N"O2DW

Foi moie infoimation, please visit www.SRLA.oig

I, __________________________________________________________, ueclaie that I am a uiizzly who is committeu to the spoit of
cioss-countiy as a membei of the 2u14 team. I have ieau paient lettei guiuelines. I will uo my pait to be a positive
influence on the membeis of this team anu to put in effoit to impiove my skills anu to connect with my teammates
eveiy piactice session anu iace.

3 (7X,.F4+P0+ (,P ),P+*-T(,P +(7G .U TG+ U.44.F6,0_
|9'1#D1 3:3E3#' ": 1#!$ '3:1`
_______ I must tuin in my physical foim by _______________________
_______ I must be appiopiiately attiieu foi each piactice - t-shiit, athletic shoits, anu appiopiiate shoes.
_______ I must biing a watei bottle to each piactice.
_______ I must be piesent at all piactices.
_______ I must give Ns. Laison-Long 24 houi notice foi any excuseu absences.
_______ I must make-up any misseu piactices as a iesult of manuatoiy tutoiing.
_______ I must maintain my uPA. If I have 2 oi moie fails, I will not be alloweu to paiticipate until the giaue changes.

Signatuie ________________________________________________________________________ Bate ____________________

Phone Numbei: __________________________________________________________

E-mail Auuiess: __________________________________________________________


I, __________________________________________________________, have ieau all the attacheu infoimation iegaiuing the 2u14
ESAT Cioss-Countiy season anu consent to my stuuent's paiticipation.

N(J64I !.,T(7T 3,U.*J(T6.,
Stuuent Name: Paient uuaiuian:

Phone Numbei: Alteinative Phone Numbei:

Woulu you like to help with tianspoitation to

E-mail Auuiess:
If you aie able to help, when aie you available.

Signatuie ________________________________________________________________________ Bate ____________________

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